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DCWC - July 9th Shoot

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2022 10:50 pm
by Scotch25
It was a really hot day! Thanks to all the shooters traveling to DCWC and shoot. Congratulations to Mark Spoon win HOA with first time shoot double in DCWC. Also, please pass the notice to James Brown, who earned half yardage but didn't informed and card didn't punched. Here is the result:

Singles (19 shooters) CHAMP: Mark Spoon 98
A: Kai Li 98 (walk over)
B: Ray Corona 96
C: James Brown 94
D: Lynwood Ward 89

Sr Vet: Joseph Hartley 88
Sb Vet: Douglas Monjeau 97
Vet: David Nelson 87
LDI: Margaret Johnson 88
JR: Luke Pulliam 83
SBJR: Sadie Trembley 60

Handicap (15 shooters) CHAMP: James Brown 93 (card didn’t punched)
Short: Ray Corona 91 (Coin Flip w/Allen Davis)
Inter: Kai Li 90
Mid: Mark Spoon 92

Sr Vet: Larry High 86
Sb Vet: Allen Davis 91
Vet: Randy Jones 74
LDI: Margaret Johnson 79
JR: Luke Pulliam 81

Doubles (10 shooters) CHAMP: Mark Spoon 89
A: Larry High 80
C: Ray Corona 88
D: Leander Jones 82

Sr Vet: Horace Best 82
Vet: Randy Jones 80
LDI: Margaret Johnson 46
JR: Luke Pulliam 73

HOA: Mark Spoon 279