March 6th Smoke Report

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March 6th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Carolina blue skies over the weekend with a touch of wind! Not sure what you did this weekend, but I hope some of it was outside. Pictures are floating around of all the pollen laying on the ocean in South Carolina and it is thick between the shore and the breakers. Anyway, a couple of shoots including Spartanburg and Watauga over the weekend.

Coming up this weekend Ft. Bragg shoots Saturday and the weather at this time looks interesting. This is a typical 300 target shoot, and your ATA/NCTA fees must be paid in cash. Target fees can be paid by credit card or cash, and you will need to pack a lunch because lunch will not be available on site. 8:30 registration begins and shooters on the line at 8:30……

Spartanburg shot Saturday and the wind didn’t keep anyone away from breaking targets…..39/30/29 stepped to the line and some good scores were broken. Brady Cox won the singles with a 98, Michael Pobiega won the caps after a tie with Brodie Mahaffey with 96’s. Brodie Mahaffey won the doubles with a 95 after a tie with the ageless Neil Alexander. HOA winner was Brodie Mahaffey with a solid 284x300 and great shooting! Mark your calendar for April 1st and their next monthly registered event. The Clemson shooting team has been wreaking havoc at the SGC monthly shoots and it is great that these guys are getting some birds in early in the season. NC resident Marshall Tomchik and his dad Thomas got to shoot together in Spartanburg and the senior Tomchik won a couple of class trophies for his efforts……

Big shout out to a couple of birthday boys including SPY2 Tom Shelley and the Velvet Teddy Bear George “Have Gun Will Travel” Powell. Tom was traveling to a concert for his birthday, and George I think was spreading lead on his birthday at the Spartanburg Gun Club…

Ok hot off the press we got some info about the barn burner they had in the holler at the Watauga Gun Club. They had 33 shooters show up for the fun festivities and some excellent scores were broken. There were two fifty straights broken in the singles including BIGD Tollison and Keith Forbes with BIGD Champion. Handicap found one of the Blue Ridge Claybreakers at the top of the heap with a 49 and Watauga punch to the 20-yard line! Doubles found BIGD Tollison, Caleb “Engineer” Mathis and Will “Randy Boone Jones protége” Price tied up with 47’s. Evidently Will left and had to forfeit. HOA winner was Caleb Mathis with a solid 141x150 and great to see him out shooting! Morg let me know that a fellow showed up to shoot today that has been away from the trapshooting for a long time. Cody Trivette showed up to spread some lead and sure glad to see him out shooting.

Had a chance to talk to South Carolina Hall of Famer Donnie Pigg Sunday night and he sounded great, and he was with Pattie at their beach house in Windy Hill. They were down there cleaning up the yard and getting it ready for the summer season. Just recently Pattie and Donnie were honored with “Citizen of The Year” award from the Pageland Chamber of Commerce. They were both totally caught off guard when they announced their names. She is very involved in the local garden club and Donnie is involved in the Masons to the tune of 50 years. He shot the SC State Shoot last year but that is about all the shooting he has done. He hopes to get out and shoot a bit here very soon and hopes to make the SC and NC state shoots. He really misses seeing everyone and hopes to see some of his friends at the upcoming state shoots. Dickey Pigg shot Saturday at Spartanburg and was going by to see their sister that had a stroke. Please remember her and the family in prayer.

The Southern Grand kicks off very soon and I know some NC and SC shooters will be making the trip to the sunshine state. I will try to keep up with NC and SC winners and others that are frequent fliers at our NC Homegrounds. It will be interesting to see the numbers now that shells are more available at twice the price. I was lucky enough to make it last year and had a ton of fun and took a load of pictures.

I got to go to the regional 4H tournament at the Chatham County Wildlife Club in Bear Creek NC Saturday. 64-5 person teams descended on the property, and I would imagine there were close to a thousand people and the Wildlife staff and volunteers did a great job. All that shooting activity and no safety issues on the grounds. I ran into JD Goodwin and his team and also Gracie Marshall broke a perfect 20 in trap to get into the shootoff. They were shooting Winchester SuperX 20- and 12-gauge shells and they went through a lot of them Saturday. JD said he hopes to get back to shooting a bit more and a few of his team members will be registering ATA targets in the near future….

Ok I think that is about it for this week and I hope we get to see a big old good snowstorm before it gets way too warm. I know you are saying what is wrong with that fellow. Anyway, hello to Chief Scott in PA, Ronnie, Cowboy in FLA, Tim, Bobby, Phil, Thea and Anne and until next week………..smokem
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