2011 VA State Shoot - Jim & Addison Callan

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2011 VA State Shoot - Jim & Addison Callan

Post by jcallan »

As some of you know the Virginia State Trap Shoot is one of our favorite shoots during the year. We always try to make the shoot.
This year the logistics were a bit wonkie in that immediately after the shoot Addison and I had to hop a plane to Orlando to meet up
with the rest of the family for the Universal/Disney family vacation. Having been sufficiently pounded, tanned, drenched
(both the shoot and Orlando got plenty of rain), stuffed, tilted, queued (lots of that going on at amusement parks),
roller coastered and Butter Beered (latest craze at the Harry Potter area), I can report on the VA State Shoot.

In a word, Charlie Brown had an excellent shoot. What he did not win for Sr. Vet he won over all and did a fine job at representing NC.
Larry High and Cassie were on the line with him and during one event we did not know if the lightning would ever let them finish.

Below is a shot of Larry High and Cassie making their way to the line.

Here is a shot of the typical Charlie Brown squad on the line.

Addison had a great shoot as well. The shoot had spotty youth attendance with Sub Juniors showing up to shoot only
one event of a three event day on most days. The Junior shooters were pretty steady and shot all the events.
Usually, Addison knows the shooters and this year he only knew Garrett Moore from PA 9All American Junior shooter).
Addison enjoyed the shoot, but did not have the familiar youth to hang with that he normally does in VA.

Here is a shot of one of the Sub Junior shooters that did squad.

Most days at the shoot were sunny and hot, with the afternoon bringing in that familiar Winchester wind.

Below are two typical down the line shots while at the shoot.

We did run into some familiar faces.

There was Dave, who always keeps the targets throwing well at the shoot.

And, of course Jeff Hafkemeyer (VA Delegate) taking the shot below and the rest of his squad.

Ad most remember a Dale Woolum, who sometimes makes it down to Buckhorn and Gastonia for shoots.
Dale was last seen at the SC State Shoot. He was awarded most registered targets for 2010 by the VTA during the VTA meeting.
Dale as also a hopeful for the Best Rookie last year at the Grand.

Dale is often found shooting with his friend, Clay Floyd (VA Hall of Famer and All American).

Here is the rest of the CLay Floyd squad...

One of the new features, and most memorable, of the VA State Shoot was the Jordan Springs BBQ.

They set up a smoker on site and had pulled pork, chicken, beef brisket and ribs.

Wow, those ribs were tasty and I hope they make it back next year.

Parking was about usual for the VA State shoot...

I guess I should probably post the trophy report...

Here is the report up to the last day.


I will post some detail scores from the first few events for those seeking to see how their buddies in VA fared.

The winner of the 2011 VA State Shoot Handicap was in fact decided by a three way coin flip, which Addison and I witnessed.
Rain was pretty bad for the shoot-offs on Sunday and Monday evenings, as Charlie Brown can attest.

I tried to get some nasty clouds, but my camera has been acting up and putting a blue artifact on every shot,
which some of you may notice on the squad shots. The following shot of a pouring downspout will kinda convey
just how much rain late day shooters doing shoot-offs had to content with on Sunday and Monday.

Addison did come prepared to shoot in VA and can be seen pacing on the line here.

Between pacing, he did get in some down time.

Sometimes (and this was particularly cute) he did have to entertain some younger kids even when trying to listen to podcasts.
At times it looked like he was holding court (very funny).

Some of you have asked that I post a couple photos of some of the interesting trophies that are won at the shoots.
Here are some that I shot when the VA State folks took of Addison picking up a few of the trophies.

For those wondering...I am seeing a dental surgeon after the 2011 Southern Zone shoot and hope very much to become competitive again after some bone repairs.
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Great Stuff

Post by smokem »

Once again you have outdone yourself and it has been years since I have seen pictures of the VA Homegrounds at Winchester - Thanks!!!! :o
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