97th Annual Florida State Trapshoot

Info about shoot dates and scores from around the nation.
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97th Annual Florida State Trapshoot

Post by smokem »

97th Annual Florida State Trapshoot - Sunday
@10PM - Florida local Jerry Bryant commented that the weather was windy and overcast with temps in the 70's and the humidity near 85%. That didn't keep folks from posting some great scores in the doubles and the handicap.
Matt McBride won the resident doubles with a 98 and Harlan Campbell won non-res with a 99. Michael Touchton won the resident handicap with a 96 and Iowa shooter Larry Bumstead won the non-res from the back fence with a 98. Leo Harrsion won the 25-27 with a solid 97 from the 27.

Resident HAA was won by Gerald Armstrong with a 385 and non-res HAA was won by Harlan Campbell with 392. Leo and Harlan tied with 392 and Leo wound up with AA.

Resident HOA was won by Matt Trammell with 1236 and non-res HOA was won by you guessed it Harlan with 1268. That is some great shooting in the conditions shooters faced since Tuesday.

NC had 7 shooters on the grounds for the shoot and I know they will be glad to get back home to the cooler weather.......Just kidding.

I must have done such a good job reporting that Tom Pitts thought I was in Florida......Anyway that concludes my reporting from the Southern Grand and the Florida State Shoot....Next big shoot will be San Antonio.....can't wait...

97th Annual Florida State Shoot - Saturday
@10:30PM - Gerald Armstrong from Destin Florida is the State Singles Champ for 2013. Gary Reynolds from Warren Wisconsin is the non-resident Champ with a 200 also. Trent Inman won JrGold and Jennifer Wilburn from California won the non-resident Lady2 honors. With all of the good scores it looks like the wind laid down Saturday....
@12:15 - Looks like the 74 degree temps and the minimal winds have produced at least 14 100's this morning amongst 85 squads.

NC shooter Dennis Taylor posted one of three 100's in A this morning with 100's broken by Leo Harrison, Tank Lunsford, Ray Lee and you guessed it Harlan Campbell.

Harlan has broken 400 straight in singles this week and did not shoot the singles on Tuesday. Do you think he has gotten the singles game figured out or what? I will try to keep a check on the 2nd 100 this afternoon to see who emerges from the pack of 100's...

@12PM - Florida weather is looking a little iffy for the championship singles event. A forecast of winds at 10-20 from the SSE could keep the 200's total down and only time and targets will tell.

97th Annual Florida State Shoot - Friday
@12PM Saturday - Looks like Matt Trammell is shooting great in singles and doubles. 98's topped the handicap scores with another 18 yard shooter getting a 1.5 yard punch. TN JrGold shooter Trent Inman continues to post high doubles scores and I noticed Joanie Barnett on the board during the singles event.
@12:15PM - 80 squads for the Singles Championship today. Four 100's with Harlan being one of them in AA, nine 99's and nine 98's in A with three 98's in B and two 98's in C. A single 93 is leading D with Joany Barnett 1 bird off with a 92. I also spied Kathy Oxyer from Ohio in the Lady2 group.....

@8:30AM - 48 degrees in Odessa this morning and more folks will start showing up through the weekend. Hard to believe it is that cold in Florida and it must be global warming?

97th Annual Florida State Shoot - Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday
@8:30AM Friday - Looks like Harlan won the singles and the 96's held up in the caps. Rob Taylor broke a 99 in the doubles with Ray Stafford breaking the lone 100 and JrGold TN shooter Trent Inman breaking a 98...
@3PM - 62 squads was the final total with three 96's at the top of the board with Leo Harrison posting one the 96's. 18-21 is being led by a 95 with 22-24 & 25-27 being led by 96's.

Looks like the McKinney's are at Odessa with Doug shooting some good singles scores early in the week and Kim got on the board in Lady2 caps today along with SC shooter Ron Burdick. I even spotted Konne-Yaut Indian Gloria Wood on the board in Lady2.

Check back this evening to see if any NC shooters are bringing back any silver from today's events.

@1:25 Thursday - 61 squads are on deck for the Prelim Caps Thursday. Looks like Harlan stayed in Odessa with a 100 among two others in AA. Karen Dickman (Marty's Friend) is leading Lady1 with a 99 and Joany Barnett is on the board in Lady2.

Wall Chart creator Terry Jordan is in the board along with TN Jr shooter Trent Inman. I believe there were 55 squads in the singles but missed the actual squad #..... It has warmed up to 65 and that should be just right for the caps and the dubs......

@9:45 - looks like it started Tuesday and I thought it started today....oops. The first two days look well attended with folks from PA, OH, CA, WV etc competing this week.

Looks like typical 100's in singles, 98's & 99's in the caps and 98's and 99's in the doubles. No NC folks on the board at the moment and everybody might be back in NC.....@9AM - 50 degrees in sunny Florida for the start of the 97th Annual Florida State Shoot. Not sure who all stayed down in Odessa from NC but we sure will be looking......
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