Lawry Target Thread From 2004

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Lawry Target Thread From 2004

Post by smokem »

Subject: Fort Bragg Shoot
From: trapdoc
Date: Mon, Apr 19, 2004 - 10:03 AM ET
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I just returned from the Clay Target Center at Fort Bragg, what a fine shooting facility. This Va. shooter was treated very well, food was good, beautiful weather and tough targets. Thanks to all the staff and workers for a great weekend shoot. Recommend this to all trapshooters. Hope to return soon with a a van full of Va. shooters
Trap Doc John Hodge
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Subject: Fort Bragg Shoot
From: REM90T
Date: Mon, Apr 19, 2004 - 07:47 PM ET
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Thanks for the kind remarks. We are all extremely pleased that you liked the facility, the people, the food, and the shooting. We fervently hope you do return soon with a van full of Virginia shooters. Keep in touch as we may be having a ONE DAY added money shoot prior to the Grand (400 targets, 200 singles, 100 caps, and 50 pair of doubles). No promises but we are trying to put it together. Should know all details, if it flies, by the middle of June.
It seems many NC shooters don't like our targets. Whenever they shoot bad they blame it on everything except ability! So, you Virginia ladies and gentleman come on down for the fun, the excitement of good competition, and the MONEY!
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Subject: Fort Bragg Shoot
From: dlrrk
Date: Mon, Apr 19, 2004 - 08:40 PM ET
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trap doc: Send me your e-mail address, and I'll send you a picture of your trap squad. We're glad you enjoyed the shoot. We hope to see you and a truck full of VA trapshooters.
Take care, Dave Blackburn
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Subject: Fort Bragg Shoot
From: Bill In Sc
Date: Mon, Apr 19, 2004 - 08:56 PM ET
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Shoot me a email please... I have some questions about Ft. Bragg
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Subject: Fort Bragg Shoot
From: piczman
Date: Tue, Apr 20, 2004 - 10:07 AM ET
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trapdoc, please e-mail me i'm in va and would like to meet other shooters. I shot Fort Bragg last month and had a great time. the folks are very accomadating. rodney
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Subject: Fort Bragg Shoot
From: nomderf
Date: Tue, Apr 20, 2004 - 11:28 AM ET
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Quote - It seems many NC shooters don't like our targets. Whenever they shoot bad they blame it on everything except ability!
What NC shooters are you talking about??
Freddy Redmon - NC
Hey - I shoot bad at Ft. Bragg and still get punched!! :)
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Subject: Fort Bragg Shoot
From: Luv Doubles
Date: Tue, Apr 20, 2004 - 09:23 PM ET
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Great place, good people, bad targets. Be back when you change brand of targets. BB
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Subject: Fort Bragg Shoot
Date: Tue, Apr 20, 2004 - 10:32 PM ET
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Whats wrong with the targets????
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Subject: Fort Bragg Shoot
From: dlrrk
Date: Wed, Apr 21, 2004 - 07:35 AM ET
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Some shooters don't like our Lawry targets. I've seen no scientific evidence showing that Lawry targets are harder than White Flyers. However, some shooters have not shot well at our club (and they are good shooters), so they believe it has something to do with the target. We had a great shooter shoot a 99 in singles (on Saturday), and he blamed the targets. He's vowed to never come back until we stop throwing Lawry. It doesn't take much to start such a rumor (especially on a forum like this...) It has become an "urban legend" that will be hard to kill.
Take a look at our website. You'll see a Lawry being crushed.
We're going to continue to throw the targets. Dave Blackburn
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Subject: Fort Bragg Shoot
From: Cy-Kick
Date: Wed, Apr 21, 2004 - 08:26 AM ET
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Dave, sorry I missed the shoot. Wife and I went to Martinsville for NASCAR, my other vice.
Hope the Yardage awards I made for Ft Bragg were well received.
I always enjoy shooting Ft Bragg. If your on the target, it knows not what brand it is if you hit it.
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Subject: Fort Bragg Shoot
From: REM90T
Date: Wed, Apr 21, 2004 - 08:30 AM ET
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I shoot from the 25.5 yard line and hit a Lawry Sunday at Fort Bragg that absolutely vaporized! I hope those "terrific" shooters stay home during our added money shoots. Leaves more for me and others. I picked up around $300.00 at this shoot. You good shooters just stay away, please!
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Subject: Fort Bragg Shoot
From: mudturtle
Date: Wed, Apr 21, 2004 - 09:53 AM ET
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I think that the same thing occurred with the perception of Remington targets at last year's NC State shoot. Perception is a powerful thing, especially when there are so many shoots available to choose from. Don't know how you can satisfy everyone. Ft Bragg is a class act, keep up the good work.
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Subject: Fort Bragg Shoot
From: straightaway
Date: Wed, Apr 21, 2004 - 12:06 PM ET
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I did not attend the shoot at Ft. Bragg last weekend. One of the contributing factors was that Lawry targets were being thrown. I don't know, or care what category you would put in as far as describing my shooting abilities, just know that when i shoot, i shoot to win, and i have won a couple of events there. It doesn't matter if a target smokeballs or chips, a dead target is a dead target. You "fringe" a rem or aa and you have a dead target. Fringe a lawry and you get a lost target. Now, to be reasonable, check into your shoot records and compare the scores before and after you switched targets. I suspect that you will see a difference. I won't say that i won't shoot at Bragg again, but, it will require some thought beforehand. Have a nice day! Dan
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Subject: Fort Bragg Shoot
From: dlrrk
Date: Wed, Apr 21, 2004 - 12:35 PM ET
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Dan: You are a very good shooter. We hope you come back to shoot at the club. We need good shooters like you. You commented in the thread above that you "shoot to win." That in mind, when everyone is shooting Lawry targets (or whatever) the "playing field" is level. The HOA at last weekend's shoot took home over $650.
Hope you reconsider & return to Bragg.
VR Dave Blackburn
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Subject: Fort Bragg Shoot
From: mudturtle
Date: Wed, Apr 21, 2004 - 01:29 PM ET
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Good point dlrrk - shouldn't hard to break targets give the "good" shooters an advantage over the others? Scores may be lower but the "good" shooter should win. On the other hand, if you shoot for average, maybe they're not so good.
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Subject: Fort Bragg Shoot
Date: Wed, Apr 21, 2004 - 07:12 PM ET
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I wonder if they throw Lawrey targets at international trap shoots?? Maybe the ATA needs to change the rules and speed up and widen the angles shots.I think Ft Bragg has the best background in NC.
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Subject: Fort Bragg Shoot
From: yankee
Date: Wed, Apr 21, 2004 - 09:02 PM ET
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Same ole story. Miss 1 target and blame it on the hardness of the target. Quit crying you SISSY and grow up. If you want 100's be like the rest of the average shooters then go to UTAH and fatten the average there. Otherwise shoot what is thrown and shut up about the targets. Ft. Bragg is the best shooting venue in the Southeast. That association is doing their best to create to several nice shoots a year in the Southeast. Keep up the good work fellows(and gals) and ignore the WHINNERS who want to be WINNERS but can't. The Yank
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Subject: Fort Bragg Shoot
Date: Wed, Apr 21, 2004 - 11:03 PM ET
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Yankee...just to let you know, I havent shot at Bragg in a tournament since oct of last year. I will shoot there if im in the area. Im not the person complaining about the got the wrong person. Maybe well meet at Bragg someday. Good shooting.... Bernie
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Subject: Fort Bragg Shoot
From: Grif
Date: Thu, Apr 22, 2004 - 01:27 AM ET
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Fred, Contact Tom Ford, delegate from Conn. about Lawry targets.
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Subject: Fort Bragg Shoot
From: tony1100
Date: Thu, Apr 22, 2004 - 02:10 AM ET
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Why would any club want to throw targets that they know keep scores down. It must be to keep cost down.The more shooters they run off, the less targets they throw helps keep cost down.You have good people good food, change the targets! And make everybody very happy.
Shoot well Tony
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Subject: Fort Bragg Shoot
From: dlrrk
Date: Thu, Apr 22, 2004 - 01:51 PM ET
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Tony: You’re exactly right when you say… “Why would any club want to throw targets that they know keep scores down?” We throw Lawrys because we don’t KNOW that the targets keep scores down. Does anyone out there have evidence that Lawry targets are harder or more difficult to break? No… It’s all anecdotal events or hearsay, or urban legend... A thread above says you’ll never see a “fringe” Lawry target. That simply cannot be proven.
Cost is a factor in everything. If our club doesn't make a profit it could close. If management begins losing money, and they think it's due to Lawrys, they'll make a decision. We need 5 shooters for a registered shoot. I can assure you five of us will shoot Lawrys.
Fort Bragg skeet shooters don't have a problem with the target... It's a sad day when trap shooters are complaining more than skeeters...
I hope you’ll come shoot at Fort Bragg. It’s usually not the target that causes the scorer to call “Lost.” Dave Blackburn
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Subject: Fort Bragg Shoot
From: tony1100
Date: Thu, Apr 22, 2004 - 04:08 PM ET
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I know every club has to keep the cost down. I mean no disrespect to your club. but if throwing lawry targets start to run people off are you saving anything. I have seen a few clubs go down hill in a hurry because of targets and traps not working right. I wish you all the luck. I have never herd anyone say if the food was better I would have run them all.
good shooting Tony
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