December 3rd Smoke Report

Weekly Trapshooting Info
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December 3rd Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Good morning from warm and foggy Jamestown North Carolina. Not a ton of stuff to report about with Spartanburg and Buckhorn cancelling their events. CCLEOA shot Friday and hopefully I will have that info next Sunday. Watauga has a BIG50 listed for December 3rd and I just found that out a few minutes ago.

A couple of prayer requests that include Dave Daily’s brother-in-law and Morgan Shaw’s family. Dave was scheduled to fly out West to work only to have to rush to Pittsburgh to visit June’s brother. Also, Morgan Shaw and family need your prayers regarding sickness in the family.

Several NC shooting events left in December that include Watauga BIG50’s on 3,17,31 - CCLEOA the 15th and Buckhorn (300 tgt program) the 31st. You never know somebody might slip another shoot in if the weather cooperates.

I spoke to Tom Shelley over the weekend, and he is plotting and planning another hunting adventure. He mentioned that Steve Watson is still amongst us and evidently playing golf quite a bit. Dan Johnson needs to look him up and hit a few.

Ok that is about it for this week. We had to crank this out a little early due to some travel plans. I hope everyone has a great week and it looks like some cooler weather midweek. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Phil, Mac, Thea and Anne and until next week………smokem
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