Buckhorn Toys for Tots 11/12/2017

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Buckhorn Toys for Tots 11/12/2017

Post by straightaway »

Tough conditions faced shooters today at BGC for the annual Toys for Tots shoot. Little on the chilly side, I don't believe it made it past 45 degrees with dull, cloudy skies all day. But, as it will, the cream will rise to the top!

A good contingent of young shooters showed up, and, they made sure they were noticed as you'll see when I stop rambling on and get to the scores. Along with the young guns, we were blessed with a crew of "Mountain Williams" out of Watauga.

I was delayed getting to the club as I had domestic responsibilities that took priority. When I pulled in the driveway around noon, there were more vehicles in the parking lot than I have seen in a while. This kept the resident curmudgeon on his feet playing field general. I personally believe he's just getting all he can out of what's left of his knee before he gets a new one in mid December.

The Faithful were out in force as usual making sure everything ran as smoothly as it possibly could. Loading, scoring, cashiering, squadding. cooking, cleaning up, etc. You get the idea.

There was a couch full of toys that are certain to brighten the day for many children come Christmas. Trapshooters are generous folk when you get past the crusty exteriors..........

Let's see what happened

Singles 24 shooters
Champ - Colton Frietas 98 (outstanding!! congratulations young man!!)(dropped two on the first field then ran 'em out!!!)
AA - Morgan Shaw 96
A - John Waters 94
B - Jason Dancy 92
C - Caleb Dancy 95
D - Benjamin Snell 90
Jr - Grady Reavis 81
Sub Jr - Zoe Staley 94
Lady - Taylor Horner 88
Junior Gold - Brandon Matthews 97
Sub Vet - Walter Mabe 89

Handicap 25 shooters
Champ - John Waters 91 ( .5 yd to 24)
Short - Jason Dancy 89
Inter - Tom Shelley 82
Long - Morgan Shaw 81
Vet - Curtis Odem 87
Junior - Grady Reavis 78
Sub Junior - Caleb Dancy 90
Lady - Taylor Horner 65
Junior Gold - Brandon Matthews 81
Sub Vet - Walter Mabe 80

Doubles 17 shooters
Champ - Morgan Shaw 95
C - Zack Reaves 78
D - Tom Shelley 79
Vet - John Waters 83
Lady - Zoe Staley 73
Jr - Grady Reavis 72
Sub Jr - Caleb Dancy 80
Junior Gold - Brandon Matthews 95
Sub Vet - Walter Mabe 80

HOA Brandon Matthews

Thanks to all that came out today and donated. Buckhorn will shoot again on Dec 3, put it on your calendar and join the Faithful for the day!

See you next time wherever it is, Travel Safe! Dan
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Re: Buckhorn Toys for Tots 11/12/2017

Post by smokem »







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