May 29th Smoke Report

Weekly Trapshooting Info
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May 29th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Memorial Day is here again and a time to give honor to those that made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our freedoms today. Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day and originated in the years following the Civil War. It became an official Federal holiday in 1971. For those of you that might be reading this and have lost loved ones in a war our prayers are with you on this day.

Is it still raining where you are? I sure am glad this weather happened now and praying for great weather for the NC State Shoot June 7-11. Two shoots over the weekend with Old Hickory and Watauga hosting 300 target programs.

Old Hickory promoted a shoot on Saturday and with the threat of rain they were unable to register the event. Marty has scheduled quite a few shoots that have attracted some crazy weather conditions. You got to give him an A for trying, that is for sure.

The Watauga Gun Club was just far enough West to get their events shot and they had a good turnout, and some good scores were posted. Will Price won the singles with a 98, doubles with a 95 and the HOA with a 284x300. Blue Ridge Claybreaker Cobe Townsend won the handicap with a 95. It was a cold windy day but dry and that is a plus.

Durham County will host a 300-target program this Saturday the 3rd of June. The weather is looking a little warm with 80 degrees and winds 10-15. This is a great opportunity to get some competition birds in before the state shoot. Scarlett does a great job and if I didn’t have to go to a baby shower I would be attending.

The NC State Shoot is almost here, and the pre-squad indicates that this might be a record year for attendance. South Carolina had 206 for their singles event and hopefully NC will draw a similar crowd. If this is your first time attending the NC Homegrounds you are in for a treat. 16 program traps and one practice trap in two levels. Easy to navigate and get to your field and no hills……..Should be fun for all and as I stated before I am praying for 5 days of lower than normal temps, low humidity and Carolina blue skies with light winds……..

Prayer list includes Dave Shaeffer and Darrell Parham. Got some info from Lynn Ward and Darrell is progressing but has had some scary times just trying to stay alive. He is a young man with young children and has much more in life to do. Great to hear that Darvin Cornett will be attending the state shoot and looking forward to his health returning to normal!

NC State Singles Champ Buddy Jensen is living is California and shooting at the PITA State Shoot through Monday. Buddy will be wearing a vest he made that honors the US and the military. When he was in North Carolina he had veterans sign it from NC and other states and will be getting California vets to sign it also. He does a video “Smoke Report” on Facebook that discusses his scores and other details about the shoots he attends.

That will do it for this week and if you are off work today, I hope you enjoy it. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Phil, Thea and Anne and until next week……………..smokem
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