May 15th Smoke Report

Weekly Trapshooting Info
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May 15th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

It is Tuesday morning and we apologize for the smoke report being delayed. Not sure exactly what was going on but I was unable to loginn. Justin took a look and all seems to be ok. I heard from a few of my Smoke Report faithful and thanks for checking on me....

Another great weekend in North Carolina and I hope you got out and enjoyed it. One shoot over the weekend and two BIG50 events in NC this week. Also, the South Carolina State Shoot cranks up Wednesday in Spartanburg.

Ft. Bragg had a great turnout Saturday, and it is great to see folks getting out to shoot. Mark Spoon led all singles shooters with a 99, Doug Monjeau got a ½ yard punch for his 92 and Joe Nalley won the doubles with a 91. Doug also won the HOA with 97-92-90 for a 279. Marty stated that he might need to revisit Doug’s classification at the NC State Shoot. Marty wants to thank everyone that made the magic happen.

Two BIG50’s this week with Buckhorn Wednesday and CCLEOA Friday. Buckhorn will start registration at 11 with shooting to begin at 12 or sooner if squads are ready. This is their second Wednesday BIG50 and come on out! CCLEAO cranked their Friday BIG50 events up last year and have managed to register every event they announced.

The South Carolina State Shoot cranks up Wednesday and the weather is really looking great all 5 days. Temps in the high 70’s and just a minimal chance of rain. I rode to Spartanburg Saturday and dropped by the Gastonia Gun Club. Folks were there shooting trap and skeet and I talked with the city employees that worked there. I got to Spartanburg and Tammie and the crew were putting the finishing touches on the grass and edging and blowing and other tasks. We put our tents up on the hill behind the practice traps so please come and visit.

I tried to contact SC shooter Gary Campbell and couldn’t get him on the phone. I called Wes Basham and asked him about Gary, and he said that his cancer was in remission, and he got a clean bill of health. That was certainly good news to hear and hopefully we will see him this week. Wes and his wife will be working the squad board so stop by and say hello.

A couple of folks to keep on your prayer list and that includes the following. Darrell Parham, Lynn Ward and Dave Shaeffer and hope they all get to doing better real soon. Also my Konne-Yaut Indian shooting friend in PA Russell Tibbi and his upcoming procedure in July..

Tommy Brown said I was a little bit long winded last week so I will keep this week short and sweet. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobbie, Phil, Thea and Anne and until next week…….smokem
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