South Carolina State Shoot 2012

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South Carolina State Shoot 2012

Post by smokem »


South Carolina State Shoot - Sunday
Sunday at the SC State Shoot started out clear,cool and windy. The only that changed was it got a tad bit warmer. 5 days at Spartanburg without rain was great but the rain was replaced by 5 days of wind.
94 won the doubles in state and New Yorker Brian Luther posted the top score of 99 broken on bank four traps 7 & 8. Tom Brown won his Class with a 93 and Charlie Brown took SrVet. Also, Addsion Callan had a 90 to win his category!

When we left at 4:15 there were several 93's on the board and Bo Adair won a shootoff for Class B with Gary Olson. I have posted all the score boards except for the Sunday caps - HOA's and HAA's.

We are going to get a "Smoke Report" ready and should have it up Monday night. We are a tad bit tired and have a big week ahead!

South Carolina State Shoot - Saturday
181 shooters stepped to the line today for the South Carolina State Shoot Championship Singles. The day started out cool and winday and the scores reflected the conditions to a certain extent.
John Sturgis is the new SC State Singles Champ after he posted the lone 197 in state. Kevin Stephens to Runner-Up after a shootoff with Doug Stenbeck.

John White from Alabama posted the top score of the day for the Non-Resident honors with a 199 and Jimmy Wilson took AA with a 198.

Squad member David "D" Daily took the SC "D" singles with a 189 and shooting a new Beretta 687 in competition for the 1st time.

We have posted a ton of pictures and with this slow motel wireless it took a ton of time. We will try to get all the pix captioned sometime in the near future.

Only the doubles and the caps remain with the eventual winners soon to be determined. We will be traveling back to Greensboro and will try to get the scores and info up late Sunday night!

South Carolina State Shoot - Friday
Friday is over and it was a long day for sure. The last squad sheet came in about 7PM and when the smoke cleared the SCTA held their association meeting.
The day started out cool, windy and overcast. KY shooterJordan Foley broke a 99 to win the doubles, New York shooter Brian Luther won the caps from the back fence with a 97 and Jeff Galloway posted the lone 100 with 141 entries.

The Championship singles are in the morning and it looks like Jimmy Wilson did make it to the South Carolina State Shoot. We posted about 90 pictures but I am having issues adding the captions at this time.

Go to and look for my picture link - go to the Saprtanburg Gun Club folder and all the folders are marked by the day. We will do what we can to get it all up and I am missing the winners from the Thursday Caps...

South Carolina State Shoot - Thursday
Day 2 is over and not a drop of rain fell today at the Gun Club. It was a little windy and almost hazy for the singles. It got a liitle brighter for the caps but not much.
Bobby Anders broke the lone 100 for the singles Champ and there was a 96 that won the caps and he was from Georgia.

We will get the caps and doubles scores from Thursday on Friday. I have posted the winners from all events Wednesday and only singles for Thursday.

Go to "The Lodge" and then mash on Out-Of-State Trapshoot info!

South Carolina State Shoot - Wednesday
Day 1 is over and the Wednesday "Warm-Up" day was a great success. The weather was great with some clouds and minimal winds.
Ray Grimes won the singles with a lone 100 - 96 won the handicap and 96 won the doubles. The big kicker was the added $$ for the caps!

Ted Carwile pocketed about $150 for a 94 - The Crippler pocketed $92.50 for a 93 and Jeff Galloway broke the same score with similar money.

They ran 4 traps today and started at 10AM with a finish time of about 6PM. Hopefully things will pickup Thursday and more traps will be used.

The cashiering crew had issues all day and we hope they will get it all squared away before the brunt of the explosion hits Friday.

We had dinner at the Red Lobster with June and Dave Daily, Jim Fuller (TN), Bobby Anders (VA), Tommy Brown, Jeff and the crippler.

Jeff, JC and I are holed up at the Days Inn for one night until Hunter and Debbie Galloway arrive at the club Thursday. JBird got his bath and is already sacked out (10:35) and he will be moving furniture in just a little bit!

I did not take any pix of scores today and will do that 1st thing in the AM. My hope is to post all the winnners and scoresheets each night if possible.

Weather looks good for the week with the chance of popup thunderstorms. The New York Style birds are interesting above the tree background and almost everybody I talked with likes the birds!

Have a great Thursday and I know that if you are reading this you really wished you were here shooting in the Palmetto State.
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