Packages For Our Troops

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Packages For Our Troops

Post by smokem »

I have sent each of you a link to a site that is for support of our men and
women deployed in the Near East, primarily Afghanistan. If you read the
emails on the left side of the page, they are from a member of our armed
forces asking for items to make their lives better while they are over
there. Most of these people are representing their unit and need our support
with small items they can't get over there. Some of these front-line units
don't even have bathing and sanitary facilities. I am asking y'all to get
together with your friends and put together CARE packages for these troops.
Pack the items tightly in a USPS Medium or Large Flat Rate Box, list each
item on a customs form, tape it very securely, and send it to whichever
address you select. Some of the items that are needed and will be greatly
appreciated are:

Multitools and Swiss Army knives(to be listed as 'hand tools')
Duct tape and electrical tape
Baby wipes, feminine hygiene products, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes,
razors, shampoo, toilet paper, Q-tips
Ramen noodles, individual powdered drink mixes(Gatorade, Koolaid, Splenda,
Led flashlights, led headlamps, batteries of any size
Sun glasses, chapstick, sun block,
Magazines and paperback books, playing cards, small games, puzzles
Microwave popcorn, energy bars, beef jerky, healthy snack of any sort
Frebreeze products, clothes detergent
Socks, foot powder, cough drops, OTC cold medicines, aspirin, tylenol,
Use your imaginations, as some of the troops have trouble asking for things
to help themselves

If we all send just one package each, it will have made the time these folks
have to spend in those desert hellholes a little easier. I'll thank you in
advance for anything that you do for them, as I know it will be greatly
appreciated by the recipients.

Everyone take care,
Jack Young
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