June 22nd Smoke Report

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June 22nd Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

The end of June is finally here, and registered trapshooting returns to NC. I hope that we can get back on a “normal” schedule and back to being able to travel and shoot every weekend. Only time will tell with a hint of the governor putting a “stay at home” back in place.

First, I would like to say happy birthday to Carolyn Keever and I hope she had a great day. We sure miss her at the window and I always tried to have everything ready when I got to her. She was always kind and cheerful even if you did not have it together. The new crew is doing an excellent job and I know she enjoys not having the pressure of those big events.

Big news out of the Tennessee State Shoot and that is Lil D Tollison broke his first 100 straight Saturday in the championship singles. Jim Hughes shot on his squad and posted a 99 in the first 100. Jim had the honor of giving him his first 100 straight patch and pin. I know his mom and dad are thrilled and now if we can keep him focused and away from any bad influences. That youngin is a great shot and he will go extremely far.

Two shoots this weekend with Watuaga and Rockingham hosting typical 300 target programs. Watauga will be bringing them out of the woodwork like ants considering the lull in the ability to register targets locally. It will be a big old good one and I can’t wait to see who whooped who in the holler.

Rockingham had to move from early May to late June to reschedule their 3rd Annual SCTP State Singles Championship. We already have 8 SCTP squads pre-registered for the event and we will be running 5 fields. 4 traps will be assigned for the kids and one trap will handle the ATA regulars. We will start 5 fields at 9AM and will shoot all 100 on each field. Weather is looking good so come out and join us.

North Carolina shooters attended the Tennessee State Shoot and 10 registered targets. Jim Hughes, the Dancy’s, Cantrell’s and Tollison’s along with a NC Vet I am not familiar with. Not sure who all won what, but Caleb Dancy had a super championship weekend and was way up the list for the HOA. Noah Gouge attended the PA State shoot and broke 200 Saturday for the JrGold and took Non-Res JrGold HAA and HOA. Congrats to all of the NC shooters and come one back to NC. PA State Scores - http://rjstuart.com/Trophies/2020/pastate.htm TN State Scores - http://shootscoreboard.com/menu.cfm?shootid=900

Ok folks that is about it for this week. I hope everyone has a great week and hope you can get out and shoot this week/end. Hello to Lou, Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy and Anne and until next week………………………..smokem
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