August 17th Smoke Report

Weekly Trapshooting Info
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August 17th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Good morning and I hope everyone fared well from that storm that came in Sunday afternoon. Buckhorn shot over the weekend, and we have information on that event. Preliminary week is over at the Grand and so far, 29 NC shooters have been classified.

Prelim week is over at the Grand and between rainy weather and heavy winds folks have still managed to break 100 straights in singles, handicap, and doubles. One fellow from Minnesota, Peter Walker has won two prelim caps events and RU in another. One of the Barthelow bothers has broken 400 straight doubles! I mean what I am saying is that you have got to have your A game ready. Brandon Cantrell broke a 200 straight in the NRA Singles event and not sure when that will be settled. I have seen Jim Hughes, Joel Schram and Brandon on the leader board but as of today no NC shooter has not secured a trophy. More NC shooters will crank it up Monday and I expect to see some folks dial it in before weeks end.

Buckhorn shot this weekend and had 20 shooters show up Saturday. Darvin Cornett won the singles with a 97, Glenn Alford won the handicap and a ½ yard punch with a 93 and Joe Nalley won the doubles with an 87 and the HOA with a 278. Sunday 16 shooters participated, and Doug Monnjeau broke a 100 for the singles, Glenn Alford won the caps with a 92 and no punch and Joe Nalley won the doubles with a 95 and the HOA with a 282x300. Also, congratulations to Donna Cornett on shooting at and breaking her 25,000th registered handicap targets.

John Sandell asked me to post a go fund me link regarding the Montpelier Gun Club in Vermont. The Mathis brothers traveled up to Vermont to shoot in their state shoot right before the flooding occurred. Luckily, they were able to remove the traps and they were not damaged. If you could help that would be great and all contributions will help! This is currently the only gun club in the state of Vermont that shoots registered targets.

No registered shoots this week in North Carolina as far as I can find. Durham has cancelled their monthly shoot the 19th due to a planned power outage in the area. CCLEOA shoots their BIG50 the 18th. There is a chance Rockingham will host a BIG50 the 19th but will need to be approved by the NCTA.

Tom Shelley is heading back from his fishing extravaganza in Alaska. He said they had about 1000 pounds of fish filets to ship back home. That sounds like a bunch of fish, and I hope to eat a bite or two of that deliciousness.

Ok that is about it for this week, and I am looking forward to cooler temps real soon. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobbie, Phil, Thea and Anne and until next week………..smokem
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