32nd Annual Southern Grand - Silver Dollar Gun Club

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32nd Annual Southern Grand - Silver Dollar Gun Club

Post by smokem »

32nd Annual Southern Grand - Sunday
9:15 AM - Event #15 Southern Grand Handicap Championship is underway at the Silver Dollar. Temps are in the mid 60's with calm winds at the club this morning.
I talked to Jeff last night and he commented that he was in squad 10 and we hope he breaks his best caps score of the week. He is in contention for the HAA if he can just hold it together for the caps. Even if he breaks a 90 his 1000 target average will be almost a 95.

It looks like Keith Heeg is the singles champ with Harlan Campbell the RunnerUp. Not sure how many they went in the shootoff. We will try to keep up with the caps scores as they come in and will report accordingly.

12:30PM - Squad 114 is on the ready and 96's are on top of the board. No NC shooters have shown up on the listing yet. Hopefully someone will punch through for a win.

I am headed to Buckhorn and will do an update when we get back to the chateau....

11:15PM - 18 yard shooter Fredric Minus broke the lone 99 to win the Southern Grand Handicap Championship. Mitch Loveless broke a 98 for RunnerUp and Harlan Campbell broke a 97 to give him 397x400 for HAA and 974x1000 for HOA.

All in all it looks like the event was a great success and attendance was up from the 2011 attendance. It will be interesting to see the info for total entries. The weather cooperated all week and that has to help attendance for sure.

I hope you enjoyed the info we provided for the SG and it looks like the Galloway's will be heading to San Antonio in a few weeks. I guess the next best thing to being at a shoot is having me write about it:)

2012 - 572 <> 2011 - 506

32nd Annual Southern Grand - Saturday
In 2011 four 200's were broken by Harrison, Moran, Clayborne and Ohye. In 2012 four 200's were broken by Keith Heeg, Harlan Campbell, Mike Weston and John Harden. At this moment the winner has not been posted.
127 squads participated today and that was 69 more shooters than in 2011. The weather was great for shooting at the dollar today and the scores showed it.

Some other folks showing up on the leader board included FB friend Jennifer Wilburn leading LADY1 with a 198. Konne-Yaut Indian James Courtwright PA broke a 197 in AA and Gary Sutphin MD broke a 197 in Vet.

Jeff Galloway broke a 100 in the morning and followed it with a 98 in the evening. Unfortunately they only have winner and RU at the SG. Two 199's took the top two spots in AA knocking Jeff out of a trophy. 198 won AA in 2011 and in these big shoots "1" target can be costly...

Maryland's Dave Shaeffer broke a 199 today in AA and with a 99 yesterday in the dubs a good caps score Sunday could help in for HAA. Of course Harlan has broken 100 in dubs and 200 in singles.

Looking back at the 2011 handicap - Leo Harrison and Jenna Knott tied with 97's and Leo took HiGun and Jenna took Lady after the shootoff. It is going to be an interesting conclusion to a great week of shooting at the Southern Grand.

2012 - 620 <> 2011 - 555

32nd Annual Southern Grand - Friday
81 degrees at noon under partly cloudy skies as the Remington Nitro 27 handicap wraps up. 129 squads for the event and squad 108 is on the ready at the time of this post.
One 97 is at the top of the board and it was broken by Antonio Lobo from CT and on the 25.5 yardline. Other names on the board include Billy Griffin GA with a 95 and Cassie Hammond MD with a 90.

I was talking to Ohio shooter Bob Batke the other day and asked him if he had seen Wayne Mladek and sure enough Wayne is on the board in the SrVet group with a 92.

All scores will be in very shortly and I quit predicting that a 100 would be broken. I got a feeling that the Lobo 97 won't hold up but you just never know....Check back a little later for more info from the Southern Grand....

12:40PM - two late breaking scores and they include a 95 from SC shooter Ron Burdick and Jeff Galloway and Terry Dean KY with a 94.....

1:25PM - Jerry Bryant "Flagalarto" on Trapshooters.com just put a 96 in SubVet from the 25 yard line. That is great shooting Mr. Bryant!

3:00PM - Dominic Brata SubVet put up another 97 for two 97's at the top of the board. With the category shuffle it reamins to be seen if the 94's will get to shootoff for the 8 remaining spots.

The doubles have cranked up and the question is - will Jeff keep breaking those big doubles scores and I hope the answer is yes one more time.....!

5:00PM - 92 squads and there are more scores coming in. Harlan Campbell has the only 100 in AAA - with Bob Schultz with a 96 in SubVet and Brad Barnett with a 99 in A. I will be checking the board and hopefully we have a few more NC shooters scores to post.....

9:15PM - Antonio Lobo took Champ today and Dominic Bratta took SubVet winner - both had the top score of 97 in the Remington Nitro 27 Handicap. Over 50 punches were doled out today from 97 down to all the 94's.

Harlan Campbell topped all entries with the lone 100 in the Doubles Championship. Dave Shaeffer broke a 99 to tie for RU or AAA and that will be shotoff with results Saturday. Dave had his guns stolen and they were returned to him 4 months later. This is his 1st big event after getting his guns back a few weeks ago.

Charlie Brown won SrVet today with a strong 96 and it was the top score in his category. Jeff Galloway broke a 94 today after his 98/99/98 run the last three days. Jeff is 34 targets ahead of his 2011 totals from Wednesday through today's handicap event!

Ray Greb's wife Jean won the Lady II dubs today with an 89 and she has shot well all week! All that remains is the singles and the remaining caps event Sunday! It looks like the weather will be great both days!

Congrats to Jerry Bryant on his SubVet RU with a 96 and I know he is tickled to death with that score!

We will be at the Rock Saturday and hope to get a look at the early results from the smartphone!

12:00 midnight - Struck up a chat on FB with Dave Shaeffer Friday evening. He said it was hot in Florida and he did win RU in the Championship Doubles Friday. He hasn't shot ATA since the Grand in 2011. He is the kind of guy that will run the 200 on Saturday and we wish him luck.

2012 - 620/442 <> 2011 - 529/385

32nd Annual Southern Grand - Thursday
Event #10 Leo Harrison III handicap is underway and 109 squads will compete today. Weather is great and about 70 degrees this morning at the Silver Dollar.
20 yard shooter Awad Feres from MA is sitting on top of the heap at the moment but it won't be long for the big guns to hit the line!

I expect a 100 to be broken today to win this event and it wouldn't suprise me if a couple of 100's hit the board.

Only two events today with doubles this afternoon and we are hoping that more NC shooters will win today. There are a few scores to be resolved from Wednesday and some doubles carryovers will be settled by the end of the day - maybe.

11:45PM - squad 90 is on the ready and 113 squads is the final number for this event. My prediction for 100's is looking a little dim with two Indiana shooter's at the top with 97's.

SubJr Brandon Sullivan and SubVet George Harvey are sitting pretty but I got a bad feeling that won't be the top score. The big dogs like to let the sun get up in the sky and with it being 10:45 suntime they might just be getting to the line.

Jacqueline Roush is the number two gal in the Lady II group with an 85 and we hope that holds up. VA shooter Jim Dotson is on the board and glad he made the trip to the SG. I will try to update about 2:30 and maybe most of the damage will be done by then!

1:13PM - if all 113 squads are done shooting and all the scores have been posted - we have a winner. Looks like Lady II lady Mary Thanos from WI, broke a 98 from the 19 yard line.

That means the lone 98 - two 97's - several 96's and a bunch 0f 95's including one broken by Harlan Campbell. Bill Howe put a 9 in front of his score for a 92 and PA shooter Gloria Wood had a 89 in her LadyII group. I noticed that Sally Hostetter was on the board and glad to see her shooting again.

Doubles should be cranking up soon and we wish all our NC shooters good luck for the afternoon event! We will try to post around 4 - 4:30 ..

4:45PM - ok and here goes. 78 squads for the "Doubles Class Championship" this afternoon. Rob Taylor broke the lone 100 in AAA, Keith Heeg - Dave Gerlich and Jeff Galloway broke 98'sin AA. Other scores from folks we know include Tom Wilkinson with a 95 in A Class, Terry Jordan with a 96 in Vet, Bill Howe had a 90 in D Class and Mallory Stanton TN and Jenna Knott KY will carrover for Lady1 RU honors Friday.

Jeff called and he was pretty excited about shooting a little better and I assured him that singles and caps will come around nicely - trust me. I believe they shoot dubs in the morning and then the Rem-Nitro 27 in the afternoon.

Mary Thanos did win the caps with the lone 98 of the day and there will be quite a few shootoffs going on this evening. Bill Howe did win SrVet RU for his 95 in caps Wednesday. If we get anymore info from the SG will will post it after 9 this evening.

5:10 - Took a quick look at the scores and get the attendance totals to compare 2011/2012. Looks like Jeff won AA dubs three days in a row with Heeg and Gerlich opting for category wins.

2012 - 530/373 <> 2011- 465/326

32nd Annual Southern Grand - Wednesday
It is moving day at the Southern Grand with temps similar to Tuesday and about 73 degrees at 11AM. 107 squads will shoot the "Singles Class Championship" today and the scores are rolling in.
I predicted higher scores and there is a 97 leading "D" Class and a 99 in "C" Class at the moment. No NC names on the board at this time but there are bunch more squads to shoot.

Sheldon Hostetter (PA) and "General" Pickitt put up some scores this AM in "AA" and the way folks are shooting today their 98's will fall off the board. Check back a little later for more info from the SG.......

1:35PM - Oh yeah - 10 perfect scores in AAA including MD shooter Gary Sutphin. Five 100's in AA - three 99's in A - three 99's in B - one 99 in C with NC shooter Michael Petrone with a 98 and James Rosowski from NY broke a 98 in D class.

Some more folks showed up on the board including Charlie Brown with a 97, Bill "C" Class Howe with a 97, Cassie Hammond (MD) 98 and FB friend Kim Bateman (PA) also with a 98. Also Jacqueline Roush had a 92 today in the singles!

The caps just cranked up and 101 squads on deck for the event. I managed to take a peek at the clubhouse cam and got a shot of Hunter Galloway sporting a Carolina blue t-shirt and shorts. It was suprising to see that the temp was only 70 at 1:30PM - 12:30PM suntime....

So who is it going to be today in the top spot for the caps? Will it be a short yarder or will Harlan post top caps scores back to back? Or will there be a slew of 98's and 99's?

4:30PM - Looks like a 97 sat at the top of the leaderboard most of the afternoon. As Jim Nabors used to say "Suprise Suprise Suprise" a 99 came in from the back fence. Frank Pascoe from PA put that number up and unless someone either ties him or breaks 100 - he might be the winner.

Cassie Hammond is leading all the ladies at this time with a 93 and MD shooter Ray Greb had a 92. Things should be wrapping up here in a bit and all the caps info will be running on rjstuart's website.

We will do an overview of the days events and might have some feedback from some of the folks at the shoot. Look for the info after 9 tonight when I get back from the Chapel.

10PM - As Lane Murray stated - Jeff Galloway is "glowing in the dark" after breaking a 99 to win AA Doubles Class today in the Mitch Loveless II doubles. The top score in the doubles was a 99 and there were three - Mitchell Loveless - Jeff and A winner Antonio Lobo from CT. Great shooting guys!

Frank Pascoe won the caps with a 99 and Cassie Hammond won Lady 1 caps with a 93. Bill Howe broke a 95 and will shootoff for SrVet honors. At this time the winner is not posted for SrVet.

Weather is looking great for Thursday and I expect the scores to be even higher and will a 100 be broken to win the caps event? Only time and targets will tell the tale!

2012 - 514/484/309 <> 2011 - 466/429/297

32nd Annual Southern Grand - Tuesday
Another bright and sunny morning at the Silver Dollar Gun Club. This morning starts out a little cooler at 68 degrees and a forecast high of 82 with winds 5-10mph.
No NC shooters showed up in the winners column Monday but hopefully someone made the carryover. Tank Lunsford posted the lone 98 from the back fence to win the caps and Mitch Loveless won the dubs with the lone 99.

78 squads are heading to the line this morning for the Leo Harrison III singles. Looking at the attendance from 2011 the SG 2012 event is up about 79 entries and we will be posting that each day. Check back later for more info from the Southern Grand........

11:10AM - Looks like a few 100's in the singles and Taylor Bolin from TN has one of them. This young man shot well Monday and is a SubJr..... Jaqueline Roush shot singles today and Gloria Wood from PA must be vacationing and having a great time at the Silver $.

1:20PM - 80 squads in the mix for the "Preliminary Handicap event. Lots of 100's on the board with KY Lady shooter Jenna Knott at the top of the Lady board with a 99. Charlie Brown - John Pickitt and Bill Howe (Bill is in "C" Class) posted 98's in the SrVet's with 99's and a lone 100 in SrVet on the board.

Maryland shooter Gary Sutphin is on the board and also Terry Jordan from Canada. I have to believe that there will be higher scores in the caps today and more punches given. Is this the day for the 1st 100 in caps at the SG?

3:20PM - 98 leads the pack and it was broken by James Decker (NY) from the 21 yard line. Next high is a 97 broken by Richard Collins from TN and from the 21.5. There are several 96's and one of them was broken by former North Carolinian Tommy Freeman.

I noticed some of the almost big dogs barely put a 9 in front of their scores shooting from the 27. It will be interesting to see if the partly cloudy skies and wind played a part in the lower scores.

8:00PM - Day 2 is over and a near perfect score won the preliminary handicap with a 99 broken by Harlan Campbell. He started shooting today and broke the 99 in caps and followed that with a 100 in doubles to tie Leo Harrison III for top dubs honors.

North Carolina is on the board finally with a 98 in AA doubles broken by none other than Jeff Galloway. He had back to back 49's and won AA outright! I talked to him this evening and he was glad to break the ice so early in the week.

The weather is looking very similar to Tuesday and as folks start settling in the scores will be getting even higher. Check back in the morning for more info from the 32nd Annual Southern Grand at the Dollar.....

2012 - 375/379/258 <> 2011 - 344/329/237

32nd Annual Southern Grand - Monday
The 32nd Annual Southern Grand is underway at the Silver Dollar Gun Club in Odessa Florida. The wind is calm with humidity at 75% and the temp 71 degrees. 66 squads will step to the line for the preliminary singles this morning.
A quick look at the leader board and Jeff Galloway posted a 96 in AA with GA shooters Billy Griffin and Ray Grimes posting a 93 and 92 in "B" Class. Konne-Yaut Indian Gloria Wood is on the board and she won several Lady honors during the Chain Shoot at the Dollar.

We will try to keep you posted throughout the week as information becomes available. We have ears on the ground at the Dollar and remember to check it all out on http://www.rjstuart.com.

1:45PM - looks like 66 squads for the caps with two 97's and a 96 broken by lady Tiffany Decker. We noticed a few more names in the singles with Charlie Brown posting a 95 in SrVet, Terry Jordan posted a 98 in AA and Kim McKinney had a 91 in "D" class. Squad 60 is on the ready so it won't be long before all the caps scores are up.

5:05PM - I missed the end of the caps so I really don't know what the top score was for the event. Bob Goodman (VA) had a 92 and General (tnx Joy Duncan)l Pickitt (SC) had a 87 and I believe Charlie Brown had an 89.

43 squads shot the preliminary doubles today and Chief Marcellus Osceola had the top score at the time with a 98. Tommy Wilkinson had a 91 and he usually shoots with the chief and Ray Stafford. I noticed that Jenna Knott (KY) had a 97 and Mallory Stanton had a 61 with her boyfriend Mitch Loveless posting a 69. It will be interesting to see what was going on in that squad. Just checked and the 61 and 69 were typo's - Mitch Loveless Mallory's boyfriend broke a 99 and she broke a 91.

It looks like Charlie Brown broke a 91 in the doubles and Michael Petrone is also on the leader board in his class. We will pick a few brains tonight and see how the weather was this afternoon. With no 100's in the dubs it might have been a tad windy!

2012 - 304/316/206 <> 2011 - 274/278/195
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