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February 14th Smoke Report

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2022 10:11 pm
by smokem
I hope you enjoyed all that snow they predicted would fall over the weekend. Well, hey it didn’t happen, and I am about ready for Spring. Saturday turned out to be a great day for sure and I hope you got out to enjoy it.

Looks like Buckhorn will shoot this Sunday the 20th and I hope the weather cooperates. Always a great lunch and the possibility of Karole “CupCake” Millers fabulous desserts. Next up is BIG50 shoots at Rockingham the 24th and Buccaneer the 26th.

Speaking of BIG50’s the Rockingham County Gun Club held their first weekly shoot Thursday the 10th. We had two squads under clear skies and WINDY conditions. I was standing up to score and got moved around by the wind several times. Mark Spoon led all singles shooters with a 48 and the only 25 in the event. Thomas Tomchik led all handicap shooters with a 47 and the only 25 in that event. The optional pot was based on the 100 birds and Thomas Tomchik won it with a 90.

Matt O’Byant showed up from Lexington and the last registered birds he shot was in September 2015 at a RCGC BIG50 event. Thanks to all that came out to help and shoot and we will do it all again the 24th. 11 registration and 12 to shoot and if we can start earlier, we will do it.

We have a NC ATA All-American Jack Williams at the Spring Grand in Tuscon Arizona. He started off a little slow in windy conditions but managed to break a pair of 98’s in the singles Saturday. Not exactly sure how many more days he will be shooting this week. Also in AZ is Hunter Galloway and his wife attending the ATA EC meeting at the event. Hunter said Sunday night the weather was miserable with 81 degrees, sunny skies, and very low relative humidity. Meetings finish up Wednesday and they will travel to sightsee at Sedona and other attractions.

He also mentioned that there were plenty of Winchester shells in all flavors and some Federals. He mentioned that there were no Remington green or gold shells to be found? I don’t know what your paying at your club for practice but if you were practicing in Tucson prepare to pay $11 for 25 clay targets………..

Primers looking like $45/1000 plus hazmat and tax is getting even more pricey for Cheddites! And I have seen them selling for more than that. If you are getting reports of component prices, please email me so I can keep folks up to date on the rising component prices. is the address.

Some of you remember Chase Reese from days gone by. Chase won the NC State Handicap back-to-back several years ago with an 870 one year and a XT the next. His mom carried him to shoots and he was just an all-around great young man. He sort of drifted away from shooting due to school and other interests. I talked to him Saturday night and it looks like he is a fireman in Swansboro. He drives the tanker and works 24 on 24 off 24 on then off 72. He is interested in possibly getting out amongst us in the near future. He is getting married in October and took his girlfriend out shooting clay off a thrower just recently. We brought him up to date on some upcoming local shoots and website info. I am looking for him on the line possibly after the marriage and getting settled.

That is about it for this week and it looks like the weather will be nice with a splash of rain. It won’t be long before the time changes and folks will be traveling to the Southern Grand. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Thea and Anne and until next week………………….smokem