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January 7th Smoke Report

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 7:53 pm
by smokem
2019 is here and I am glad you made it to read the 1st smoke report of the new year. Certainly, I do appreciate anybody that drops by to read about what is going on with trapshooting in North Carolina. This is a tough time for a bunch of news in January, but you never know what I will find.

Of course, there are a few registered shoots in North Carolina in January but don’t forget our neighbors in South Carolina and Virginia. Spartanburg shot the 5th and the Brushy Mountain GC in VA will shoot the 13th. Here is the link to the NCTA shoot calendar for 2019 -

A big shout out and thanks to Tom Pitts for updating the team points and bringing them up to date to start the new year. That is a bunch of work and he depends on clubs submitting their info correctly and in a timely manner. Tom has also really pitched in at the NC Homegrounds with manning the 3S system that runs the shoots and that is a JOB…. Thanks Tom and here is the link to the points info -

It looks like Mike Gooch is selling guns left and right at the Silver Dollar Gun Club in Odessa Florida. I took the time to see what events were going on at the Dollar and they register targets about every day at the Dollar. The Ammo shoot was Sunday the 6th, Non-Registered Wounded Warrior shoot is the 13th, Florida HOF 18-20 and the Silver Dollar Open Money shoot is the 23rd-27th. With the Dixie moving to NC the Dollar filled in a shoot to attract folks to Florida in January. Those of us that have shot in Florida in January know that the weather can be very unpredictable to say the least. If you decide to head to Florida send us a few pictures or post them on the TarHeelTrap Facebook page…. Here is a link to all of the shooting activities at the Dollar -

Please continue to remember our folks on the prayer list and they include Jan Schultz, Carolyn Keever, Lewis Wyatt, Bob Goodman and Gene Hapney. I am sure there are others that need prayer and if you want folks mentioned please email me…..Thanks

I started a thread on promoting trapshooting in North Carolina. If you want to promote upcoming shoots or post pictures, please use the thread to do that. The more folks putting info out the better and you just never know who will make plans to shoot in our state. Folks that travel and need birds drop in to shoot registered birds due to info from the ATA – nctrap – tarheeltrap – Facebook and club websites.

Ok that is about it and I hope you are enjoying the warmer weather this weekend was great for getting out to shoot. Hello to Lou, Hap, Scott, Ronnie and Anne and until next week………………………smokem