May 27th Smoke Report

Weekly Trapshooting Info
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May 27th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Good morning and I hope you had a great weekend. Memorial Day or Decoration Day as some may refer to it allows us as a nation to honor and mourn the military that paid the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedom. It can be a holiday for some but very traumatic for others.

Several events last week that included a BIG50 at Buckhorn Wednesday, doubles marathon at Boone Saturday and a 400-bird event in Spartanburg. Buckhorn hosted a BIG50, and Dan Johnson won the singles (49), Michael James won the handicap (47) and Joe Nalley won the doubles (49) and HOA (141).

Morgan Shaw reports that Steve “Scooter” Scott won all three events and HOA 97-95-91-283. That is some great doubles shooting and Jim Hughes told him to say hello to AA Class at the NC State Shoot….. Morg said he was motivated and possibly showing off for his girlfriend Eva. Regardless watching this young man grow up and accomplish what he has is great!

Barron Church took pictures of the two 100 bird singles events at the Spartanburg Gun Club Saturday. Caleb Mathis won the first event with a 99 and the second event with a 100 straight. But Steve Woods had back-to-back 99’s and that is some great shooting. I don’t have anymore scores and hope to get them by the next smoke report. Also, Tammie Wilkins advised me that the SC AIM shoot will take place at the Spartanburg Gun Club on June 1st…..

As many of you know Dan Johnson has been making limited trapshooting appearances wreaking havoc along the way. Dan is from Pennsylvania, and he shoots in wind, rain, cold I mean that is what he does. Several years ago, he took a tumble on a performance motorbike and if he was a cat he has 8 lives left. He took some time off and got to playing golf and winning and got real busy. The question was could he shoot without hurting an injury he sustained in the accident. Thanks to technology and a thing called a PFS Dan has been using local shoots like a laboratory to see how shooting is in 2024. He will be shooting at the 2024 NC State Shoot and it will be great to see him once again at the NC Homegrounds.

Just recently he took a trip back home to play in the Robert Johnson Memorial Golf Tournament. They came in 2nd and helped raise $7000 to benefit junior bowlers. He had hoped to shoot at the local club and even packed a gun but there weren’t enough folks to play any games. If you see Dan at the state shoot, be sure to say hello, you will be glad you did.

June 5-9 is just around the corner. NC State Shoot and it looks like it will be a good old big one. I believe the same food truck will be available that was at the SC State Shoot in April. I hope the weather is good but hey even if it rains it is going to be warm. I sure do look forward to this shoot every year and I hope to see some of you there.

That will do it for this week hopefully you can get out and practice some. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Phil, Mac, Will, Mark, Thea and Anne and until next week……..smokem
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Re: May 27th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

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