Rockingham County "Intro To Trap" 2013

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Rockingham County "Intro To Trap" 2013

Post by smokem »

The Rockingham Gun Club held an “Introduction to Trapshooting” class Sunday January 6th, 2013. The weather turned out great and even better than Saturday when registered targets were shot. We had 9 adults and 3 young men show up for the class and we appreciate their attendance.

We had a 20 minute class and then took a look at the operation and safety of the PAT traps. We spent about another 20 minutes in class and then we hit the trap fields. We had 3 actually 4 fields running with interested shooters.

Chris Sholuars and Lewis Wyatt took field one and assisted Dr. Dean McPhail, Scott Edelman, Bill and Lorraine Klietsch. They did a great job and shot two rounds before a more in depth look at the operation of the PAT Trap.

Lane Murray and Jeff Galloway assisted Bill Norman, Jim Reid, David Slaydon and Dr. Richard Beavers. They went down to field four and Jeff and Lane gave them info on foot position and gun placement. They also spent time between rounds taking a better look at the PAT Trap operation.

RCGC President Ron Anderson took field three and worked with the youngsters and they really had a good time. I took pictures and videos of the young men breaking birds and we hope they will come back and shoot at the Rock.

Our hope is to offer an intermediate class and a competition class in the near future. We have also talked about offering an intro to reloading class for the folks that want to save a little money spreading lead.

We would like to say thanks to everybody that came out to help and to Scott Shoulars for working with a group that arrived a little late for the beginning of the class. We will post the details of future classes when details become available.

Lorraine Klietsch on the line with Lewis Wyatt and Bill Klietsch looking on.....

Bill Klietsch on the line with a right hand target.

Ron Anderson with the youth shooters.......

Jeff Galloway works on foot position and gun holds on field 4.

A look up the line with the older and younger shooters on the fields....

Scott Shoulars looks on as Lorraine Klietsch shoots a bird on post 1....

Youth shooter breaks a bird with a 20 gauge...

Jeff Galloway works with Dr. Beavers on post 1.

Jim Reid with a bird out......

David Slaydon with a bird out....

Bill Norman with a bird out....

11 year old Justin Jarvis with Ron Anderson and a bird out.

Lorraine and Bill Klietsch on field 1.....

Bill Klietsch with a bird out....

Dr. McPhail with a bird out....found out he shot 20 years ago and shot with Jack King...

Scott Edelman with a bird out....

Ron Anderson talks with the kids and the parents.....

Lane Murray works with club members on field 3.....

A great looking group after 2 rounds of American Trap....

The "Fine Grind" crew had to get out and show off a bit....
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