Shoot Template
Shoot Template
Singles entries -
98 - Champ -
93 - AA -
93 - A -
89 - B -
91 - C -
95 - Jr -
99 - SubJr -
93 - Lady -
90 - Vet -
99 - SrVet -
Handicap entries -
93 - HiGun -
80 - Long -
89 - Mid -
87 - Short -
85 - Lady -
88 - SubJr -
90 - Jr -
90 - Vet -
90 - SrVet -
Doubles entries -
93 - TopGun -
90 - AA -
80 - A -
80 - B -
81 - C -
72 - D -
88 - Lady -
88 - SubJr -
92 - Jr -
99 - Vet -
99 - SrVet -
98 - Champ -
93 - AA -
93 - A -
89 - B -
91 - C -
95 - Jr -
99 - SubJr -
93 - Lady -
90 - Vet -
99 - SrVet -
Handicap entries -
93 - HiGun -
80 - Long -
89 - Mid -
87 - Short -
85 - Lady -
88 - SubJr -
90 - Jr -
90 - Vet -
90 - SrVet -
Doubles entries -
93 - TopGun -
90 - AA -
80 - A -
80 - B -
81 - C -
72 - D -
88 - Lady -
88 - SubJr -
92 - Jr -
99 - Vet -
99 - SrVet -
Re: Shoot Template
Singles entries -
98 - Champ -
93 - AA -
93 - A -
89 - B -
91 - C -
95 - Jr -
99 - SubJr -
93 - Lady -
90 - Vet -
99 - SrVet -
Handicap entries -
93 - HiGun -
80 - Long -
89 - Mid -
87 - Short -
85 - Lady -
88 - SubJr -
90 - Jr -
90 - Vet -
90 - SrVet -
Doubles entries -
93 - TopGun -
90 - AA -
80 - A -
80 - B -
81 - C -
72 - D -
88 - Lady -
88 - SubJr -
92 - Jr -
99 - Vet -
99 - SrVet -
Doubles entries -
93 - TopGun -
90 - AA -
80 - A -
80 - B -
81 - C -
72 - D -
88 - Lady -
88 - SubJr -
92 - Jr -
99 - Vet -
99 - SrVet -
Singles entries -
98 - Champ -
93 - AA -
93 - A -
89 - B -
91 - C -
95 - Jr -
99 - SubJr -
93 - Lady -
90 - Vet -
99 - SrVet -
Handicap entries -
93 - HiGun -
80 - Long -
89 - Mid -
87 - Short -
85 - Lady -
88 - SubJr -
90 - Jr -
90 - Vet -
90 - SrVet -
Doubles entries -
93 - TopGun -
90 - AA -
80 - A -
80 - B -
81 - C -
72 - D -
88 - Lady -
88 - SubJr -
92 - Jr -
99 - Vet -
99 - SrVet -
Doubles entries -
93 - TopGun -
90 - AA -
80 - A -
80 - B -
81 - C -
72 - D -
88 - Lady -
88 - SubJr -
92 - Jr -
99 - Vet -
99 - SrVet -
98 - Champ -
93 - AA -
93 - A -
89 - B -
91 - C -
95 - Jr -
99 - SubJr -
93 - Lady -
90 - Vet -
99 - SrVet -
Handicap entries -
93 - HiGun -
80 - Long -
89 - Mid -
87 - Short -
85 - Lady -
88 - SubJr -
90 - Jr -
90 - Vet -
90 - SrVet -
Doubles entries -
93 - TopGun -
90 - AA -
80 - A -
80 - B -
81 - C -
72 - D -
88 - Lady -
88 - SubJr -
92 - Jr -
99 - Vet -
99 - SrVet -
Doubles entries -
93 - TopGun -
90 - AA -
80 - A -
80 - B -
81 - C -
72 - D -
88 - Lady -
88 - SubJr -
92 - Jr -
99 - Vet -
99 - SrVet -
Singles entries -
98 - Champ -
93 - AA -
93 - A -
89 - B -
91 - C -
95 - Jr -
99 - SubJr -
93 - Lady -
90 - Vet -
99 - SrVet -
Handicap entries -
93 - HiGun -
80 - Long -
89 - Mid -
87 - Short -
85 - Lady -
88 - SubJr -
90 - Jr -
90 - Vet -
90 - SrVet -
Doubles entries -
93 - TopGun -
90 - AA -
80 - A -
80 - B -
81 - C -
72 - D -
88 - Lady -
88 - SubJr -
92 - Jr -
99 - Vet -
99 - SrVet -
Doubles entries -
93 - TopGun -
90 - AA -
80 - A -
80 - B -
81 - C -
72 - D -
88 - Lady -
88 - SubJr -
92 - Jr -
99 - Vet -
99 - SrVet -
Re: Shoot Template
Smoke report workup for 5/12/2014
Good morning to you and I hope you had a great weekend. Weather was great except for a severe storm that rolled through Greensboro about 4pm Saturday. The Buckhorn Gun Club hosted a two-day shoot over the weekend and we have that shoot report for you. Coharie shoots this Saturday on the 17th and thanks to Mac for posting the program.
The Charlie Brown Gun Club hosted a shoot last Sunday and CupCake was nice enough to post the shoot report. Jimmy Wilson won the singles, Tim Crabtree won the caps and Dan Johnson won the doubles. Not sure who won the HOA and I will try to get that info for you.
Buckhorn hosted a two day shoot featuring 100 pair of doubles both days. John Miller won the singles on Saturday with a perfect score, Jimmy Wilson won the caps with a 96, doubles with a 196 and the HOA with a 386x400. Sunday John Miller broke another 100 in singles, Tim Crabtree won the caps with a 96 and Jimmy Wilson won the dubs with a 194 and the HOA with a 384. The shoot was well attended and the wind really played with the doubles Saturday according to Jimmy.
Charlie Brown showed up Sunday and wound up missing a bird on post 1 all four fields in singles and the first two fields in handicap. Jimmy Wilson and John Miller were shooting with Charlie and prior to the 3rd round of handicap Jimmy chimed in and asked Charlie a question. Jimmy said to Charlie......are you going to wait until doubles to break your first 5 on post 1? Little did Jimmy know but John had just took a big swig of water and when John heard what Jimmy said the water exited through all open holes in his face. Charlie did manage to break a 5 on post 1 on field three but broke a four on post 1 on his last handicap trap.
The South Carolina State Shoot cranks up Wednesday at the Spartanburg Gun Club near Pacolet. JC and I took a trip to put up our tents Saturday and left about 7:30. We stopped in Lexington for breakfast at the Cracker Barrel and got back on the road about 9. We rolled into the gun club about 11 and ran into Ron Burdick. The AIM shooters were practicing on trap 6 and I noticed a coach fanning. When I jumped out of the truck I quickly realized what was going on. Can you say "gnats" from hades? They were flying in your eyes, ears, nose and mouth and they were traveling in swarms. JC was sputtering and waving like he had jazz hands trying to escape the critters. I talked to Ron Burdick and Harry Gable and they said it had been very dry and had just rained the day before. I took a look at the new and improved men's bathroom and it is quite a change from the old setup. JC and I put up the shelters and hooked it back to the Gastonia Gun Club. We watched a few squads shoot skeet and trap and ran into Robert Thomas. It had been years since I had seen Robert and he was there the day I broke 100 in singles, 91 caps and a 98 in doubles shooting Lawry targets. We decided to hoof it back to Greensboro and JC was delivered to his house at 3:30PM. A good number of folks from NC are headed to this shoot and look for us up on the hill behind trap 1.
As we rolled down to SC I asked JC what he had been doing. He said I painted my shutters, cleaned out my gutters, mowed the grass and washed the truck. I asked why so busy JC and he said that he had to get his work done before he headed to the SC State shoot.....Soon to be 91 on July 13th he is still very active and works one day at the auto auction and he is one of the only drivers that knows how to drive a stick shift.
Earlier in the week the site had a visitor and he posted about 65 posts. Jimmy was nice enough to delete all the messages and I worked on tweaking the security settings so that wouldn't happen again. I also had a fellow from the Netherlands that wanted to know how to post a video. I emailed this person and asked if he was interested in trapshooting or what? I have not heard from the person yet.
OK - have a great week and I will be posting info and pictures from the SC State Shoot.......Hello to Lou and until next week.................................Smokem
Good morning to you and I hope you had a great weekend. Weather was great except for a severe storm that rolled through Greensboro about 4pm Saturday. The Buckhorn Gun Club hosted a two-day shoot over the weekend and we have that shoot report for you. Coharie shoots this Saturday on the 17th and thanks to Mac for posting the program.
The Charlie Brown Gun Club hosted a shoot last Sunday and CupCake was nice enough to post the shoot report. Jimmy Wilson won the singles, Tim Crabtree won the caps and Dan Johnson won the doubles. Not sure who won the HOA and I will try to get that info for you.
Buckhorn hosted a two day shoot featuring 100 pair of doubles both days. John Miller won the singles on Saturday with a perfect score, Jimmy Wilson won the caps with a 96, doubles with a 196 and the HOA with a 386x400. Sunday John Miller broke another 100 in singles, Tim Crabtree won the caps with a 96 and Jimmy Wilson won the dubs with a 194 and the HOA with a 384. The shoot was well attended and the wind really played with the doubles Saturday according to Jimmy.
Charlie Brown showed up Sunday and wound up missing a bird on post 1 all four fields in singles and the first two fields in handicap. Jimmy Wilson and John Miller were shooting with Charlie and prior to the 3rd round of handicap Jimmy chimed in and asked Charlie a question. Jimmy said to Charlie......are you going to wait until doubles to break your first 5 on post 1? Little did Jimmy know but John had just took a big swig of water and when John heard what Jimmy said the water exited through all open holes in his face. Charlie did manage to break a 5 on post 1 on field three but broke a four on post 1 on his last handicap trap.
The South Carolina State Shoot cranks up Wednesday at the Spartanburg Gun Club near Pacolet. JC and I took a trip to put up our tents Saturday and left about 7:30. We stopped in Lexington for breakfast at the Cracker Barrel and got back on the road about 9. We rolled into the gun club about 11 and ran into Ron Burdick. The AIM shooters were practicing on trap 6 and I noticed a coach fanning. When I jumped out of the truck I quickly realized what was going on. Can you say "gnats" from hades? They were flying in your eyes, ears, nose and mouth and they were traveling in swarms. JC was sputtering and waving like he had jazz hands trying to escape the critters. I talked to Ron Burdick and Harry Gable and they said it had been very dry and had just rained the day before. I took a look at the new and improved men's bathroom and it is quite a change from the old setup. JC and I put up the shelters and hooked it back to the Gastonia Gun Club. We watched a few squads shoot skeet and trap and ran into Robert Thomas. It had been years since I had seen Robert and he was there the day I broke 100 in singles, 91 caps and a 98 in doubles shooting Lawry targets. We decided to hoof it back to Greensboro and JC was delivered to his house at 3:30PM. A good number of folks from NC are headed to this shoot and look for us up on the hill behind trap 1.
As we rolled down to SC I asked JC what he had been doing. He said I painted my shutters, cleaned out my gutters, mowed the grass and washed the truck. I asked why so busy JC and he said that he had to get his work done before he headed to the SC State shoot.....Soon to be 91 on July 13th he is still very active and works one day at the auto auction and he is one of the only drivers that knows how to drive a stick shift.
Earlier in the week the site had a visitor and he posted about 65 posts. Jimmy was nice enough to delete all the messages and I worked on tweaking the security settings so that wouldn't happen again. I also had a fellow from the Netherlands that wanted to know how to post a video. I emailed this person and asked if he was interested in trapshooting or what? I have not heard from the person yet.
OK - have a great week and I will be posting info and pictures from the SC State Shoot.......Hello to Lou and until next week.................................Smokem
June 9th Smoke Report Draft
Hello to all and it is tough getting back to work after having all of that fun trapshooting! Unless you have been under anesthesia you probably know that the 101st North Carolina State Trapshoot is over. Great location, organization, pre-squadding, classification, squadding, cashiering, targets, scoring, food, fellowship, trophies and the list goes on. I shot 700 targets and never got one broken bird while shooting and that is great! I could go and on about the wonderful facility that is located in our state and it looks like the word is out to head to North Carolina.
I do not know the overall figures on attendance but I would imagine that it is up over 2013. I noticed a lot of new out of state shooters and also some new NC shooters participating. The facility was packed with folks and the rocking chairs were rocking all five days. Great to see the interest and excitement about shoot at the NC Homegrounds and to top it all off we have a double barrel shotgun weather vane on top of the clubhouse and I have a picture to prove it. 't
Briefly I will touch base on the major winners on Saturday and Sunday. The "official" shoot report will be finalized soon and I will get it posted ASAP. Pound for Carolina Blue pound he is the best singles shooter around and I am talking about the 2014 NC State Singles Champion - Jimmy Wilson. For doubles it was a classic shootoff between Greg High and John Miller. They went two rounds before Greg let a left bird from post one float unbroken to the earth. John turned slightly to the left and tried to get Greg's attention and when he didn't he just shook his head before he mashed the last pair for the win. The best thing is that I took video of the last two pair they shot and I hope to have the link up today. Last but not least the 2014 North Carolina Handicap Champ is 14 year old Caleb Gilbreath! He broke a 96 with his Beretta AL-400 and he has the hardware to prove it. He shoots out of the Watauga Gun Club and he is a great shooter and a handsome young man. I do not have the HOA winner but I think Steve Watson took the ATA provided HAA honors for 2014.
Weather for a Championship weekend is important for good scores and good attendance. Saturday was a dry day and with all of the weather forecasts it looked like Sunday was going to be wet. It rained pretty hard when the 1st and 2nd wave of the caps were shooting and by the time I shot it was clearing up and stayed dry and partly cloudy the rest of the day! There were two squads for the doubles shootoff and three for the handicap.
Two 100 straights were broken in handicap with one Friday by SC shooter James Ivey and one Sunday by George Reese from Tennessee. That is some great shooting at the Homegrounds yet no 200's were broken in singles on Saturday. The combination of great target setting, PAT traps and ERAD voice calls provides distraction free shooting. Some folks attending had never even used the ERAD devices and man were they impressed. We had a bunch of young adults attending both out of state and in state. They put up some great scores at the Homegrounds and I think some are coming back for the Zone in July. I counted 32 sub junior and junior shooters on Saturday and I know there were more than that. Hats off to the AIM program and to all of the coaches and parents that made it all happen - safely!
I really do not have the time to discuss all of the great accomplishments of folks both old and new. Maybe when the shoot report pops out I will do a little overview of all the hotshots at the event. So have a great week and hopefully the shoot report will be ready sometime today. Hey Lou I sure missed you and until next week..........................Smokem
I do not know the overall figures on attendance but I would imagine that it is up over 2013. I noticed a lot of new out of state shooters and also some new NC shooters participating. The facility was packed with folks and the rocking chairs were rocking all five days. Great to see the interest and excitement about shoot at the NC Homegrounds and to top it all off we have a double barrel shotgun weather vane on top of the clubhouse and I have a picture to prove it. 't
Briefly I will touch base on the major winners on Saturday and Sunday. The "official" shoot report will be finalized soon and I will get it posted ASAP. Pound for Carolina Blue pound he is the best singles shooter around and I am talking about the 2014 NC State Singles Champion - Jimmy Wilson. For doubles it was a classic shootoff between Greg High and John Miller. They went two rounds before Greg let a left bird from post one float unbroken to the earth. John turned slightly to the left and tried to get Greg's attention and when he didn't he just shook his head before he mashed the last pair for the win. The best thing is that I took video of the last two pair they shot and I hope to have the link up today. Last but not least the 2014 North Carolina Handicap Champ is 14 year old Caleb Gilbreath! He broke a 96 with his Beretta AL-400 and he has the hardware to prove it. He shoots out of the Watauga Gun Club and he is a great shooter and a handsome young man. I do not have the HOA winner but I think Steve Watson took the ATA provided HAA honors for 2014.
Weather for a Championship weekend is important for good scores and good attendance. Saturday was a dry day and with all of the weather forecasts it looked like Sunday was going to be wet. It rained pretty hard when the 1st and 2nd wave of the caps were shooting and by the time I shot it was clearing up and stayed dry and partly cloudy the rest of the day! There were two squads for the doubles shootoff and three for the handicap.
Two 100 straights were broken in handicap with one Friday by SC shooter James Ivey and one Sunday by George Reese from Tennessee. That is some great shooting at the Homegrounds yet no 200's were broken in singles on Saturday. The combination of great target setting, PAT traps and ERAD voice calls provides distraction free shooting. Some folks attending had never even used the ERAD devices and man were they impressed. We had a bunch of young adults attending both out of state and in state. They put up some great scores at the Homegrounds and I think some are coming back for the Zone in July. I counted 32 sub junior and junior shooters on Saturday and I know there were more than that. Hats off to the AIM program and to all of the coaches and parents that made it all happen - safely!
I really do not have the time to discuss all of the great accomplishments of folks both old and new. Maybe when the shoot report pops out I will do a little overview of all the hotshots at the event. So have a great week and hopefully the shoot report will be ready sometime today. Hey Lou I sure missed you and until next week..........................Smokem
June 16th Smoke Report
A happy belated Father's Day to all of our father's out there. I hope your day was a special one with the loved ones. Weather was great and glad it was good for the US Open in Pinehurst. Not much going on over the weekend other that the Tennessee State Shoot and I have a little info from that event. Hard to believe that the NC State Shoot is over but it is and folks are looking forward to the Zone in about a month.
One shoot this Saturday at the Coharie Shooting League near Clinton. Mac will serve up some great targets and some great lunch for the shooters attending. They have two PAT Traps and ERAD voice calls and you will have a great time believe me. Al Bost has cancelled the shoot at Old Hickory due to a 3-day Skeet shoot at the club this week/end. Also Al is on his way to Grand Isle Nebraska for the National 4H competition. His son Cole will be competing along with Carson Lane from Ahoskie and two fellows from McDowell County. Al was in Missouri at the motel when I called him Sunday night. Good luck to all of the competitors at the event and hopefully Al will update us on the NC participants.
Word off the hill is that Steve Watson broke a 197 Saturday at the TN State Shoot. Not sure what else he won but I hope to have an up to date boots on the ground update. Also, Tom Shelley killed Tom Pitts on the race Sunday and Shelley also won the 50/50 at the car show for $873.80.......he must be living right or something. For you Facebook folks Tom Shelley took the cold water challenge and called out the Cartel.... Morg Shaw - Tom Pitts and BamBam all got the call. Tom Shelley took the cold water blast from a water tanker fire truck that dispensed a shower of water that was impressive. Shelley took that blast from above and didn't even yell or flinch and walked out like the Duke on a movie set......How bout it Cartel will you accept the cold water challenge for charity?
Read a bit on Facebook about Leo Harrison turning 57 last week. Hard to believe he is gone so soon and so young. I also noticed a post from Elizabeth House about her father Doug House who was an ATA president and a resident of North Carolina. There are so many memories of trap shooters that have gone on. The list is too many to even begin to write down but here goes. Jim Brown - John Rowe - Jiggs Amstutz - Marvin Pullen - Ronnie McKnight - Doug Cooke - Hunter Galloway Jr - Jack King - Elmo Matkins - Joe Nimer - Buck Squires - Billy Ray Kallam - Glenn Miller - Herbert East - Ted Smith - P.E. "Pete Davis - and the list could go on and on. There is a ton of trapshooting history in NC that is for sure.
I took a great interest in the US Open this week. Very interesting to see the #2 course in the condition that it was restored to. Growing up going to the Pinehurst Gun Club I guess I sort of took it for granted and thought it would be around forever. That came to an end when #8 was built on top of the old gun club. Can you imagine PAT Traps and ERAD voice calls on that layout for those of you that remember that background? I really enjoyed that trip down 211 and the row of old growth pine trees that would flash rays of sun during sunrise and sunset. I would still like to know what happened to all of those pictures that appeared in the hallway between the main area and the pro-shop.......
During the trip to the State Shoot JC mentioned that my right brake light was out. Saturday night I took the truck over to the Advance Auto Parts store to get a bulb. Walked in and told the fellow what I needed and he went right to the spot and laid it on the counter. I asked him what I would need to get to the lens to replace it and he said let's go take a look. It was simple - two screws and snap the old bulb out and the new bulb in. During that we talked about why we were in Forest City and I gave him the scoop on the shoot. He didn't even realize that the gun club existed. I asked him if it was ok to give him $5 and he said not thanks because we were shooters and to keep my money. His name was Travis and if you need something auto part related while in Forest City go look him that is customer service right there....
That is about it for this week and I hope you have a great week with all of the heat predicted. I know it is summertime and all of that but I still like cooler temps. A big shout out to Lou down in sunny Florida and until next week..................................Smokem.......
One shoot this Saturday at the Coharie Shooting League near Clinton. Mac will serve up some great targets and some great lunch for the shooters attending. They have two PAT Traps and ERAD voice calls and you will have a great time believe me. Al Bost has cancelled the shoot at Old Hickory due to a 3-day Skeet shoot at the club this week/end. Also Al is on his way to Grand Isle Nebraska for the National 4H competition. His son Cole will be competing along with Carson Lane from Ahoskie and two fellows from McDowell County. Al was in Missouri at the motel when I called him Sunday night. Good luck to all of the competitors at the event and hopefully Al will update us on the NC participants.
Word off the hill is that Steve Watson broke a 197 Saturday at the TN State Shoot. Not sure what else he won but I hope to have an up to date boots on the ground update. Also, Tom Shelley killed Tom Pitts on the race Sunday and Shelley also won the 50/50 at the car show for $873.80.......he must be living right or something. For you Facebook folks Tom Shelley took the cold water challenge and called out the Cartel.... Morg Shaw - Tom Pitts and BamBam all got the call. Tom Shelley took the cold water blast from a water tanker fire truck that dispensed a shower of water that was impressive. Shelley took that blast from above and didn't even yell or flinch and walked out like the Duke on a movie set......How bout it Cartel will you accept the cold water challenge for charity?

Read a bit on Facebook about Leo Harrison turning 57 last week. Hard to believe he is gone so soon and so young. I also noticed a post from Elizabeth House about her father Doug House who was an ATA president and a resident of North Carolina. There are so many memories of trap shooters that have gone on. The list is too many to even begin to write down but here goes. Jim Brown - John Rowe - Jiggs Amstutz - Marvin Pullen - Ronnie McKnight - Doug Cooke - Hunter Galloway Jr - Jack King - Elmo Matkins - Joe Nimer - Buck Squires - Billy Ray Kallam - Glenn Miller - Herbert East - Ted Smith - P.E. "Pete Davis - and the list could go on and on. There is a ton of trapshooting history in NC that is for sure.
I took a great interest in the US Open this week. Very interesting to see the #2 course in the condition that it was restored to. Growing up going to the Pinehurst Gun Club I guess I sort of took it for granted and thought it would be around forever. That came to an end when #8 was built on top of the old gun club. Can you imagine PAT Traps and ERAD voice calls on that layout for those of you that remember that background? I really enjoyed that trip down 211 and the row of old growth pine trees that would flash rays of sun during sunrise and sunset. I would still like to know what happened to all of those pictures that appeared in the hallway between the main area and the pro-shop.......
During the trip to the State Shoot JC mentioned that my right brake light was out. Saturday night I took the truck over to the Advance Auto Parts store to get a bulb. Walked in and told the fellow what I needed and he went right to the spot and laid it on the counter. I asked him what I would need to get to the lens to replace it and he said let's go take a look. It was simple - two screws and snap the old bulb out and the new bulb in. During that we talked about why we were in Forest City and I gave him the scoop on the shoot. He didn't even realize that the gun club existed. I asked him if it was ok to give him $5 and he said not thanks because we were shooters and to keep my money. His name was Travis and if you need something auto part related while in Forest City go look him that is customer service right there....
That is about it for this week and I hope you have a great week with all of the heat predicted. I know it is summertime and all of that but I still like cooler temps. A big shout out to Lou down in sunny Florida and until next week..................................Smokem.......

June 23rd Smoke Report
Summertime is here it looks like and I hope your air conditioning is working properly at your house. Thankfully a cool front pushed through and provided a great weekend for shooting in North Carolina. I have two shoot reports for the weekend and both Watauga and Ft. Bragg will shoot Saturday the 28th. With the July 4th Holiday right around the corner folks are gearing up to travel to Winchester for the Virginia State Shoot.
Got an email from Jack Young about some of his challenges in the near future. He will be having eye surgery on the 30th to deal with glaucoma in his left eye and also to remove a cataract. Then about 6 weeks later they will do the same procedure to his right eye. He has also been experiencing sensitivity to sunlight and it looks like the doxycycline he is taking is the culprit. Hopefully he will make it to the Zone but might not get to shoot. Also, found out Sunday that Roger Shaffer is having back surgery around the beginning of August. He has been having pain in his legs and hopefully the surgery will give him some much needed relief. I sure will be keeping these guys in my prayers and wish them both a speedy recovery.
CSL shot Saturday and Gorgeous George Brown won the singles with a 98. Jerry Kinlaw and Brian West tied with 95's for the handicap honors. Jerry had a 49x50 and missed the big pot by one target. No doubles were shot so the HOA was based on the 200 targets and Jerry Kinlaw posted 188x200 for HOA. Mac's wife prepared another delicious meal for all to enjoy and Coharie shoots next on August 9th.
Buckhorn shot Sunday and some great scores were posted. Gail Page broke her 1st 100 for the singles title. Don Kaufman broke the lone 96 for the caps win and Dan Johnson won the caps with a 93 and the HOA with a 281x300. They commenced to shoot Gails hat and even with all the lead flying through it she was still able to wear it. Hopefully someone got a picture for me to be able to post it. Buckhorn shoots on July 4th weekend and "might" expand the shoot to two days......If an additional day is added look for the info here and on
Two shoots coming up this Saturday and Watauga will be offering 400 targets for your shooting pleasure. 200/100/50pair will be hurled in the valley and that will give some hardy soul a chance to break 200 in God's country. I was there the day George Ponton broke a 100 straight in handicap and the day Bill Howe broke 100 straight in doubles. The walls are full of names of shooters that have posted perfect scores at Watauga. Registration will begin at 8:30 and shooting will commence at 9:30 if not sooner. That is a lot of shooting to pack into 1 day and the WGC staff will do their best barring issues with the traps.....Not sure what is for lunch but it is always country good. Weather looks like 30% chance of rain with winds at 10mph out of the North. Temps will be around 78.......78........78 degrees........can you say 78?
Ft. Bragg will host their monthly trapshoot Saturday the 28th. As far as I know they will offer a typical 100/100/50pair program. Marty will get his shoot info posted and I wonder if he will have some of his famous ice cream? Ft. Bragg is a great place to shoot and watching the planes land can always be fun for sure. Our newly appointed NC State President Marty Hill is the master of ceremonies and puts on a great event. Looks like the weather will offer mid 90's temps with 30% chance of rain and there will be a breeze.
The Rockingham Gun Club hosted their Lewis Class Fun Shoot Sunday at 3pm. 12 shooters stepped to the line for some non-registered fun. All shooters shot two rounds of singles and their score dictated their handicap yardage for the caps event. Roger Shaffer broke the lone 49 and he shot on the 27. Lane broke a 48 and Tommy Brown a 47 so they shot on the 26. I wound up shooting from the 24 after breaking a 45 in singles along with JBird and three others. When the smoke cleared Tommy Brown was the hi-gun with a 91 with Lane and Scott Shoulars close behind with 89's. Then came the mid-lewis winners JC and Fredmon with 86's and last but not least David Slaydon won the low lewis.....Everybody had fun and we had two brand new shooters participating in the event.
That is about it for this smoke report and I hope you stay cool and dry this week in North Carolina. I have been super busy at work between mock evacuations and other law enforcement type things. Hello to Lou and until next week.....................................Sm
Got an email from Jack Young about some of his challenges in the near future. He will be having eye surgery on the 30th to deal with glaucoma in his left eye and also to remove a cataract. Then about 6 weeks later they will do the same procedure to his right eye. He has also been experiencing sensitivity to sunlight and it looks like the doxycycline he is taking is the culprit. Hopefully he will make it to the Zone but might not get to shoot. Also, found out Sunday that Roger Shaffer is having back surgery around the beginning of August. He has been having pain in his legs and hopefully the surgery will give him some much needed relief. I sure will be keeping these guys in my prayers and wish them both a speedy recovery.
CSL shot Saturday and Gorgeous George Brown won the singles with a 98. Jerry Kinlaw and Brian West tied with 95's for the handicap honors. Jerry had a 49x50 and missed the big pot by one target. No doubles were shot so the HOA was based on the 200 targets and Jerry Kinlaw posted 188x200 for HOA. Mac's wife prepared another delicious meal for all to enjoy and Coharie shoots next on August 9th.
Buckhorn shot Sunday and some great scores were posted. Gail Page broke her 1st 100 for the singles title. Don Kaufman broke the lone 96 for the caps win and Dan Johnson won the caps with a 93 and the HOA with a 281x300. They commenced to shoot Gails hat and even with all the lead flying through it she was still able to wear it. Hopefully someone got a picture for me to be able to post it. Buckhorn shoots on July 4th weekend and "might" expand the shoot to two days......If an additional day is added look for the info here and on
Two shoots coming up this Saturday and Watauga will be offering 400 targets for your shooting pleasure. 200/100/50pair will be hurled in the valley and that will give some hardy soul a chance to break 200 in God's country. I was there the day George Ponton broke a 100 straight in handicap and the day Bill Howe broke 100 straight in doubles. The walls are full of names of shooters that have posted perfect scores at Watauga. Registration will begin at 8:30 and shooting will commence at 9:30 if not sooner. That is a lot of shooting to pack into 1 day and the WGC staff will do their best barring issues with the traps.....Not sure what is for lunch but it is always country good. Weather looks like 30% chance of rain with winds at 10mph out of the North. Temps will be around 78.......78........78 degrees........can you say 78?

Ft. Bragg will host their monthly trapshoot Saturday the 28th. As far as I know they will offer a typical 100/100/50pair program. Marty will get his shoot info posted and I wonder if he will have some of his famous ice cream? Ft. Bragg is a great place to shoot and watching the planes land can always be fun for sure. Our newly appointed NC State President Marty Hill is the master of ceremonies and puts on a great event. Looks like the weather will offer mid 90's temps with 30% chance of rain and there will be a breeze.
The Rockingham Gun Club hosted their Lewis Class Fun Shoot Sunday at 3pm. 12 shooters stepped to the line for some non-registered fun. All shooters shot two rounds of singles and their score dictated their handicap yardage for the caps event. Roger Shaffer broke the lone 49 and he shot on the 27. Lane broke a 48 and Tommy Brown a 47 so they shot on the 26. I wound up shooting from the 24 after breaking a 45 in singles along with JBird and three others. When the smoke cleared Tommy Brown was the hi-gun with a 91 with Lane and Scott Shoulars close behind with 89's. Then came the mid-lewis winners JC and Fredmon with 86's and last but not least David Slaydon won the low lewis.....Everybody had fun and we had two brand new shooters participating in the event.
That is about it for this smoke report and I hope you stay cool and dry this week in North Carolina. I have been super busy at work between mock evacuations and other law enforcement type things. Hello to Lou and until next week.....................................Sm

July 7th Smoke Report
Hello and I hope you and yours had a great July 4th weekend. With a Hurricane on the coast and cooler temps here in NC it made for some great trapshooting weather. Buncombe and Buckhorn both had shoots over the weekend and I hope to have reports sometime today. Also, both Kentucky and Virginia hosted their state shoots and 13 North Carolinians made it to Virginia.
Bill Howe, Charlie Brown, Lane Murray, Tommy Brown, Galloway's, Danny Lloyd, Kenny Cox, Andy Collins and 4 others made it to Virginia. Some shot better than others and both Lane and Jeff broke 95's in Sunday's handicap. Dylan Kline and Dave Shaffer knotted up with the only 200's Saturday and Kline out thunk "Slab" and won the shootoff. Adel Moussa broke a 199 to win the VA State Singles Ttile and congrats to him. The highest NC shooters were Lane Murray and Charlie Brown with 196's.
The VA State Doubles Champ is Steve Hawkins and he broke a 100 to secure the title. Dave Shaeffer took the out-of-state title with a 99 with Clay Floyd in-state with a 98. Top NC shooter was Jeff Galloway with a 92 and Charlie Brown with a 91. The Handicap High-Gun was Dean Shafer from PA with the lone 97. The VA State Handicap Champ is Gary Holderman and he broke a 95.
Last but not least the HAA and it was won by Dave Shaeffer with a 394 and he is from Maryland. Clay Floyd won the VA State HAA title with a 391. Top NC shooter was Jeff Galloway with a 381 with Charlie Brown with a 376. HOA in-state was Clay Floyd with a 1368 and out-of-state winner was Ronald Sutton from MD with a 1343. Top NC HOA shooter was Tommy Brown with a 1294 in "B" Class.
From what I am hearing everybody had a great time except for the windy conditions on Thursday. It is always great to get out and mingle with fellow trapshooters from other states. Hate I missed it but I have some traveling to do myself.
Charlie Brown shoots this weekend and they have a two-day shoot planned. Week after next the Zone cranks up at the NC Homegrounds. Looks like the Zone will be well attended and you just never know who will show up.
JC Nunn will turn 91 this weekend and he is still going strong. I hope to have some pictures from his birthday party and I will have a fire extinguisher when they light the candles.
That is about it for this week and if I missed anything or anybody I apologize. Have a great week Lou and until next week................................Smokem
Bill Howe, Charlie Brown, Lane Murray, Tommy Brown, Galloway's, Danny Lloyd, Kenny Cox, Andy Collins and 4 others made it to Virginia. Some shot better than others and both Lane and Jeff broke 95's in Sunday's handicap. Dylan Kline and Dave Shaffer knotted up with the only 200's Saturday and Kline out thunk "Slab" and won the shootoff. Adel Moussa broke a 199 to win the VA State Singles Ttile and congrats to him. The highest NC shooters were Lane Murray and Charlie Brown with 196's.
The VA State Doubles Champ is Steve Hawkins and he broke a 100 to secure the title. Dave Shaeffer took the out-of-state title with a 99 with Clay Floyd in-state with a 98. Top NC shooter was Jeff Galloway with a 92 and Charlie Brown with a 91. The Handicap High-Gun was Dean Shafer from PA with the lone 97. The VA State Handicap Champ is Gary Holderman and he broke a 95.
Last but not least the HAA and it was won by Dave Shaeffer with a 394 and he is from Maryland. Clay Floyd won the VA State HAA title with a 391. Top NC shooter was Jeff Galloway with a 381 with Charlie Brown with a 376. HOA in-state was Clay Floyd with a 1368 and out-of-state winner was Ronald Sutton from MD with a 1343. Top NC HOA shooter was Tommy Brown with a 1294 in "B" Class.
From what I am hearing everybody had a great time except for the windy conditions on Thursday. It is always great to get out and mingle with fellow trapshooters from other states. Hate I missed it but I have some traveling to do myself.
Charlie Brown shoots this weekend and they have a two-day shoot planned. Week after next the Zone cranks up at the NC Homegrounds. Looks like the Zone will be well attended and you just never know who will show up.
JC Nunn will turn 91 this weekend and he is still going strong. I hope to have some pictures from his birthday party and I will have a fire extinguisher when they light the candles.
That is about it for this week and if I missed anything or anybody I apologize. Have a great week Lou and until next week................................Smokem
July 14th Smoke Report
Good morning and I hope you had a great weekend. Not sure how the weather was in North Carolina but the weather in Pennsylvania was almost perfect. One two-day shoot over the weekend at Charlie Brown's and I am sure a report will be posted very soon. Also, thanks to Jimmy Wilson for posting the shoot scores for Buckhorn's to day event. I did get a shoot report from Buncombe County and will get that up today sometime.
Big event coming up this week with the Southern Zone cranking up at the NC Homegrounds. Looking back at Thursday 2013 Charlie Brown and John Domas posted 100's in the singles, Juston Trimback posted a 100 in the caps and Clay Floyd and Donnie Pigg broke 97's in the dubs. Friday Clay Floyd, Trent Inman, William Ward and Dennis Taylor all posted 100 in the singles, Bill Howe, Logan McAllister, Teresa Knihgt and Mike Schlidgen all posted 98's in the caps, Clay Floyd and Trent Inman posted 98's in the dubs. On Saturday Clay Floyd and John Domas (1st 200 for John) posted 200's, Sunday Hunter Baughman broke a 99 in the dubs and Nicholas Corbat from Hawaii broke the lone 99 at the NC site. All scores reported above came from the NC site and I could not retrieve the Zone wide report. Good luck to all the folks that travel to NC to shoot at our Homegrounds.......
Got back from PA Sunday evening and JC and I had a great time at the Ruffsdale Gun Club. The weather was great, targets were great and that is about all I can say. Jim Lambert runs a tight ship at Ruffsdale and their trap help was awesome. The Konne-Yaut Indian's celebrated their 95th year and inducted eight into the ranks and a great time was had by all. JC turned 91 today and had a great birthday for sure. I asked him if he felt any older and he said not one bit. I want to say that I enjoyed seeing everybody this year and can't wait to attend the 96th Annual event at West Penn Sportsman Gun Club next July.
I will try to keep up with info from the Zone if possible. Not sure who I will have on the ground but we will find someone. I would like to say hello to Lou down South and Scott up North.......Have a great weekend and until next week......Smokem
Big event coming up this week with the Southern Zone cranking up at the NC Homegrounds. Looking back at Thursday 2013 Charlie Brown and John Domas posted 100's in the singles, Juston Trimback posted a 100 in the caps and Clay Floyd and Donnie Pigg broke 97's in the dubs. Friday Clay Floyd, Trent Inman, William Ward and Dennis Taylor all posted 100 in the singles, Bill Howe, Logan McAllister, Teresa Knihgt and Mike Schlidgen all posted 98's in the caps, Clay Floyd and Trent Inman posted 98's in the dubs. On Saturday Clay Floyd and John Domas (1st 200 for John) posted 200's, Sunday Hunter Baughman broke a 99 in the dubs and Nicholas Corbat from Hawaii broke the lone 99 at the NC site. All scores reported above came from the NC site and I could not retrieve the Zone wide report. Good luck to all the folks that travel to NC to shoot at our Homegrounds.......
Got back from PA Sunday evening and JC and I had a great time at the Ruffsdale Gun Club. The weather was great, targets were great and that is about all I can say. Jim Lambert runs a tight ship at Ruffsdale and their trap help was awesome. The Konne-Yaut Indian's celebrated their 95th year and inducted eight into the ranks and a great time was had by all. JC turned 91 today and had a great birthday for sure. I asked him if he felt any older and he said not one bit. I want to say that I enjoyed seeing everybody this year and can't wait to attend the 96th Annual event at West Penn Sportsman Gun Club next July.
I will try to keep up with info from the Zone if possible. Not sure who I will have on the ground but we will find someone. I would like to say hello to Lou down South and Scott up North.......Have a great weekend and until next week......Smokem
July 21st Smoke Report
Hello to all and can you believe that August is almost here? The Southern Zone is in the record books and a lot of interesting stuff to talk about. One shoot coming up this Saturday and then the Grand is upon us.
One shoot this Saturday the 27th at the Watauga Gun Club in Boone NC. Looking at the forecast 77 degrees, winds at 7 and 20% chance of rain looks real good for great shooting in the valley.
The Southern Zone is over and if you have been keeping up with the scores it looks like the honey hole for winning was the Berea Kentucky site for the weekend events. Singles winner Keith Parrot had to break 125 straight after a 200 in the Championship Singles Saturday. Don Isham broke 124x125 to take the runner-up title at the Berea site. Not to be outdone his older brother Kevin Parrot broke a 99 then 20/20 in a shootoff after a tie with Jr's Garrett Sweeney and Bobby Fowler and SrVet Don Kerce. They were all at the Berea site also and from what I could tell it was a sunny day in Kentucky on Sunday. In handicap Jordan Foley broke a 99 then 24/25/25 to win over Gerard Hoots and David Riddle in Berea. Looks like there were 5 98's broken including one broken by NC Jr shooter Noah Gouge. HAA found Gerard Hoots and Danny Ryan tied with 394x400 with Hoots winning the flip with Clay Floyd taking 3rd place with a 391x400. HOA was won by KY shooter Danny Ryan with 980x1000, Clay Floyd took RU with 978x1000 in Bostic and 3rd found Keith Ditto with 977x1000. For more detailed info mash on the link provided......
I got a few reports from Bostic and it looks like Thursday was sunny, Friday was a little moist with Saturday overcast and drizzly all day. Not sure how it was Sunday other than overcast with a little moisture early in the day. Trophy & All American Points/Pin Counts By Club - Berea 157 count/169 shooters - Bostic 52 count/186 shooters - Odessa 26 count/117 shooters - Wellsburg WV 1 count/65 shooters.......Not sure what all that means but that was posted with the Zone wide winners info.
Digging a little deeper I found HOA winners Noah Gouge "B" Class - Ben Campbell "C" Class - Dan Johnson "SubVet" 968x1000. Looks like Dan had a pretty good run at 1000 targets with his new "Seizure Greeny" as he calls it. Looks like SrVet Jim Mitchell had a great HAA score to take "B" class......I know there are a ton of other winners so go take a look for yourself if you get a chance. If I left anybody out..........please forgive.....It is a lot of info to digest for sure.
Not much more to share since I did not make it to the Zone. With the Grand right around the corner folks will be preparing to make the trip to Sparta. Weather is looking god for the month of August with daytime highs in the high 80's. That is much better that 100 plus temps a few years ago. I was happy to see that Lou shot the Zone in Odessa and not too shabby there Lou. Hello to Lou down South and Scott up North and until next week.........................................Smokem
One shoot this Saturday the 27th at the Watauga Gun Club in Boone NC. Looking at the forecast 77 degrees, winds at 7 and 20% chance of rain looks real good for great shooting in the valley.
The Southern Zone is over and if you have been keeping up with the scores it looks like the honey hole for winning was the Berea Kentucky site for the weekend events. Singles winner Keith Parrot had to break 125 straight after a 200 in the Championship Singles Saturday. Don Isham broke 124x125 to take the runner-up title at the Berea site. Not to be outdone his older brother Kevin Parrot broke a 99 then 20/20 in a shootoff after a tie with Jr's Garrett Sweeney and Bobby Fowler and SrVet Don Kerce. They were all at the Berea site also and from what I could tell it was a sunny day in Kentucky on Sunday. In handicap Jordan Foley broke a 99 then 24/25/25 to win over Gerard Hoots and David Riddle in Berea. Looks like there were 5 98's broken including one broken by NC Jr shooter Noah Gouge. HAA found Gerard Hoots and Danny Ryan tied with 394x400 with Hoots winning the flip with Clay Floyd taking 3rd place with a 391x400. HOA was won by KY shooter Danny Ryan with 980x1000, Clay Floyd took RU with 978x1000 in Bostic and 3rd found Keith Ditto with 977x1000. For more detailed info mash on the link provided......
I got a few reports from Bostic and it looks like Thursday was sunny, Friday was a little moist with Saturday overcast and drizzly all day. Not sure how it was Sunday other than overcast with a little moisture early in the day. Trophy & All American Points/Pin Counts By Club - Berea 157 count/169 shooters - Bostic 52 count/186 shooters - Odessa 26 count/117 shooters - Wellsburg WV 1 count/65 shooters.......Not sure what all that means but that was posted with the Zone wide winners info.
Digging a little deeper I found HOA winners Noah Gouge "B" Class - Ben Campbell "C" Class - Dan Johnson "SubVet" 968x1000. Looks like Dan had a pretty good run at 1000 targets with his new "Seizure Greeny" as he calls it. Looks like SrVet Jim Mitchell had a great HAA score to take "B" class......I know there are a ton of other winners so go take a look for yourself if you get a chance. If I left anybody out..........please forgive.....It is a lot of info to digest for sure.
Not much more to share since I did not make it to the Zone. With the Grand right around the corner folks will be preparing to make the trip to Sparta. Weather is looking god for the month of August with daytime highs in the high 80's. That is much better that 100 plus temps a few years ago. I was happy to see that Lou shot the Zone in Odessa and not too shabby there Lou. Hello to Lou down South and Scott up North and until next week.........................................Smokem
August 25th Smoke Report
Hello to all and to all a good morning. Great weather for shooting this weekend and I have one shoot report from the valley in the mountains. Also a big three day shoot over the Labor Day weekend holiday to keep you busy and close to home.
Bob Keever reports that Jerry Ricker suffered a severe stroke about three weeks ago. Jerry Surrette visited Jerry on the 18th and reported that he was in a serious condition. He is in rehab at Care Partners, 68 Sweeten Creek Road, Room 102, Asheville NC 28803. The phone number is 828-277-4800 and not really sure if you will be able to contact him directly. Our prayers go out for him and his family during this time.
Watauga hosted a 400 target Saturday and had a great turnout. Steve Watson and Crews Walden knotted up with 196's, Will Price broke a 96 to win the caps and Steve Watson won the doubles with a 97 and the HOA with a 383x400. On a side note I got an email from Morg that Boone's own Will Price won "C" Class 3rd in the White Flyer HOA 100 target event with 933x1000.....Great shooting Will and Randy "Boone" Jones is real proud of you I am sure.....Mark your calendars for the October 25th "Wing Fling" at the Watauga Gun Club.
Buckhorn will host a three day shoot over the long Labor Day holiday weekend. Saturday be prepared to shoot 100 caps - 100 singles - 100 caps, Sunday offers 100 singles - 100 caps and for you double lovers 100 PAIR and all targets will be PINK ALL ORANGE WHITE FLYER targets. Monday you can expect a typical 300 target program will 100 singles - 100 handicap - 50 pair of doubles. The program is posted if you need more details on the event. Buckhorn shoots next on the 18th & 19th of October so mark your calendar now.
The Cardinal Classic is over and NC had one winner in the mix. Marty Wood posted a 98 in the Jack Cheek handicap and got a 1 yard punch back to the 23. Keith Ditto from KY won the singles with a 200, Harlan Campbell won the doubles with a 100, Johnny Kitchen from KY won the caps with a 99 and Harlan won the HAA with a 394 and the HOA with a 1277. Our friend from VA Clay Floyd shot well all week and broke the lone 100 in the Rod's Custom Stocks handicap from the back fence.
One fellow that I missed that won at the Grand was North Carolina's own Dennis Taylor. He won B Class in the Clay Target Championship with a 198 and that is some great shooting Dennis.
JC Nunn is on the mend and must have gotten some type of food poisoning about two weeks ago. He is down about 14 pounds and he is a little on the thin side anyway. I slipped over to his house Friday to drop off a package that Hunter Galloway brought back from the Grand. I sat on the back steps and watched him rodeo riding his John Deere tractor and he didn't see me for a little while. He finally noticed that I was there and he asked me if I was watching him drive that tractor. Hopefully he will be back in shooting shape real soon.
I got word that Gene Batchelar passed away on the 20th of August. Gene was a friend of mine from and I signed up for the caring bridge website when he began his initial fight with cancer. Gene was from Pennsylvania and will be buried in Pittsburgh. Trapshooting has lost another fine gentleman and he will surely be missed.
News from South Carolina and it looks like the Gun Club at Myrtle Grove is closing it's doors. I do not have a lot of details and might have more info in the near future. I really hate to hear that because there was a lot of registered shooting going on at MG. Hopefully someone will shed some light on the situation real soon. I checked to see if the website was still up and it is not available.
Ok....have a great week and I hope everybody has a safe Labor Day weekend. Hello to Scott up North and Lou down South and until next week.................................Smokem
Bob Keever reports that Jerry Ricker suffered a severe stroke about three weeks ago. Jerry Surrette visited Jerry on the 18th and reported that he was in a serious condition. He is in rehab at Care Partners, 68 Sweeten Creek Road, Room 102, Asheville NC 28803. The phone number is 828-277-4800 and not really sure if you will be able to contact him directly. Our prayers go out for him and his family during this time.
Watauga hosted a 400 target Saturday and had a great turnout. Steve Watson and Crews Walden knotted up with 196's, Will Price broke a 96 to win the caps and Steve Watson won the doubles with a 97 and the HOA with a 383x400. On a side note I got an email from Morg that Boone's own Will Price won "C" Class 3rd in the White Flyer HOA 100 target event with 933x1000.....Great shooting Will and Randy "Boone" Jones is real proud of you I am sure.....Mark your calendars for the October 25th "Wing Fling" at the Watauga Gun Club.
Buckhorn will host a three day shoot over the long Labor Day holiday weekend. Saturday be prepared to shoot 100 caps - 100 singles - 100 caps, Sunday offers 100 singles - 100 caps and for you double lovers 100 PAIR and all targets will be PINK ALL ORANGE WHITE FLYER targets. Monday you can expect a typical 300 target program will 100 singles - 100 handicap - 50 pair of doubles. The program is posted if you need more details on the event. Buckhorn shoots next on the 18th & 19th of October so mark your calendar now.
The Cardinal Classic is over and NC had one winner in the mix. Marty Wood posted a 98 in the Jack Cheek handicap and got a 1 yard punch back to the 23. Keith Ditto from KY won the singles with a 200, Harlan Campbell won the doubles with a 100, Johnny Kitchen from KY won the caps with a 99 and Harlan won the HAA with a 394 and the HOA with a 1277. Our friend from VA Clay Floyd shot well all week and broke the lone 100 in the Rod's Custom Stocks handicap from the back fence.
One fellow that I missed that won at the Grand was North Carolina's own Dennis Taylor. He won B Class in the Clay Target Championship with a 198 and that is some great shooting Dennis.
JC Nunn is on the mend and must have gotten some type of food poisoning about two weeks ago. He is down about 14 pounds and he is a little on the thin side anyway. I slipped over to his house Friday to drop off a package that Hunter Galloway brought back from the Grand. I sat on the back steps and watched him rodeo riding his John Deere tractor and he didn't see me for a little while. He finally noticed that I was there and he asked me if I was watching him drive that tractor. Hopefully he will be back in shooting shape real soon.
I got word that Gene Batchelar passed away on the 20th of August. Gene was a friend of mine from and I signed up for the caring bridge website when he began his initial fight with cancer. Gene was from Pennsylvania and will be buried in Pittsburgh. Trapshooting has lost another fine gentleman and he will surely be missed.
News from South Carolina and it looks like the Gun Club at Myrtle Grove is closing it's doors. I do not have a lot of details and might have more info in the near future. I really hate to hear that because there was a lot of registered shooting going on at MG. Hopefully someone will shed some light on the situation real soon. I checked to see if the website was still up and it is not available.
Ok....have a great week and I hope everybody has a safe Labor Day weekend. Hello to Scott up North and Lou down South and until next week.................................Smokem
September 1st Smoke Report
Good morning to all and I hope you and your family are enjoying Labor Day off. Hot Saturday and a little breezy Sunday around here in Jamestown and a chance of rain today. Buckhorn hosted a three day event ending today and there are three shoots in NC this Saturday the 6th.
Jerry Ricker is holding his own according to info supplied by Carolyn Keever. She has assured me that any new info will be passed on immediately. Richard Colley called me last week checking on Jerry and I really didn't have a ton of info to share with him. I know that folks are praying for him and anything is possible.
Buckhorn hosted a three day shoot over the Labor Day weekend and I will get the shoot report for all three days tonight....fingers crossed. I talked to Danny Lloyd Sunday night and he said it was hot Saturday and a little cooler Sunday. John Miller broke a 100 in the singles on Saturday but no info from the morning and evening handicaps. Sunday Karole Miller won the caps with a 91 and Danny followed closed behind with a 90. No info on the singles or the 100 pair of doubles. I asked Danny about how he liked the pink White Flyers and he said he had no issues with the birds and wore rose colored lenses.
Three shoots the 6th and they include Coharie, Durham County Wildlife Club and the Rockingham Gun Club. Typical 300 target program at all three clubs with MID Pots at CSL and Durham and 1st/mid/last 50 pots at the Rock. Weather for Saturday looks like low 90's and a 50% chance of rain but let's face it anything can happen. Programs should be posted Monday or Tuesday and these are targets going on the new year so please re-up your membership with the ATA if you are a yearly member.
I called JC last week and checked on him. He quit his job at the Auto Auction and he will sorely be missed since he is one of a few that can drive a stick. He will have a little more time to putt around the house and visit his wife's sister that lost her husband about 5 months ago. He is looking forward to the Hall Of Fame shoot and always enjoys the feed that is put on by the Old Hickory Club.
Speaking of the Old Hickory club I got in touch with Ronnie Smith last week and checked to see how Lillian was doing. Lillian is getting around slowly and is unable to talk according to Ronnie. She had been wanting him to take her to the club to shoot skeet and he said she broke 13 out of 25 in the condition she is in. Ronnie is taking care of the Old Hickory Club and hosts quite a few non-registered events. He stays quite busy and he always has that place looking great.
Jeff Galloway took a trip to the Spartanburg Gun Club Saturday to deliver a gun he had worked on. He shot some practice on field four with his friend a few of the locals. They charge 7 bucks a round for practice and that really makes you appreciate the price that you pay at your club. Sunday Jeff went to the big flea market in Hillsville VA and wound up buying a H&R 750 Pioneer bolt action 22 rifle. I asked for a few more details but he never texted me back.
Ok that is about it for this week and I am really looking forward to cooler weather. Hello to Scott up North and Lou down South and Hap out West and until next week.......................................Smokem..
Jerry Ricker is holding his own according to info supplied by Carolyn Keever. She has assured me that any new info will be passed on immediately. Richard Colley called me last week checking on Jerry and I really didn't have a ton of info to share with him. I know that folks are praying for him and anything is possible.
Buckhorn hosted a three day shoot over the Labor Day weekend and I will get the shoot report for all three days tonight....fingers crossed. I talked to Danny Lloyd Sunday night and he said it was hot Saturday and a little cooler Sunday. John Miller broke a 100 in the singles on Saturday but no info from the morning and evening handicaps. Sunday Karole Miller won the caps with a 91 and Danny followed closed behind with a 90. No info on the singles or the 100 pair of doubles. I asked Danny about how he liked the pink White Flyers and he said he had no issues with the birds and wore rose colored lenses.
Three shoots the 6th and they include Coharie, Durham County Wildlife Club and the Rockingham Gun Club. Typical 300 target program at all three clubs with MID Pots at CSL and Durham and 1st/mid/last 50 pots at the Rock. Weather for Saturday looks like low 90's and a 50% chance of rain but let's face it anything can happen. Programs should be posted Monday or Tuesday and these are targets going on the new year so please re-up your membership with the ATA if you are a yearly member.
I called JC last week and checked on him. He quit his job at the Auto Auction and he will sorely be missed since he is one of a few that can drive a stick. He will have a little more time to putt around the house and visit his wife's sister that lost her husband about 5 months ago. He is looking forward to the Hall Of Fame shoot and always enjoys the feed that is put on by the Old Hickory Club.
Speaking of the Old Hickory club I got in touch with Ronnie Smith last week and checked to see how Lillian was doing. Lillian is getting around slowly and is unable to talk according to Ronnie. She had been wanting him to take her to the club to shoot skeet and he said she broke 13 out of 25 in the condition she is in. Ronnie is taking care of the Old Hickory Club and hosts quite a few non-registered events. He stays quite busy and he always has that place looking great.
Jeff Galloway took a trip to the Spartanburg Gun Club Saturday to deliver a gun he had worked on. He shot some practice on field four with his friend a few of the locals. They charge 7 bucks a round for practice and that really makes you appreciate the price that you pay at your club. Sunday Jeff went to the big flea market in Hillsville VA and wound up buying a H&R 750 Pioneer bolt action 22 rifle. I asked for a few more details but he never texted me back.
Ok that is about it for this week and I am really looking forward to cooler weather. Hello to Scott up North and Lou down South and Hap out West and until next week.......................................Smokem..
Re: Shoot Template
Thanks to Jimmy Wilson for the scores and from what he told me it was hot Saturday, hotter Sunday and hottest Monday. Saturday all three events were shot with the classic WF Orange Dome targets with Sunday utilizing the "ALL PINK" WF target. Looking at the scores from Saturday to Sunday you can see quite a difference in the scores that could be attributed to that PINK bird. Monday Jimmy used WFOD birds and he managed to break a solid 293x300 and busted the middle 50 pot in the handicap event and missed his 100th bird for a 97.
Good to see Dennis Taylor, George Ponton, Steve Morgan, Ed Rabenda and Bob Kemp in the winner column and last but not least Don Kaufman. Three days of hot weather and great targets with a relatively decent crowd produces a lot of birds thrown.
For those of you that either run shoots or help out at shoots there is a lot of work that goes into the event. Folks donate their time and effort to help run a good shoot. BGC has always had a culture of helping and making sure that everything goes exactly like Jimmy Wilson wants it. In other words he got his folks trained and I know that he appreciates all of their hard work and is wanting to give everybody a big hug the next time he sees you! All jokes aside he really appreciates the attention to detail and he is looking forward to the 2015 season at BGC.
Jimmy wanted me to talk bad about Dan Johnson but I told him that it would have to wait until the next Smoke Report on the 8th of September.
Saturday August 30th
Handicap entries - 16
94 - HiGun - Andrew Carrollyou
94 - Long - Jimmy Wilson
91 - Int - Dan Johnson
85 - Mid - Glenn Alford
94 - Short - Kevin Biff
93 - Vet - Ed Rabenda
Singles entries - 17
100 - Champ - John Miller
97 - AA - Dan Johnson
97 - A - Pico Martinez
96 - B - Kevin Biff
94 - C - Glenn Alford
87 - D - Curtis Odom
75 - Jr - Noah Neslon
95 - Vet - Richard Drake
92 - SrVet - Andrew Carroll
Handicap entries - 16
95 - HiGun - Marty Hill
93 - Long - Jimmy Wilson
93 - Int - Tim Crabtree
92 - Mid - Glenn Alford
90 - Short - Chris Powell
91 - Vet - Ed Rabenda
88 - SrVet - Don Kaufman
HOA - Johnson Over Wilson
Sunday August 31st
Singles entries - 25
98 - Champ - John Miller
98 - AA - Jimmy Wilson
97 - A - Tim Crabtree
96 - B - Perry Kemp
92 - C - Danny Lloyd
87 - D - Wayne Banks
93 - Lady - Karole Miller "over" Gail Page
90- Jr - Noah Nelson
97 - Vet - Richard Drake
96 - SrVet - Dennis Taylor
Handicap entries - 20
91- HiGun - Karole Miller
85- Long - Jimmy Wilson
87 - Int - Tim Crabtree
88 - Mid - Steve Morgan
90 - Short - Danny Lloyd
75 - Lady - Ann Morgan
83 - Jr - Jason Holley
86 - Vet - Bob Kemp
84 - SrVet - Morris Carroll
Doubles entries - 12
187 - TopGun - John Miller
175 - AA - Dan Johnson
181 - B - Winky Mabe
162 - C - Dennis Taylor
147 - D - Gary Wilson
161 - Lady - Karole Miller
148 - Jr - Jason Holley
164 - Vet - Richard Drake
172 - SrVet - George Ponton
HOA - John Miller
Monday September 1st - Labor Day
Singles entries - 18
100 - Champ - Jimmy Wilson
99 - AA - John Miller
99 - A - Tim Crabtree
94 - B - Kevin Biff over Glenn Alford & Emory Daniel
93 - C - Ed Johnson (NY)
84 - D - Curtis Odom
90 - Lady - Karole Miller
70 - SubJr - Lydia Tilcher
96 - Vet - Chuck Woody
99 - SrVet - Dennis Taylor
Handicap entries - 16
97 - HiGun - Jimmy Wilson "Cashed In MID50" Missed # 100
NSR - Long - John Miller
93 - Int - Tim Crabtree
93 - Mid - Marty Hill
92 - Short - Ed Johnson
90 - Lady - Karole Miller
94 - Vet - Richard Drake
95 - SrVet - Don Kaufman
Doubles entries - 8
96 - TopGun - Jimmy Wilson
94 - AA - John Miller
89 - B - Winky Mabe
80 - C - Dennis Taylor
83 - D - Ed Johnson
75 - Vet - Richard Drake
99 - SrVet -
HOA - Jimmy Wilson 293x300
Good to see Dennis Taylor, George Ponton, Steve Morgan, Ed Rabenda and Bob Kemp in the winner column and last but not least Don Kaufman. Three days of hot weather and great targets with a relatively decent crowd produces a lot of birds thrown.
For those of you that either run shoots or help out at shoots there is a lot of work that goes into the event. Folks donate their time and effort to help run a good shoot. BGC has always had a culture of helping and making sure that everything goes exactly like Jimmy Wilson wants it. In other words he got his folks trained and I know that he appreciates all of their hard work and is wanting to give everybody a big hug the next time he sees you! All jokes aside he really appreciates the attention to detail and he is looking forward to the 2015 season at BGC.
Jimmy wanted me to talk bad about Dan Johnson but I told him that it would have to wait until the next Smoke Report on the 8th of September.
Saturday August 30th
Handicap entries - 16
94 - HiGun - Andrew Carrollyou
94 - Long - Jimmy Wilson
91 - Int - Dan Johnson
85 - Mid - Glenn Alford
94 - Short - Kevin Biff
93 - Vet - Ed Rabenda
Singles entries - 17
100 - Champ - John Miller
97 - AA - Dan Johnson
97 - A - Pico Martinez
96 - B - Kevin Biff
94 - C - Glenn Alford
87 - D - Curtis Odom
75 - Jr - Noah Neslon
95 - Vet - Richard Drake
92 - SrVet - Andrew Carroll
Handicap entries - 16
95 - HiGun - Marty Hill
93 - Long - Jimmy Wilson
93 - Int - Tim Crabtree
92 - Mid - Glenn Alford
90 - Short - Chris Powell
91 - Vet - Ed Rabenda
88 - SrVet - Don Kaufman
HOA - Johnson Over Wilson
Sunday August 31st
Singles entries - 25
98 - Champ - John Miller
98 - AA - Jimmy Wilson
97 - A - Tim Crabtree
96 - B - Perry Kemp
92 - C - Danny Lloyd
87 - D - Wayne Banks
93 - Lady - Karole Miller "over" Gail Page
90- Jr - Noah Nelson
97 - Vet - Richard Drake
96 - SrVet - Dennis Taylor
Handicap entries - 20
91- HiGun - Karole Miller
85- Long - Jimmy Wilson
87 - Int - Tim Crabtree
88 - Mid - Steve Morgan
90 - Short - Danny Lloyd
75 - Lady - Ann Morgan
83 - Jr - Jason Holley
86 - Vet - Bob Kemp
84 - SrVet - Morris Carroll
Doubles entries - 12
187 - TopGun - John Miller
175 - AA - Dan Johnson
181 - B - Winky Mabe
162 - C - Dennis Taylor
147 - D - Gary Wilson
161 - Lady - Karole Miller
148 - Jr - Jason Holley
164 - Vet - Richard Drake
172 - SrVet - George Ponton
HOA - John Miller
Monday September 1st - Labor Day
Singles entries - 18
100 - Champ - Jimmy Wilson
99 - AA - John Miller
99 - A - Tim Crabtree
94 - B - Kevin Biff over Glenn Alford & Emory Daniel
93 - C - Ed Johnson (NY)
84 - D - Curtis Odom
90 - Lady - Karole Miller
70 - SubJr - Lydia Tilcher
96 - Vet - Chuck Woody
99 - SrVet - Dennis Taylor
Handicap entries - 16
97 - HiGun - Jimmy Wilson "Cashed In MID50" Missed # 100
NSR - Long - John Miller
93 - Int - Tim Crabtree
93 - Mid - Marty Hill
92 - Short - Ed Johnson
90 - Lady - Karole Miller
94 - Vet - Richard Drake
95 - SrVet - Don Kaufman
Doubles entries - 8
96 - TopGun - Jimmy Wilson
94 - AA - John Miller
89 - B - Winky Mabe
80 - C - Dennis Taylor
83 - D - Ed Johnson
75 - Vet - Richard Drake
99 - SrVet -
HOA - Jimmy Wilson 293x300
January 19th Smoke Report
Hello to all and a pretty nice weekend for outdoor activities. One BIG 50 at LCP Wednesday and Gastonia shot Saturday. Hopefully I will have some score info to post sometime today. This week LCP shoots a BIG50 Wednesday and hosts their monthly shoot Saturday the 24th.
Jimmy Wilson sent out a flyer promoting a 75 Target Race this Sunday the 25th. 25 bucks and you shoot 25 birds from the 16 - 22 and 25 yard line. 10 bucks will be dropped into the pot for the Lewis Purse with 60/40 split for 5-15 entries and 50/30/20 for 16 plus entries. Registration begins at 10 and shooting starts at 11AM and a light lunch will be available. Event is open to the public so please attend if you can.
Florida Hall Of Fame was this weekend and it looks like Kay Ohye won the singles with a 199 and the HOA with a 382. Andrew Loitz won the doubles with a 96 and Stephen A. Zane Jr. won the caps with a 96. That was all in state winners and Lou Carter won the Resident Vet Handicap with a 94 got a yard punch to the 25.5......Great shooting Lou! Out Of State winners were Craig Gasparine singles with a 199, Roy Rathbun doubles with a 95, Robert Cooper handicap with a 96 and the Open HOA winner was Tate Hedrick with a 379 x 400.
The Dixie Grand cranks up in the morning and it is 61 degrees at 8PM on Sunday night in Port Charlotte Florida. Not sure who all is going to the Dixie and I will be keeping an eye on the score board if I have time during the week. If you have never been to the Silver Dollar Gun Club it is quite and experience. Beautiful gun club with some great background for sure. If you want to keep up with all the happenings you can visit
Got to do a little sporting clay shooting Saturday with Chris and Scott Shoulars, Lewis Wyatt and Jeff Galloway. They had a pheasant hunt earlier in the day and I believe they released about 340 birds with about 270 heading home to the freezer or the fryer. The weather was great and we even got to see Shane Naylor and he was shooting a bit. These guys are pretty good shots and Scott managed to nip Lewis by 1 bird for top honors with Jeff coming in third and Scott and I bringing up the rear. We also ran into Crews Waldens son Charlie and he was out courting at the Sporting Clays Range.
Jimmy Wilson sent out a flyer promoting a 75 Target Race this Sunday the 25th. 25 bucks and you shoot 25 birds from the 16 - 22 and 25 yard line. 10 bucks will be dropped into the pot for the Lewis Purse with 60/40 split for 5-15 entries and 50/30/20 for 16 plus entries. Registration begins at 10 and shooting starts at 11AM and a light lunch will be available. Event is open to the public so please attend if you can.
Florida Hall Of Fame was this weekend and it looks like Kay Ohye won the singles with a 199 and the HOA with a 382. Andrew Loitz won the doubles with a 96 and Stephen A. Zane Jr. won the caps with a 96. That was all in state winners and Lou Carter won the Resident Vet Handicap with a 94 got a yard punch to the 25.5......Great shooting Lou! Out Of State winners were Craig Gasparine singles with a 199, Roy Rathbun doubles with a 95, Robert Cooper handicap with a 96 and the Open HOA winner was Tate Hedrick with a 379 x 400.
The Dixie Grand cranks up in the morning and it is 61 degrees at 8PM on Sunday night in Port Charlotte Florida. Not sure who all is going to the Dixie and I will be keeping an eye on the score board if I have time during the week. If you have never been to the Silver Dollar Gun Club it is quite and experience. Beautiful gun club with some great background for sure. If you want to keep up with all the happenings you can visit
Got to do a little sporting clay shooting Saturday with Chris and Scott Shoulars, Lewis Wyatt and Jeff Galloway. They had a pheasant hunt earlier in the day and I believe they released about 340 birds with about 270 heading home to the freezer or the fryer. The weather was great and we even got to see Shane Naylor and he was shooting a bit. These guys are pretty good shots and Scott managed to nip Lewis by 1 bird for top honors with Jeff coming in third and Scott and I bringing up the rear. We also ran into Crews Waldens son Charlie and he was out courting at the Sporting Clays Range.
January 26th Smoke Report
January is almost over and the East Coast is bracing for a huge snow storm. Thank goodness it is going to miss this area and that is a good thing. No registered events in NC this weekend with BGC hosting their non-registered 75 Bird Race on Sunday. The Dixie wrapped up yesterday and I heard the weather was interesting at best.
Jimmy Wilson called me earlier in the week to inform me that NC HOF member Jerry Ricker had passed. Details are incomplete at this time because his daughter and son in law are flying in from the Philippines. I talked to Marty Wood Sunday night and he is in communication with Jerry's daughter and Terry Roush will get the word out when details are finalized. Jerry was moved to a facility in Raleigh and has been there for at least 5 months or more. Please keep the family in prayer during this time.
Low Country Preserve shoot their monthly BIG50 Wednesday and their monthly registered shoot scheduled for the 24th was cancelled to do the threat of inclement weather. Next registered event in NC will be Coharie on the 7th of February.
Bill Howe and I had a chance to chat a bit last week and it looks like Billy Thigpen is back out shooting. Bill said he shot his first 100 singles targets in quite some time at the Greeneville SC club. Also, Bills friend Brian Luther from New York will be sporting a new custom made Kolar this season and I can't wait to see it. Brian is the fellow that shoots two doubles targets in the time it takes me to shoot one. I posted a video of Brian on trap 8 in Spartanburg several years ago mashing pairs like only he can do.
The Dixie is over and 11 NC shooters registered birds in Florida. I know that Danny Lloyd, McKinneys, Keevers, Roush, Duncans, and not sure who else attended. Clay Floyd from VA shot well and I noticed that Trey Wilburn had also shot at the Dollar. Frank Pascoe won the singles, Harlan Campbell won the doubles and Jeff Conley won the handicap. Michael Blaisdell won the HAA with a 380 and Clay Floyd was RU also with a 380. Michael Blaisdell won the HOA with a 949 and Clay was RU with a 947. Attendance overall was down a bit but the singles attendance was off 138 shooters compared to 2014. Windy conditions played a big part in folks decisions to stay on the porch but some ventured out to collect their rewards. PA SubJr Jack Noftz was inducted into the Konne-Yaut Indians in 2013 and his sister and dad came in at Ruffsdale in 2014. He got a punch Sunday for his 94 - great shooting Jack! All the results can be found on Also, Danny will be sending me some pix of the scoreboards for you to gander at.
The NC Mountains have been getting a little snow and it looks like BamBam and Spy1 have been staying warm and toasty in their hoody footies practicing their gun lifts and don't get fully dressed until noon each day. They are using Skype to give each other pointers with Spy1 perfecting the Harlan "PUSH" and BamBam perfecting the Sudderth "PULL". Won't be long until there will be gunsmoke rolling in the Watauga Gun Club valley.
The crew assembled at the Rock Sunday and they included Lewis, Tommy Brown, Jeff and Hunter Galloway with Lane Murray and Scott Shoulars. I wanted to attend but went out to eat with friends we use to go to Church with until they moved to Martinsville VA. I am sure fun was had by all.
Danny "Lobo" Lloyd called me Sunday afternoon to discuss his adventures at the Dixie Grand. Evidently he got a good dose of Florida shooting and even took the time to take a Harlan Campbell clinic. He experienced the "Golf Side" of the club and he said the weather Saturday was interesting at best. He will be on his back North today and will getting into position to travel to shoot in the very near future.
Georgia Junior Gold shooter Preston Lunn shot well at the Dixie and won JrGold in the championship Singles/Doubles/Handicap and the JrGold HAA winner. I met Preston at the South Carolina State shoot several years ago and he was a product of the Spartanburg GC AIM shooting team. He is a fine young man and shot rather well at the NC HOF shoot in 2014. Great to see these young men staying around the sport and hats off to the coach that worked with him in South Carolina.
Jimmy Wilson called me earlier in the week to inform me that NC HOF member Jerry Ricker had passed. Details are incomplete at this time because his daughter and son in law are flying in from the Philippines. I talked to Marty Wood Sunday night and he is in communication with Jerry's daughter and Terry Roush will get the word out when details are finalized. Jerry was moved to a facility in Raleigh and has been there for at least 5 months or more. Please keep the family in prayer during this time.
Low Country Preserve shoot their monthly BIG50 Wednesday and their monthly registered shoot scheduled for the 24th was cancelled to do the threat of inclement weather. Next registered event in NC will be Coharie on the 7th of February.
Bill Howe and I had a chance to chat a bit last week and it looks like Billy Thigpen is back out shooting. Bill said he shot his first 100 singles targets in quite some time at the Greeneville SC club. Also, Bills friend Brian Luther from New York will be sporting a new custom made Kolar this season and I can't wait to see it. Brian is the fellow that shoots two doubles targets in the time it takes me to shoot one. I posted a video of Brian on trap 8 in Spartanburg several years ago mashing pairs like only he can do.
The Dixie is over and 11 NC shooters registered birds in Florida. I know that Danny Lloyd, McKinneys, Keevers, Roush, Duncans, and not sure who else attended. Clay Floyd from VA shot well and I noticed that Trey Wilburn had also shot at the Dollar. Frank Pascoe won the singles, Harlan Campbell won the doubles and Jeff Conley won the handicap. Michael Blaisdell won the HAA with a 380 and Clay Floyd was RU also with a 380. Michael Blaisdell won the HOA with a 949 and Clay was RU with a 947. Attendance overall was down a bit but the singles attendance was off 138 shooters compared to 2014. Windy conditions played a big part in folks decisions to stay on the porch but some ventured out to collect their rewards. PA SubJr Jack Noftz was inducted into the Konne-Yaut Indians in 2013 and his sister and dad came in at Ruffsdale in 2014. He got a punch Sunday for his 94 - great shooting Jack! All the results can be found on Also, Danny will be sending me some pix of the scoreboards for you to gander at.
The NC Mountains have been getting a little snow and it looks like BamBam and Spy1 have been staying warm and toasty in their hoody footies practicing their gun lifts and don't get fully dressed until noon each day. They are using Skype to give each other pointers with Spy1 perfecting the Harlan "PUSH" and BamBam perfecting the Sudderth "PULL". Won't be long until there will be gunsmoke rolling in the Watauga Gun Club valley.
The crew assembled at the Rock Sunday and they included Lewis, Tommy Brown, Jeff and Hunter Galloway with Lane Murray and Scott Shoulars. I wanted to attend but went out to eat with friends we use to go to Church with until they moved to Martinsville VA. I am sure fun was had by all.
Danny "Lobo" Lloyd called me Sunday afternoon to discuss his adventures at the Dixie Grand. Evidently he got a good dose of Florida shooting and even took the time to take a Harlan Campbell clinic. He experienced the "Golf Side" of the club and he said the weather Saturday was interesting at best. He will be on his back North today and will getting into position to travel to shoot in the very near future.
Georgia Junior Gold shooter Preston Lunn shot well at the Dixie and won JrGold in the championship Singles/Doubles/Handicap and the JrGold HAA winner. I met Preston at the South Carolina State shoot several years ago and he was a product of the Spartanburg GC AIM shooting team. He is a fine young man and shot rather well at the NC HOF shoot in 2014. Great to see these young men staying around the sport and hats off to the coach that worked with him in South Carolina.