February 20th Smoke Report

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February 20th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

February 20th and can we say winter is over or not. I was looking at the Snowshoe ski cams Sunday night and thought it was snowing. That snow my friend were flying bugs that should be dead this time of the year. It will be what it will be and what a great weekend to register targets in NC this weekend.

Three events including a BIG50 at Watauga and Rockingham and a 300-target program at Buckhorn. Rockingham shot Saturday and the weather was beautiful after it warmed up. Doug Monjeau out flipped Darrell Parham for singles and 47’s. Not to be outdone Darrell broke a 47 to win the caps and get a ½ yard RCGC punch. Gage Malone had his knee surgically scoped earlier in the week and made it out to win the doubles with a 44. Always ready always steady Allan Davis put together three scores (46-40-43) to win the HOA. Darrell Parham won the BIGDOG pot with a 94 and he is $70 richer…….Next BIG50 is March 25th so please make a note of it.

Watauga hosted a bi-monthly BIG50 Sunday, and we were hoping to hear a story about LilD and BigD knotting up and whipping each other? What happened is Will Price after failing at the Randy “Boone” Jones Institute of Sandbagging pushed his way to win the handicap event and get a punch and the HOA! 48-47-45 was skrong and netted a 140x150 performance down in the holler. Shawn Reese won the singles with a 50 and the dubs with a 47 and a flip over Will Price. Oh, Papa Smurf AKA Al Bost shot at and hit his 25,000th singles target at Watauga. Also, I believe it is Tom Shelley’s birthday and happy birthday to you sir…..70 years old and look that good how do you do it?

Buccaneer's last BIG50 will be this Saturday the 25th. Pat has done a great job over the years and the Buccaneer Gun Club has become a hotspot for BIG50 trap activity. Unfortunately, it has become too popular and possibly more popular than their other programs at the “private” club. They have decided to make it almost impossible for Pat to run shoots because they are afraid of losing their tax-exempt status and several people have said that their concern in unfounded. I think they are just giving the trap program the proverbial finger and that is a shame. Watauga, RCGC and others would face the same problem if it was a problem but what can you do. Backwards Buccaneer will lose a vibrant well organized trap program director and they are almost impossible to find. 10% doing 90% of the work and the pay to run shoots is awesome but wait it is all volunteer now isn’t it. You had a great run Pat and if they by any chance decided to rollback their decision Pat might send them a clip of a song by old Johnny Paycheck…… He would modify the lyrics to say “take your trap program and shove it” I don’t run trapshoots anymore…..just a little humor. Do you know the difference between humor and odor? Humor is a shift of wit……..

Florida Phil Berkowitz told me to take him off the prayer list. He broke the Devault 391 conversion out and shot two rounds at a local trap club. He sounded good and he sure healed up quick after a hip replacement. Those submariners are a tough bunch. Please continue to remember Ken Duncan, Tommy Brown, Cornett family and If I forgot anyone, please forgive me. Also, they are doing a gun raffle for Darvin and the tickets are $20. He has been battling pancreatitis and if anyone knows Darvin that is one hardworking man. I know they had some at the Buckhorn GC and maybe check with Jimmy Wilson.

Eric Sherer posted the shoot info for Buckhorns shoot Sunday. The weather was great and a wee bit windy I would imagine. Megan Smith won the singles with a 97, doubles with a 87 and the HOA with a 111x150. Sub-Vet David Nelson won the handicap with an 88 but not enough to get him punched to the 20. Allan Davis was next high caps score with an 87….

Ok that is a wrap for this week and looks like warm weather is here to stay for a bit. I do remember some hefty snowfall in March back in the day but not holding my breath. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Phil, Thea and Tim and until next week……….smokem
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