persnickity universal charge bar on Mec 650

Info about what you load that turns a target into dust?
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persnickity universal charge bar on Mec 650

Post by crickets »

I just got a used Universal Charge Bar for my mec 650. I have been able to dial it in to the powder weight I want and I can test my weight 10 - 20 times (going through the full cycle shot and powder). The minute I think its consistent and start loading a few shells my powder weight starts to creep up. .5 grains at 5 shells, 1 grain at 10, 2 grains at 20 shells. I'll stop and readjust the charge bar cycle it and weigh it 10+ times as before and start loading now the weight starts creeping downward. Not as much as going up but still. I have tried to find the equilibrium, but the swings in weight vary too much. I can live with a 1-2 grain fluctuation if it would consistently go down, but when its starts going up I get worried. Any words of advise.
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Charge Bar

Post by smokem »

Hey - i have never used a universal bar and that might be the reason why. I will ask Lane Murray to scratch his head and he might have an answer.

JC Nunn uses a bar like that and he has great luck. Are you using a powder baffle??

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