April 17th Smoke Report

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April 17th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Great weekend for the most part and several shoots reporting from last week. CCLEOA, Durham County, Charlie Brown, and Watauga all registered targets before the upcoming Hall of Fame shoot this week.

CCLEOA shot Friday and had a bit of rain during the singles and that was about it. Billy Soper won the singles with 48, Doyle Thigpen won the caps with 48 and Billy Soper won the doubles with 43. Good chance Billy Soper won the HOA and yes, he did with a 138. Ric Evans reports that their next BIG50 at CCLEOA is May 5th.

Charlie Brown hosted Saturday a BIG50 and it was Megan, Megan, Megan and yes Megan winning the 16’s, caps, dubs and HOA…….49+49+43=141 That is some great shooting young lady and I know she is looking forward to the HOF.

Durham County also shot Saturday and Mark Spoon won the singles with a 99, Richard Evans won the handicap with a 97 and Joe Nalley won the doubles with a 93. Joe also won the HOA with a 280x300. Not sure when the next shoot is so, please check the NCTA calendar on http://www.nctrap.com

Got the news that Caleb Mathis broke his collar bone on campus and will be out of the shooting game for at least four weeks. He had planned to attend the Hall of Fame and if he had attended, I would imagine he would be giving everyone a run for their money so to speak. Hoping for a speedy recovery and hope to see you on the line soon.

Rockingham County Gun Club charter member Don Krites passed away last week. He had been sick for a brief period, and he will be sorely missed. His son shot trap with him occasionally and he was a great shot but had not registered any targets in quite a few years. Please pray for the family and his son Dale at this time.

The NC Hall of Fame starts Thursday and Marty Hill has already classified a good number of shooters. The weather is looking good for the most part with windy conditions and 40% chance of rain Saturday. The banquet will feature several speakers discussing Hall of Fame memories from days gone by. Hopefully there will be someone inducted in 2024 so please send your candidates to the Hall of Fame committee….

That will wrap it up for this week and I hope to see some of you at the HOF. Don’t be shy if I take a picture of you to capture a memory of trapshooting in North Carolina. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Phil, Thea and Anne and until next week……smokem
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