April 11th Smoke Report

Weekly Trapshooting Info
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April 11th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

What a great weekend for flying a kite or maybe sailing and yet folks were still chasing clay. Shooting is really cranked back up and I have info from LCP, CSL, BGC and RCGC. Looks like two shoots this week and they are both at LCP - 13th BIG50 and 16th monthly shoot.

Low Country Preserve shot their BIG50 Wednesday and they had 8 shooters. Rich Long led all shooters with a 46 and Mike Petrone broke a 45. LCP shoots this Wednesday the 13th and their monthly shoot is the 16th.

Coharie shot Saturday and they had a good crowd. Mac commented that the shooters encountered a stiff chilly breeze but at least it was sunny. Gorgeous George Brown and Brandon Matthews tied with 96's in the singles. Brandon won the caps after a shootoff with John Martin after breaking 92's. Brandon won the doubles with a 90 and the HOA with a 278x300. CSL will shoot again the 14th of May.

Buckhorn shot Sunday with 18/18/12 on the line. Dan commented that he would have liked 20 degrees warmer and 10mph less winds for the event. He also noticed that Randy "Boone" Jones was sporting shorts and said the "sissy" boys from the mountain wouldnt come out to play. JD Goodwin won the singles with a 96, "Princess" Daniel Emory got a 1/2 yard punch to the 17, JD Goodwin won the doubles with a 93 and the HOA.

The Rockingham Gun Club hosted a BIG50 Fun Shoot Sunday and 19 people showed up to shoot. Jason Holley led all shooters with Tom Brown, Lewis Wyatt, Dwayne Thomas hitting the 2nd lewis with Anthony Columna taking the 3rd Lewis. We had some new faces today and thanks to all that came out to play.

PA Shooter John Grant

I took a ride Wednesday to Mebane to have coffee with Butch Dawson and some of his running buddies. Butch mentioned that one of the fellows was a retired school superintedent from Pennsylvania. Butch said that John Grant used to shoot trap and was now into pistol shooting etc. John showed up today at the Rockingham Gun Club and we hope he will be back real soon.

Old Facebook netted me a friend and Phil Davis called me from Montana and we talked a bit about future plans and that he had about 2 feet of snow in his yard. I asked Phil if his dad (HOF Member P.E. "Pete" Davis) had any old pictures and Phil commented that in fact he did have a box that he hopes to sift through. No telling what pictures he will find and I will get them up on the site as time allows. Phil is coming to the HOF shoot in September and I hope to see him there.

I took a little time to connect with some of my Konne-Yaut Indian folks and talked with Fudd Shaffer, Linda Donnely and Russell Tibi. Fudd is doing well and wound up with pneumonia and spent a while in the hospital. Linda is doing well and shooting in and around the clubs in Ohio. Russell had 6 inches of snow in Konne-Yaut Lake and he is close to Lake Erie. I cant wait to see all of the folks in July at West Penn Sportsmen. It will be back to Bradford in 2017 and I cant wait to make it back up there also.

Tom Pitts posted the NC Points for the month and I have included the link for the info. The Watauga boys are sitting 1 and 2 but the Buckhorn crew is close behind at 3 and 4. Mash on the link for the info - http://www.nctrap.com/points08.pdf

Dogwood is just a few weeks a way and I have included the link to the program. If you are wanting to get a good look at the Homegrounds before the State Shoot in June this is your only chance. You don't have to come all four days but just come and get your feet wet. I have the link for the program - http://www.nctrap.com/16dogwd.pdf

One more link and that is to the NC State Trap calendar. I sat down the other day and got all of the dates entered into my calendar and it took awhile along with Southern Zone dates. http://www.nctrap.com/shoots2015.pdf

Looks like Pitts and George have been up practicing and also got a shot of George with some of his grandkids. Morg has been posting pix of Spring snow and his jewelry materpieces he has been creating. Shelley is getting ready for his big OUT WEST trip and was going to the store to get supplies to cook his sketti sauce for his woman. No word out of Watson because I know he is plotting and planning after the Southern Grand.

Ok that is about it and I hope everybody has a great week. Hello to Hap, Scott, Lou and Chase and until next week...........................Smokem
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