March 13th Smoke Report

Weekly Trapshooting Info
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March 13th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

I hope everyone had a great weekend considering two days of interesting March North Carolina weather and a time change. One shoot at Ft. Bragg over the weekend and several events in the Tarheel state this week.

The Southern Grand cranked up Sunday and several NC shooters registered including Tiffany Decker, Kevin Biss and the Galloway’s. Tiffany broke a 99 in the singles with Jeff a 96 and Kevin a 92. About 5 100’s in the singles and at least 15 99’s. Attendance is up for both events on Sunday and that is a good sign of a good week at the Silver $.

Charlie Brown Gun Club will be hosting a BIG50 Saturday and Marty Hill scrubbed attending the SoGrand to help run the event. Sunday Watauga will host a BIG50 and Buckhorn a typical 300 bird event. The weather looks interesting for Saturday in Kittrell and a little cool on Sunday at Watauga. Hopefully we will have info to post on all events next Monday.

Trapshooting is like a box of chocolates because you just never know what you are going to get. Ft. Bragg shooters got clear skies with brisk temps and a moderate amount of blowing WIND. You think that kept people away and the answer would be NO. 33 folks showed up to participate and Gage Malone won the singles event with a 94 and the caps with a 90 from the 23.5 and yes, he will be on the 24 next shoot out. Brandon Mathews abused 96 doubles targets after enduring 100 singles and 100 handicap targets. Gage also won the HOA with 94+90+80=264. Marty wants to thank all that attended and to all that helped! Oh, the Watauga Cartel was there - Reese Jones Price and the next time you see them yell felony.....Also, Morg Shaw let me know that was Randy's wifes birthday Sunday and they have been married 43 years. Give that woman a medal and a cruise ticket!

I rode down to Bragg Saturday to take some pictures and decide whether I wanted to experience shooting in 10-20mph winds. I consulted my special friend, and they advised me to refrain from the activity. I had a great time taking pix and video of watching shooters chase birds high into the air and hearing the word LOST called many times.

I was walking back to the clubhouse and noticed a lady that looked somewhat familiar, and I didn’t stare and headed into the classification building. As I entered I noticed a fellow and for a second couldn’t believe my eyes and then it dawned on me! As I rode down to Bragg Saturday morning I was thinking of days gone by and about a fellow that used to shoot well at Bragg. I thought maybe I will call him and tell him to come and visit but I also thought he is probably on the golf course banging balls.

Well, that fellow turned out to be the one and only Dan Johnson. I was really taken aback and of course told him I was glad to see him and asked where Mary was. He pointed out where she might be, and I said let me go and act like I am going to take a picture of her (she hates getting her picture taken) and went to grab the door handle and boom there she was. Dan said that he had read that Darvin Cornett had been ill and he called around to find out what was the matter. He was sort of out of the loop and Mary suggested maybe it was time to visit some old friends and shoot some doubles! Dan said it was the most fun you could have with your clothes on…….So that made my trip for sure and I hope he comes back and visits some more between his golf tournaments! Oh, after a two year absence he won his class in doubles……

I mentioned earlier that Kevin Biss was at the Silver Dollar and he took his drone and yes he took aerial shots on the club side of the Silver Dollar. First time I have ever seen shots like that and hopefully he will shoot the golf side Monday and that will really be interesting to see. He also flew the SCTP event at Rockingham and took some great shots!

I talked to Jeff Galloway late Sunday night, and he was enjoying being at the Southern Grand. He shot a 96 in singles and after an 18 on his first caps trap squeezed out an 89 for a shot at a Lewis payout. I mean when you drop 7 out of 25 and then 4 out of 75 that is turning it around. Last year he broke a 94 and tied Carl Chadwell in the preliminary handicap. He usually sends me pictures of all the bass he catches down there with a simple pink worm rig he swears by. Long week ahead of him and I hope he and his dad do well in Florida.

Ok that is about it for this week, and I hope everyone has a great start to the week and adjusts to this time change. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Phil, Thea and barefoot Anne (good to see you and the fam) and until next week…………smokem
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