December 26th Smoke Report

Weekly Trapshooting Info
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December 26th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Greetings from Jamestown NC and I hope you are looking forward to a great start to a New Year. All the preparation getting ready for the Christmas Holiday and then it is suddenly over. Certainly, Monday is a day to clean up and see what kind of leftovers you can cobble together for a good lunch.

The NCTA shoot calendar shows Buckhorn shooting a typical 300 target program Sunday January 1st. Watauga will host their first BIG50 of the new year on Sunday January the 8th. Please refer to and the current calendar for all shoot dates. Of course, NC shoot dates should be listed at also.

As previously reported Greg High is on the mend after triple bypass surgery. Marty Hill has been keeping up with him and hopefully he had a great Christmas at home. Phil Berkowitz is healing up after hip replacement and he does not have a broken shoulder after all. Tommy Brown is scheduled for surgery in early February so pray for him and his speedy recovery. Also, please remember the Cornett family at this time.

At this time of year folks are preparing for the 2023 shooting season. Shoots to attend and shoots to skip and the question about the price of shooting in the New Year. Everyone knows it costs a lot more to shoot these days, but the question is whether clubs will raise their prices to adjust for the increase. We all know that the pitch target cost has gone up but when will it stop?

The Rockingham County Gun Club hosted their last BIG50 of 2022 Tuesday December 20th. It was cold but that didn’t keep folks from breaking some good scores. Allan Davis broken foot, and all broke a 46 to win the doubles, out flipped Ed Gideon to win the handicap with a 41 and won the HOA with a 135 outright. Only Doug Monjeau was able to out flip Allan for the singles win with a 48. RCGC managed to register 20 bi-weekly BIG50 2022 events and didn’t start until February. Thanks to all that attended during 2022 and hope to do it again sometime.

I checked on one of my Konne-Yaut Indian friends Wednesday night and got some bad news. When I called him, he said it was odd timing considering his wife had passed last week. Nancy had fought AFIB and eventually a stroke proved too much. Please keep Russell Tibi in your prayers this holiday season.

That is about it for now and I hope you have a great week and hope you didn’t lose power during the extreme cold and windy conditions. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Phil, Thea and Anne and until next week………smokem
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