June 20th Smoke Report

Weekly Trapshooting Info
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June 20th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Good morning, folks and what a great weekend after those crazy storms Thursday and Friday. I guess it is something we just grow to expect when it gets hot. Rockingham lost power from Friday to Sunday and had to cancel the SCTP skeet shoot.

I believe Buccaneer and Rockingham shot BIG50 events last week and Watauga and Rockingham shoot this weekend. Watauga and RCGC host typical 300 target programs Saturday and RCGC holds their first Sunday BIG50 of the year.

RCGC shot a BIG50 Thursday and we had a few visitors. Caleb, Connor and Barron showed up to shoot and it was good to see them. Ronnie Manuel and Caleb knotted up with 50’s in the singles and the CO to doubles left Caleb the winner. Caleb and James Brown tied in the caps with 46’s and Caleb won the flip. SrVet Ed Gideon outbested 6 other doubles shooters with a 46. Caleb took HOA with 50+46+45=141. Thursday July BIG50 dates are yet to be determined.

Watauga and Rockingham shoot this weekend. Watauga will be about 8 degrees cooler but there is a chance of afternoon thunder showers. They always have a great shoot and a good lunch. This is the first 300 target registered shoot at RCGC this year and hopefully folks will come out to shoot before the traphouses get a facelift.

4-5-6 will get done first and we will run our shoots on 1-3. Once 4-5-6 are done well you figured it out. After that the concrete pads will be resurfaced and then the old trap building will be torn down and a new building will go up hopefully this year.

At the time of this writing the Mathis boys are in Ohio getting ready for the Ohio State Shoot. Their grandfather had some issues with the motor home and had to go to plan B. The kids went on up yesterday and Barron and Leesa traveled up today in the car. They will be staying with their daughter 20 minutes from the Cardinal because the campground is filled up. Also, they experienced a derecho at Marengo, and it damaged the shot screen. It also caused some damage in the campground as you can imagine. The campground lost power and not sure if they it has been restored or not. The shot screen was repaired and hopefully everything will be back in order for shooting Monday.

The Tennessee state shoot just wrapped up and we had one North Carolina shooter attend and it was none other than Randy “Boone” Jones. Looks like all he shot was 200 singles on Saturday. The Pennsylvania state shoot just wrapped up and two NC shooters made the trip. NC State Singles champ David Smiley and Andy Clayton is finally in “C” class. David won A RU doubles in event #18 Silver Seitz Doubles with a 95. Also, Class A Winner in the Lucas Oil Doubles with a 92 event #21. Andy won Vet caps in the Allem’s Handicap event #22 with an 88. It says there were 6 NC shooters there, but I could only find three including Bill Goscinski. Evidently it was cool and windy, but folks still managed to break the scores.

Ok that is about it for this week. I hope everyone has a great week and can get out and shoot this week. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Thea and EZ-GO Anne and until next week…………smokem
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