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December 6th Smoke Report

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 11:11 pm
by smokem
Dry and warm and what is going on this December? Perfect weather for shooting at any time of the year for sure. Buckhorn shot Sunday and had a pretty good turnout with enough handicap shooters for a punch for some lucky shooter.

I finally found some premium shotgun shells. My spy found them and was able to pick up some STS light handicap shells. These are the first premium shells since I did a run-on shells at Mace Sports in Mebane NC. Then I was informed that Remington had a bad lot number of STS loads and thankfully my lot was ok. Not sure what you are finding for competition loads but it looks like slim pickins.

Facebook provides a platform for the industry leaders to post info about premium shotgun shells. Winchester, Federal and now Remington flaunt their ads but hey what good are ads if you cannot buy the shells. Remington is promoting a new blue paper hull that will only cost you $20 a box of 25. That is correct $20 for a box of 25 shells.

The economics of shooting is getting a little interesting. For a typical 300 target day @ say $26 per 100 with $6 fees plus 300 shells at $10 a box @$120 with gas and lunch not to mention playing any options we are up to about a $250 for a one-day outing. Some clubs return money to the shooter which helps offset the cost but let’s face it you got to love to shoot to fork out that kind of money for very little return.

Also getting registered targets in NC has become a little harder with the reduced number of clubs in the state. Being able to register targets to avoid shooting penalty yardage at the state shoots can be an interesting proposition. NC folks are sliding into SC and VA to shoot and that is a good thing also.

Buckhorn shot Sunday and Eric Sherer posted the shoot report on Facebook. He said the singles started out cool with the caps windy and the doubles cloudy. Joe Nalley won the singles, Andy Clayton won the caps and Megan Smith won the doubles and the HOA. Buckhorn finalized all their toy contributions and monies that will go to the Christmas Cheer organization in Burlington. Buckhorn will shoot next on January 2nd 2022 so please make a note of it.

We are creeping ever closer to Christmas. It is the season to be jolly I guess you would say. Just recently I have lost two individuals I worked with at the Sheriff’s Office. One in his 70’s and one in his early fifties. And then one I worked with at County IS that I texted all through last week dead on Saturday. You just never know how long you have on this earth, so you better make the best out of it. If you have friends or family that you have neglected to contact, there is no time better than right now. You never know when your conversation with someone might be your last.

Apologize for ending on such a gloomy note but hey just passing it on. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobbie, Thea and Anne and until next week………smokem

Re: December 6th Smoke Report

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 11:15 pm
by smokem
December 8th Smoke Report
Post by smokem » Sun Dec 07, 2014 11:43 pm

17 days until Christmas and it is a joyous time of year for some. One shoot over the weekend at the Buckhorn Gun Club and I hope to have the scores up sometime today. Soggy Saturday and super windy Sunday made for some dicey conditions if you got outside to play.

Found out late that Wes Whitworth passed away December 1st and he worked with JC at the News and Record for many years like 37. Wes was a bunch of fun and I can remember the day he decided to step to the door at Rockingham and test fire a round under the shed. Needless to say some of us about soiled our drawers with the sound that 12 gauge shell made under that roof. I posted his info in the finished careers section of the site.

Hunter Galloway and Terry Roush are in Sparta Illinois meeting in the ATA office. Monday looks ok but Tuesday and Wednesday the high is in the mid 30's. I wish them well and a safe trip back to the TarHeel State. Terry has posted his newsletter with all the info about State Teams and other important info. I posted the link in the NC Club News section and also you can view it at

Keep Tom Cox in your prayers while he is battling some respiratory issues. He is currently in the ICU at Annie Penn hospital in Reidsville NC. He had taken a trip up to West Virginia and was out and about in some cold damp weather that didn't help his situation. I took a trip over to see him Sunday and he was sleeping in his room. The phone number is 336-951-4000 and that is the main number at the hospital.

The 2015 NC Shoot schedule is slowly but surely filling up with some clubs still working on their dates. Terry published the Southern Zone shoot dates beginning with the Dixie at the Silver Dollar January 19-25 and the Southern Grand March 16-22. If you have never been to the Silver Dollar it is quite an experience. They have some scorers that keep up with everything. When JC and I shoot and he is on 5 I never look over to see if he is set because he liked it that way. At the Dollar JC would hit post 1 and I would put my gun up and would call for the bird. No bird would exit the house and I asked the scorer what the deal was. He said your guy on post one wasn't ready. I didn't argue and explained the deal after the round was over. The scorer was looking out for the senior citizens and that is a good thing.

I ran into and 88 year old fellow from Wisconsin on Facebook the other day. Claimed he shot at Buckhorn many years ago and actually named a few names that I recognized. He shoots trap in Wisconsin and also is into ballroom dancing. Quite a character and if you look at his FB pix he swings some rather tall Russian blondes around on the dance floor. Ray Moser is quite a fellow and he invited me to the Wisconsin State Shoot next year.

Have a great week everybody and it looks like they are predicting some interesting weather right before Christmas. Hello to Lou, Scott and Hap and until next week Smokem.........