2012 Weekly Blurbs

The ongoing saga of the gun purchased in Boone and shot around the Country!
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July 16th Smoke Report 2012

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Good morning and I hope you had a great weekend. It seems a little warm and muggy back here in the old home state after being in the mountains of Pennsylvania for 5 days. Looks like the Doug House shoot was well attended and we have some info regarding that event. Also looming on the horizon is the Southern Zone this week/end.
We have just basic information on the shoot at Charlie Brown's over the weekend. On Saturday Tim Crabtree won the singles, George Brown won the handicap and Walter "Winky" Mabe won the doubles and the HOA. On Sunday George Brown won the singles, Jeri Wilson won the handicap and Greg High won the doubles and the HOA. We should have all of the scores posted this evening.

The Southern Zone is upon us and NC shooters will be traveling to various spots to participate. Some are going to Georgia, while others are heading to KY. I am not sure if any NC shooters will be heading to FL for the event. Odessa weather looks like high 80's with 30% chance of rain each day and minimal wind. KY weather looks like mid 80's with the best chance of rain on Thursday with 50%. Savannah weather looks like temps below or right near 90 with rain chances at 50% each day starting Friday with winds near 10mph. Not sure how much feedback I will get unless they post it to Trapshooters.com like the 2012 NC State Shoot. Good luck to all the participants and be sure to hydrate properly - please!

Note that the Ft. Bragg shoot for this weekend has been cancelled. Looking a little farther into the month the Rockingham Gun Club will host a one day shoot on the 28th. The Watauga Gun Club will host a two-day shoot on the 28th and 29th of July. It is hard to believe that the Grand is only a few weeks away and as JC Nunn would say - time sure flies when you get older!

I won't bore you with all the details of my trip to Bradford last week. We had a great time, ate some great food and shot trap with some gracious people. I personally didn't shoot too well but JC Nunn managed to shoot great on his 89th birthday Friday the 13th of July. He won "C" Class singles with a 97 and then won the Senior Vet with a 95 in handicap. He is truly an inspiration to all and did it with a gun that was built in 1958.

I hope everybody has a great week and maybe just maybe we can get some feedback from some of our NC folks at the Southern Zone. Hello to Lou down in sunny Florida and if you shoot in the Sothern Zone shoot well my friend. Until next week....................Smokem
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July 23rd Smoke Report 2012

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Great weekend here in North Carolina and sure nice to hang around the house for a change. We had one shoot in NC this weekend and of course the Southern Zone to report on. We also have two shoots coming up this weekend including the 12th Annual Glenn Miller shoot at Watauga.
This weekend we have the monthly registered shoot at the Rockingham Gun Club with a typical 300 target program. Saturday July 28th the Watauga GC hosts the 12th Annual Glenn Miller "IRONMAN". 300 handicap targets and 100 pair of doubles await the competitors. Sunday the registration begins at 11 with shooting to commence at noon with a typical 300 target program.

Ok here goes with the Southern Zone report. I have been reporting on the SZ since Thursday so I won't rehash that info hopefully. I will mention the folks that won at the SZ and they include Addison Callan, Larry High, Charlie Brown, Greg High, Jeff Galloway, Billy Thigpen, Faizi Durland and there might be others. I would also like to mention some out of state shooters that won also and they include Lou Carter, Bob Goodman, Frank Ketron, Fred Rutheford, Trey Wilburn, Theresa Knight, Kenny Inman, Bo Adair, John Domas, Jim Faber and there might be others!

Not sure how the weather was in all the venues and hope to get a little more info in the following days. I might call on Lou Carter from the Odessa site and also contact Bill Howe regarding the Berea site. I am interested in weather info, target setting info and how the shoot was run regarding banks, wave etc... I haven't really been paying attention the attendance numbers but it looks like a good showing in all locations. Congrats to all of the winners and to all the runnner-ups - great shooting.

Dave Daily called Sunday afternoon as he was traveling to the Pinehurst area to work. He informed me that the Myrtle Grove Gun Club clubhouse had been destroyed by fire. If you would like the pictures please email me and we will forward them on. For those of you that have shot at MG the clubhouse was nice and also the area where the equipment and targets were stored. Even the golf carts were completely consumed and destroyed. I know this will be tough for the clubmembers and we wish them the best in the rebuilding process.

The Grand American is right around the corner and folks are preparing to head up to Sparta the 8th of August. Temps have been miserable in that part of the country and maybe hopefully they will get a break in the heat for the greatest shoot on earth. I am not going to make it this year "again" and maybe we can get up there next year. I would like to be shooting a whole lot better before trying to compete against everybody bringing their A game to the competition.

Once all the winners are posted for the Southern Zone we will try to make sense of all NC competitors that won site or Zone wide honors. I want to say hello to Lou down in sunny Florida and great shooting sir. Until next week................................Smokem........
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July 30th Smoke Report 2012

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Hello from Jamestown NC and I hope you had a great week/end. Last week was hot and the weekend was even hotter unless you were in Boone. We have quite a bit of info to discuss including shoot reports from Buckhorn, Old Hickory@Bostic and the Rockingham “Mid-Summer” shoot. I also have a bit of info from the IRONMAN and the 12th Annual Glenn Miller shoot. So sit back and enjoy that cup of coffee as I commence to ramble.
First off we have two shoots coming up this weekend in North Carolina and also shoots in South Carolina and Virginia. Thursday the 2nd of August the Old Hickory@Bostic crew will hold their monthly BIG50. Saturday the 4th the Coharie Shooting League will host their monthly registered trap shoot. The Spartanburg Gun Club and the Lynchburg Gun Club will host their monthly shoots on Saturday also. We are toying with the idea of getting a squad together and heading to VA Saturday morning. Of course you know I might take a picture or 3.

Buckhorn shot the 22nd and I got the info posted a little later than whence I received it. Jimmy got it to me early in the week and I finally got it posted. Steve Morgan outshined all singles shooters with a 99, Richard Drake got the top spot in caps with a 94 and Winky Mabe won the dubs with a 91 and the HOA with a 281. Their next shoot is August 12th so make plans to attend now!

Bill Howe sent me the scores from the Old Hickory@Bostic shoot Saturday and I don’t know how or why I didn’t have the shoot listed. Henry McGinnis won the singles, Gary Hicks won the handicap, Ray Gaultney won the dubs and Bill Howe won the HOA. They have a BIG50 this Thursday and their next registered shoot is August 25th.

The Rockingham Gun Club hosted their monthly shoot Saturday dubbed the Mid-Summer shoot. It was hot and steamy and we had a slight breeze all day. We had a great turnout and had 5 shooters from Virginia. John Miller won the singles with a 99, Winky Mabe got a punch in the caps with a 91 and Ronnie “Hippie” Manuel won the dubs. John Miller fought hard through all 300 targets and won the HOA with a 275. We do not have a registered shoot in August but we have Lewis Class Shoot the 18th.

We do not have all of the scores from Boone but we have enough info to give you a good look at the winners. The IRONMAN was held Saturday and there were 20 shooters in attendance. I believe 12 or more shooters shot the entire 500 target program to get their IRONMAN pin. After the smoke settled in the valley George Sudderth won the event with Tim Crabtree a close second. My SPY said the weather was great and there was wind to contend with all day.

Day 2 Sunday was a pretty day and the temps were in the low 80’s. Another good crowd showed up and Kevin Parrot won the singles with a 99. I believe there were several 98’s and I am not sure who posted those scores. The handicap was won by Doug Merkel and he did it with the Kolar he bought from Morg Shaw at the May 27th shoot at Watauga. I do not have any info on the dubs winner or the HOA winner. Tom Pitts will fill in all the details with a shoot report hopefully Monday. Their next registered shoot is the 25th of August and I hope to be there!

The Grand is upon us and folks will be headed to Sparta this weekend for the preliminary events. We will be getting info from ATA Secretary Hunter Galloway and for the first time in many years Jeff Galloway will miss the prelim week of the Grand. Remington has allowed Jeff time off and we will be loaded for bear when he arrives for the main events. Also, he went 22-25-23-25 with his Reminton Sportsman 38 shotgun Saturday at the Rock. His Perazzi soft comb is at Keith Heeg’s shop for repair and he decided to break the antique out for a little practice. We wish him best at the Grand and if anybody can win at the Grand – Jeff sure can!

We would like to say hats off to Kim Rhode for her Gold Medal Sunday in the women’s skeet final. She is the only American Olympic athlete to win a medal in “5” consecutive Olympic’s. There are quite a few interviews with her before and after the event but I have yet to see the video of the actual shooting. She broke a “99” to tie a record originally set by the gal that won the Bronze in the event Kim won the Gold. Kim traveled to locations that were similar to London and even practiced in the rain to prepare for the Gold. That is dedication and it really paid off Sunday in London.

Breaking news: Bob Mizner posted on my trapshooters.com thread that the NEW Camp Lejeune Skeet, Trap and Archery Range is now open. It is open to all DOD ID card holders: hours of operation are Thursday & Friday 9-5, Sat 8-6 and Sun 8-5. Two trap fields with CVR’s. Phone number for more info is 910-451-3889. If he gets the registered trap program going again he will post the info on trapshooters and tarheeltrap and find out how to get non DOD ID holders a pass to get on base.

Ok – have a great week and stay cool. Watauga scores should be up today and BIG50 scores will be up Thursday thanks to Bill Howe and his I-Phone. Want to send a shout out to Lou down in sunny Florida. He gave me a little insight about the weather at the Zone in Odessa. He stated that it was so hot during the Saturday singles that some folks decided not to shoot the second 100. Have a great week folks and until next time………………Smokem
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August 6th Smoke Report 2012

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Another hot weekend in the Tarheel state and hopefully it will cool off this week. All eyes are on Illinois with the Grand starting this and you bet I will be updating the action if time allows. Two shooting events to report on from last week and not much going on this weekend.
Bill Howe was nice enough to send me the BIG50 scores from Old Hickory Thursday. Gary Hicks won the singles and the doubles with John Caffe winning the caps and Howe winning the HOA. Bill also informed me that Lillian Smith had a stroke earlier in the week and we hope she is home at the time of this smoke report. OH@Bostic hosts their monthly registered shoot on the 25th of August.

Mac Herring posted his shoot results Saturday and they had a great turnout at CSL. In only his 4th registered outing Dane Westbrook broke a 97 and won his shootoff to capture the singles event. Michael Graham got a ½ yard punch for his 93 and Al Williams nipped Mac Herring by 1 for the doubles honors. Mac won the HOA with a 277x300 like he always does. CSL hosts their next registered event on September 8th so mark your calendar.

Saturday a group of NC shooters traveled to the gun club in Lynchburg Virginia. Lane Murray, JC Nunn, Tommy Brown, Winky Mabe and I made the trip and it was the first time for all of us. Great roads in VA and JC, Tommy and I stopped at the Lynchburg Cracker Barrel for a little breakfast.

We arrived at the club at 9 and rode in right behind Charlie Rinehart. We took a look at the three trapfields and one thing we noticed was that they were on the side of a mountain. We got registered by local shooter John Domas and got ready to go. One thing to remember about this club – squad late because the sun is in your eyes.

None of us shot that good but Tommy Brown did win some money in the “Long Run” option they have in the handicap. One fellow won 119 bucks and Tommy won 51 for that option. We might take a look at offering that at RGC in the very near future. All in all we had a great time and might make it back for their October shoot the first Saturday of October. I posted pix and will try to get the story posted this evening sometime.

ATA Secretary Hunter Galloway arrived safely in Sparta Sunday at about 2:30 PM. He had meetings and then dinner and was just getting settled when we talked. He stated that it was about 85 and that was because of the rain that had passed through the area on Saturday. Looking at Sparta weather the temps will be in the low 90’s early in the week and then in the mid 80’s Thursday through Monday. Not sure exactly how hot it will be for the second week but much cooler than 2011.

Everybody have a great week and we will try to keep up with the happenings when the Grand cranks up Wednesday. I will try to check on Ms. Lillian to see how she is doing if possible. Shout out to Lou in Florida and hope you are doing well. Until next Monday………………………………………………..Smokem
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August 13th Smoke Report 2012

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Good morning and what a beautiful weekend in North Carolina. Saturday was dry enough for a little practice at the Rock and then the bottom fell out in Greensboro. Sunday the skies were Carolina blue and great for shooting just asks the folks at Buckhorn.
We have one shoot to report on and no registered shoots in NC this weekend but we do have a Lewis Class shoot Saturday at the Rock. Buckhorn hosted their monthly registered shoot Sunday and had a good turnout. John Miller won the singles and the HOA and Kevin Parrott won the caps and the doubles.

Kevin broke a perfect score in handicap Sunday at Buckhorn. He shot with John Miller and Charlie Ackroyd and they witnessed a young man complete his "Grand Slam" in North Carolina. That is an amazing accomplishment and hats off for a fine effort.

One non-registered shoot in North Carolina and it is on the 18th. The Rockingham Gun Club will host their monthly Lewis Class shoot at the start time is 10AM. I am not sure if we will be shooting any blue-birds or not at this event. Come out and join us for 50 singles and 50 caps with Lewis Class style payouts and we draw for shooting related prizes.

I have been trying to keep up with the Grand and I will not take a lot of time to rehash any of the previous info I have posted. At this time I don't know if any NC shooter has won at the Grand so far. I did hear that former NC shooter Scott Hanes won 5th in the Blaser handicap Sunday after a shootoff against a fellow shooting an 870.

Overall the weather has been great at the Grand but folks have had some issues with allergies. Jeff Galloway had to be taken to the local hospital due to having issues breathing. He was given a prescription and also steroids to get him on the mend! He broke 98 in singles - broke 20-50-20 in the caps and then broke a 94 feeling terrible.

Six days are left of competition and that includes the shootoff for the 100k and the ladies 50k shootoff! The last time I went to the Grand was 2006 and we are just going to have to get off our rear and plan for 2013. This target year has been a tough one for me and we need to turn that around before I head to Sparta.

I talked to Dave Daily and he was expecting 39 folks at Myrtle Beach this week. That is a ton of folks to entertain but I know they will have fun. Word from Myrtle Grove is that they have a trailer to work out of and they are shooting trap/skeet and sporting clays. They don't have and golf carts for the sporting clays course but hopefully they can get some on site. They are going to have a shoot to help raise some money to get the place back on it's feet.

Busy week for me and the Sheriff has folks staying overnight at the new jail for charity Friday the 17th. Would have been tough for me to get out of town anyway and maybe things will be a little less involved when the Grand rolls around next year! I really wish I could have gotten him to the Grand this year as good as he is shooting!

Big shout out to Lou in sunny Florida and also to all of our friends competing at the Grand American. Remember that you can follow all the action at http://www.rjstuart.com - Until next Monday morning............................................................................................Smokem
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August 20th Smoke Report

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The 113th Annual Grand American Trapshoot is over and shooters are returning home all over the country. Some are returning with trophies and others are returning with a little money possibly. All are returning with memories of targets missed and new friends found during this great event.
I took a little time each day during the Grand to paint a little picture of what was happening on a day to day basis. Sometimes the RJStuart website would cooperate and at other times it would not. From what I hear this is RJStuart's last Grand American and that a new vendor will be in place in 2013. Hats off to Mr. RJ Stuart and thanks for a job well done.

NC winners included Bill Howe, Addison Callan and Kenny Cox and great shooting guys. We had 18 NC shooters in attendance and we hope to have at least 10 folks from Rockingham attending in 2013.

You may or may not know that Michael Obert from Illinois won the 100K shootout after breaking a 100 on Wednesday and outlasting Leo Harrison in the shootoff. He broke 25/22 to claim the 100K and great shooting sir.

The 2012 GAH Champion also hailed from Illinois and his name is Donald Herdes and he was on the 26.5 yardline. He broke the lone 100 and didn't have to even sweat dealing with a shootoff except for the 100k shootout! It doesn't look like he played all of the money but who cares right!

Bunch of money was givin away over the last two weeks and some of the big dogs hauled a good portion of that Lewis $$ away. Regardless, folks won Lewis money including TX shooter Scott Hanes with 1k in the piggybank!

@4:15 Tuesday August 21st - looks like I got my signals crossed again. Scott Hanes called Jeff Galloway to let him know that he had hit the Lewis for 1K not Scott. Just trying to get my facts straight.

Shifting away from the Grand we had one shooting event in NC this last weekend and it was the Lewis Class shoot at the Rock. JC Nunn topped all shooters with a 92 with Ronnie Manuel and FRedmon posting 88's. Next Lewis Class shoot is September 22nd at 10AM.

Also - keep Winky Mabe in your prayers please. He underwent some extensive surgery to remove a spot on his neck and was unable to shoot Saturday. If you haven't seen a dermatologist lately it might be a wise and safe thing to go - I am making my appointment today!

One regsitered shoot this Saturday at the Watauga Gun Club in Boone NC. Typical 300 target program in the mountains of NC. A crew from the Rock is planning to attend Saturday and it sure would be nice if they would assemble and come down to shoot with us in 2013 - hint hint!

@11:10AM Monday - Jack Young brought to my attention the fact that Old Hickory@Bostic had a shoot the 25th also. We apologize missing that fact and thanks again Jack.

I am really looking forward to the end of summer and Fall will be here before you know it. Cool mornings and even frost on the ground prior to shooting is headed our way. One great thing about living in NC is that we get to shoot through the winter months both registered and non-registered events.

I hope everybody has a great week and hopefully we will see some of you this Saturday at the Watauga Gun Club. Hello to Lou down in sunny Florida and we hope you are doing well. Until next Monday morning.................................................Smokem
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August 27th Smoke Report 2012

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Good morning and what a beautiful weekend in North Carolina, well at least in the mountains that is. We have two shoots to report on and two shoots coming up this weekend in the Tarheel State. With the threat of weather in the middle of the country it "appears" that NC will be spared from the threat of heavy rains and possible flooding. The weather maniacs are positioned to catch a flying 2x4 and hopefully their prediction will hold up.
Old Hickory Rifle & Pistol Club in Bostic held their monthly registered shoot Saturday. Mickey Bell won the singles and the caps with Ray Gaultney winning the doubles and no mention of the HOA winner. Suggestion for 2012 and that would be to try to get Boone and OH@B off the same weekend. Some coordination needs to take place to spread shoots out a bit if possible. How about a meeting at the Hall Of Fame of all the club contacts siitting down to take a look at dates for 2012. Sure would make it easier to plan and might allow folks that work at their shoots a chance to travel to other events - just a suggestion of course.

Watauga held their monthly shoot Saturday and they had a healthy turnout. 1st timers John and Karole Miller made the trip and I believe they had a great time. The weather was NICE and the cooler temps were appreciated for sure. I hauled Jeff Galloway and JC Nunn up the hill and Tommy Brown rode up also. 29 singles shooters and the winner was John Miller with a 99 and I believe he missed that bird on the Trap 1 "The BANK". The oldest and youngest shooters broke the only 25's in the caps and wound up tied with 94's. JC Nunn and Braxton Ragan posted 94's and got a 1/2 yard punch for their shooting prowess. Tommy Brown outfigured and outpointed the field in doubles and broke a 95 for the win. He also won the HOA by "1" target over John Miller. The #1 - #2 and #3 NC Points leaders were all in one valley at one time. It sure was great to see every body and just a tad bit more info before I go. Tom Pitts laid it on Tom Shelley "AGAIN" thanks Harlan Campbell and Crews Walden succumbed to Charlie Keiger in the handicap event - FYI.

Jeff Galloway had a birthday Sunday and the young man turned 27 years old. While we were sitting at the Cracker Barrel Saturday morning we talked about the three generations of shooters sitting at the table. Jeff is 27, I turned 57 August 16th and JC turned 89 July 13th. Three trapshooters seperated by 30 years plus or minus and that is pretty neat. They both beat me like a drum but I did nip Jeff by 1 in the dubs and tied JC. Oh - Tom Pitts - When I asked JC if he wanted to shootoff the dubs he pulled out a quarter and said you call it. I called heads and it was heads so I won the flip. Then I get in to collect a little money and you had him winning the flip and he was holding my money. Attention to detail on your part would have kept me from having to shake him down for $11.25 - oh I told him to keep the quarter.

Looking at Florida on the weather channel I sure am glad I am not at Disneyland this week. Like I said at the beginning of the report the weather looks like mid 80's and a chance for scattered storms for the shoots this weekend. Buncombe will hold their shoot Saturday September 1st and I don't think I have a program yet. They typically shoot 100 singles - 100 caps and 50 pair of doubles. They hurl a White Flyer "Bio" that smokes white and they have a great background to shoot into. I hope to make it back up there sometime and maybe stay with my Uncle that lives on the Swananoa River.

Buckhorn will host a "Two-Day" shoot on the 1st and 2nd of September. I have no program at the moment but my educated guess would be a typical 300 program each day. These birds will go on next years card and it is time to renew your dues unless you are a lifer. Jimmy always likes for folks to let him know you will be attending to make sure he has enough vittles for lunch. If Karole Miller concocts some of her sugary treats you could skip lunch and eat her goodies. If you have sugar diabetes let someone know in case you fall out after consuming her cupcakes.

Looks like Remington came in #3 in shell sales at the Grand. No rebate pushed folks to buy Federal and Winchester. They are premium shells and I like to shoot Remington but folks are looking for a way to save a buck and still mash a target. I guess as the old saying goes - you wouldn't put bad gas in a good car would you?

It is time to bring the smoke report to a close. Hopefully Winky Mabe is feeling better and we will try to check on him this week. GA SrVet shooter Jim Mitchell recently had carpal tunnel surgery and JC has an appointment to get his right hand looked at this week. Steve Watson got a brand spanking new Caesar Guerini Combo and mashed 96 Saturday in the singles. Hello to Lou in soggy Florida and we hope you and your property stay safe until the hurricane swings to the West. Until next Monday and the next smoke report..................................Smokem..

P.S. - i do have typo's and I do run sentences together and I might not be totally in command of the King's English. I have thought about doing video smoke reports and forget about the typing....maybe I just need to do a "TEST" smoke report video... And I almost forgot - great to see Larry High at Watuaga......
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September 3rd Smoke Report

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Greetings from Jamestown and I hope you have a great holiday day off. Weather was sort of a mixed bag with warm humid temps and storms moving acroos the area late Sunday afternoon. We have two shoots to report on from the weekend and we have sent email to get Buncombe and James Wilson will get me the scores for Buckhorn's two day shoot today.
We have one shoot this weekend and it will be held at the Coharie Shooting League near Clinton NC. If you never have been to CSL you need to check it out sometime. They have two PAT traps with ERAD voice releases and they always have a great lunch. Mac has attracted a good number of young shooters and that is great. He is always very good to post a story of the event and the scores.

Want to take a moment to mention Jackie Roush and Walter Mabe. Jackie has been going through some medical issues and Winky is on the mend after 50 stitches. I should have given Terry and Winky a call to get a progress report on the two. Might try to do that sometime today since I have the day off.

On the local front the Guilford County Sheriff's Department finally moved all inmates from the old law enforcement center to the new 1032 bed structure. The legal capacity for the old jail is about 350 inmates and one floor of the new jail houses that number alone. We have two more floors that house the remainder of the inmates. I worked all day Saturday and came home with a 102.1 degree temp and syptoms very similar to flu. Hopefully I will be feeling allright to go to work on Tuesday.

With Fall weather shooting upon us we have 10 days of shooting in September remaining, 9 days in October, 6 days in November and 1 day in December. Rockingham will have a Lewis Class Shoot each month ending with the Lewis Class Shootout in December weather permitting. Also, please make plans to attend the NC Hall Of Fame shoot at the Homegrounds September 27-30. Joanie Barnett and Olympian Bill Keever will be inducted and we know that they are excited about the occasion.

That is about all I have for the Smoke Report this week. Hopefully we will get the scores posted from the weekend and get an update on Jackie and Winky. Hello to Lou down in sunny Florida and until next week..........................................................Smokem.......Oh one more thing Happy Birthday to George Sudderth!!!!
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September 10th Smoke Report 2012

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Greetings and I hope you had a great week/end. With the much needed cool down maybe some folks that don't like warm weather will come out to shoot.
NC had one registered shoot over the weekend and it looks like Greg High was the man of the day. He broke a 98 in singles, 95 in caps and broke the 1st 100 straight shot at Coharie ever. His 293x300 was impressive and great shooting.

Mac has a juicy MID50 pot and 5 folks were drooling over the money until the slobber ran out. They throw some good birds at CSL and Mac's wife's lunch offerings are great. Mac posted the shoot update as only he can and thanks for doing it sir.

I called Jimmy Wilson earlier in the week to get the scores. I was sick from Saturday until Tuesday last week and got busy. We will get the BGC scores up one way or the other.

We have two shoots coming up this weekend and they are Rockingham on the 15th and Durham County on the 15th and 16th. Not sure exactly how these shoots got scheduled but hopefully they can be spread out this coming year. Simple meeting - get the club officials together and hash it out....

The lovely and talented Kim McKinney has posted in "NC SCTP" the fall schedule for their trap team and there are a lot of dates to get out for training and practice. The McKinney family has done a lot to get young men and women out spreading lead. Take a look and if you know of a young man or woman interested - point them that way!

Just a few weeks until the NC Hall Of Fame shoot in Bostic. Joanie Barnett and Bill Keever will be inducted and the banquet should be a great time had by all.

Steve Watson sent me pix, scores and video from the Cartel's trip to the Triangle Gun Club Sunday. Steve might have won the caps with a 95 and Pitts laid the smackdown on poor Tom Shelley. I'll bet that was a long ride back to Boone for Spy2.

Ok - time to jump off of here and hello Lou we hope all is well in sunny FLA and until next week please.....................................................Smokem
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September 17th Smoke Report 2012

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Greetings to you and a good morning from The Tar Heel State. Saturday was great for shooting and even Sunday was nice but a little overcast. We had two shooting events in North Carolina over the weekend and two shoots coming up this weekend. I am looking forward to cooler shooting weather and before you know it snow will be falling!
Durham had a doubles marathon on Saturday afternoon and a typical 300 target program on Sunday. Currently I do not have a shoot report but we should have one sometime Monday thanks to Kim McKinney. They have done a lot of work on the trapfields at DCWC and we hope to get down there before the year ends.

Saturday the Rockingham Gun Club held their annual “Red Dot Powder Shoot”. The weather was great but just a tad windy for the singles and the caps. George Ponton and Richard Quesenberry visited and both won a little something at the Rock. Jeff Galloway won the singles with a 95, JC Nunn won the caps with a 95 and Tommy Brown won the doubles with a 95. Tommy also won the HOA with a 278x300 and a shootoff win over Ronnie “Hippie” Manuel. The 22nd the Rock will host their monthly non-registered Lewis Class Fun Shoot.

In case you have not heard we lost a great shooter last week and he was missed Saturday at the Rock. Charley Rinehart passed away unexpectedly last week and the details were a little sketchy. There were no “official” arrangements that we know of and John Woolsey had emailed me for the details. He was a fine man and always a pleasure to talk to about almost any subject. I did find out that he was a machinist and actually built the hook for his release trigger in his Perazzi. Ronnie Manuel mentioned about having a shot fired for Charley and we might schedule that for our next registered shoot in October.

We are just a few weeks away for the Hall Of Fame Shoot at the NC Homegrounds. Two folks will be inducted into the HOF this year and they include Joanie Barnett and Bill Keever. If you have never been to the HOF shoot or banquet you need to come up and join us. The Old Hickory Club usually puts on the feedbag on Friday night and it has been a few years since I was able to attend that great meal.

We have three shooting events in North Carolina this weekend. All shoots are on the 22nd with Watuaga and Old Hickory@Rocky Mount hosting registered shoots and Rockingham hosting their non-registered Lewis Class shoot. Tom Pitts has posted the program for Watauga and they have a great shoot and you can actually win some money at their club. Hopefully we will get a program from OH@RM and the Lewis Class shoot is $20 and we shoot 50 singles and 50 caps with Lewis style payouts…

Ok – I mentioned a little bit about me getting sick two weekends ago. Sick Saturday through Tuesday and wound up getting a Z-Pack on Tuesday. I started those meds to combat the “virus” on Tuesday and went to work for two hours. I worked Wednesday and Thursday 8-7 and Friday 8-6. Saturday was my packing day for my yearly trip to Utah and got on a plane the 9th. The Utah trip was great and we had a great conference for sure. This is one of the few years that the Spillman conference and the Hall Of Fame shoot didn’t fall on the same week/end. I may actually get to shoot the HOF three days this year and I can’t wait. Word to the wise – if you get that lower gastrointestinal bug do not sit around and not get to the doc. I dropped 11 pounds in 4 days and if I had not kept fluids in me the Doc said I probably would have had to be hospitalized.

Ok – have a great week and we are looking forward to the scores from Durham sometime today. Looks like a little weather moving in at the beginning of the week and we hope it all blows away before the weekend. Hello to Lou and why don’t you come on up for the Hall Of Fame why don’t you? Until next week…………………..keep on Smokenem…..
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September 24th Smoke Report 2012

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Good Monday morning and I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Saturday was nice and just a bit windy and a little too windy for some to shoot from what I hear from the hills. Sunday would have been a perfect day to shoot and I guess we will just have to hope the upcoming NC Hall Of Fame shoot will have good weather also.
We have bits and pieces of info to report from two of the three events we had over the weekend. Old Hickory@Rocky Mount shot Saturday and Andrew Carroll won the singles with a 98, Tommy Brown won the doubles with a 98 and the HOA. 95 won the caps and I don’t know the name of the fellow that won. He might be the PA transplant that shoots at the Charlie Brown Gun Club. Anyway – great shooting folks and hopefully somebody will send me a shoot report.

Rockingham Gun Club hosted their Lewis Class non-registered shoot Saturday and Lane Murray topped all shooters with a 95. Lane runs the LCFS and rarely shoots because working and shooting can be a little distracting to say the least. JC Nunn had a 93 but that won’t get you much except a big pat on the back. Lane will get me the rundown sometime today.

Watauga Gun Club hosted their monthly registered shoot Saturday and I hope to get a full shoot report sometime today and maybe some pictures and might even get some video. I hear it was really windy and some decided to sit it out and just watch the wind blow. Early in the target year it can be a little tough jumping out in rough and windy conditions. Their next big shoot will be the chicken wing fling the 27th of October.

Folks are preparing for the North Carolina Hall Of Fame this Thursday through Sunday. Last year the Singles Champ was Dan Johnson with a 198, the Doubles Champ was Ray Gaultney with a 99, the Handicap Champ was Darvin Cornett with a 96 and Darvin also won the HAA with a 378. Memories for sure and folks will be making some memories for 2012 in about three days. Also, Joannie Barnett and Bill Keever will be inducted into the NC Hall Of Fame and we hope that it is well attended. Weather looks great all four days with Sunday showing the greatest rain chance for the four day event.

Wiley Kessler sent me the shoot report for the Buncombe shoot the 1st of September. Looks like Tony Gallian won the singles with a 99, the doubles with a 97 and also the HOA with 291x300. Bob Schultz won the caps with a 96 from the back fence. Kim McKinney sent the shoot report from the Durham County shoot for the 17th&18th. Saturday John Miller won event 1&2 doubles and Daniel Emory won event three. Sunday Tom Brown won the singles, handicap, doubles and HOA – nice shooting Tommy!

This has been a busy month for me with the yearly trip to Salt Lake City, trip to Pigeon Forge over the weekend and now the HOF coming up this weekend. I thought things slowed down when you got older and where did I hear that from I wonder. It has been a few years since I have been able to attend the HOF for more than two days. I am really looking forward to it and I hope to see some of you there. No I will not forget my camera and try not to go to sleep in an open area!

I hope everybody has a safe and happy week and we hope you can make it to the HOF. If you have never been to the banquet you really need to make an effort to attend. A big shout out to Lou Carter in sunny Florida and in 2011 Mr. Carter won the OPEN HAA with a solid 382 – I believe he got a bucket on a wood pedestal if I am not mistaken. Until the NCHOF…………………………….Smokem
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October 1st Smoke Report 2012

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Greetings from Greensboro NC and we apologize for not cranking out a true HTG Smoke Report on Monday. When you go out of town for four days to relax and enjoy the NC Mountains and a great trapshoot you need a little time to collect your thoughts. So, we will proceed with the true Smoke Report for October 1st 2012.
First I would like to mention and thank everyone on both the HOF and NCTA board for another fine job and a great Hall Of Fame shoot. There were a few mechanical issues with some of the traps and we had some news refs but other than that everything went very smoothly for sure. The weather was great and I think that really helped keep things moving right along.

The gentleman that ran the “Chuck Wagon” was unable to attend due to medical issues but another vendor was found and it was tough smelling those burgers cooking on the grill outside of the clubhouse. Big Dave that owns the Fishcamp jumped in and provided the day to day concessions and also catered the banquet Saturday night.

I would like to say Hats off and thanks to the Old Hickory Rifle & Pistol Club for another great feed Friday night. Due to my schedule over the last few years I have had to miss that meal but I was able to partake this year for sure. The club members prepared BBQ, baked beans, slaw, hush puppies and cookies for dessert. I took some pictures of the shooters chowing down on the vittles.

Also thanks to the folks that did all of the classification, squadding and collecting fees and of course entering all of the scores and preparing the paperwork. It is a thankless job and while everybody is shooting someone is working hard all day and sometimes after folks go home. So many times we forget just how many people it takes to run a shoot properly!

Ok now we need to talk about shooting and there were some great scores broken at the HOF. This is what won the singles events – 100VA/100SC/200NC and caps – 98FL/96NC/98SC and dubs – 98SC/96NC/100VA – wow.

Great targets and great weather really make a difference in those top scores. NC HAA was won by Tommy Brown with a 383 and Open HAA was won by Bob Goodman from Virginia with a 391. Karole Miller won the Lady HAA and she also won the Lady HAA in 2011.

Also we noticed that our out of state shooters did very well at the HOF. Larry Hill of Florida and Ron Burdick posted the highest caps scores with 98’s. Bob Goodman from Virginia posted the highest doubles score of the week Sunday with his perfect 100 and that is his first 100 in doubles ever.

Our NC shooters did well with Darvin Cornett breaking out the Kolar for the lone 200 Saturday and Jimmy Wilson winning the Day 2 dubs with a 96 and a 199 in the singles Saturday and he also shoots a Kolar. And how about Steve Watson winning the caps Thursday with a 96 and a 25 in the shootoff after sneaking away from work for a day!

Attendance was up this year – day 1 was up 44 entries – day 2 was up 62 entries – day 3 was up 9 entries – day 4 was up 19 and the HAA was up 13 entries. Some folks must have thought it was going to rain over the weekend and I did get to shoot some singles on Saturday in a light rain but that was it. I am not sure what the demographic was of the attendance but it would be interesting to know how many 1st time shooters at the HG attended?

The HOF banquet Saturday night was great and we really enjoyed the info provided for both Joany and Bill. Joany had sisters attending and it was great to see them and I got some pix of her crew. Bill had a crew also and I had a chance to see all of his family. It is very interesting attending the banquet because all sorts of stuff is revealed about folks you never knew. I never knew Joany lived in Alaska or that John Waters pulled Bill Keever’s first trap targets 400 yards away from the Homegrounds clubhouse at the Old Hickory Gun Club. It will be interesting to see who will be inducted in 2013 – any predictions?

Get your calendar out and make plans to attend the 23rd Annual NC HOF in 2013. Also, make plans to attend the banquet because these folks that are being inducted is what makes our trapshooting family great. 1990 is the year the first three were inducted and do you know who they were? One was an ATA president, one wore shorts year round and the other was called the “Silver King”.

Switching gears a bit I would like to focus on the upcoming weekend and the two day shoot at the Buckhorn Gun Club. They will shoot 100 singles/100 caps and 100 pair of doubles Saturday. Saturday night there will be dinner on the grounds with a whole hog prepared by Chef Tim with all the fixins. Sunday will be a typical 300 target program and we hope the weather is good (might be cool) both days.

I hope everybody has a great week and weekend and we hope to make it to BGC on Sunday since the wife has me on lockdown after the HOF. A big shout out to Lou down in Gatorland and hope you are doing well. Until next time………………………………………………Smokem
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October 8th Smoke Report.....

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Hello and I hope you had a great weekend and looking forward to a productive week. We had a little rain over the weekend and also a dip in temps and that felt good. We have one shoot report and also a trapshoot coming up this weekend. Also, thanks to Tom Pitts the State Team points are up to date and posted.
Buckhorn held a two day shoot over the weekend and offered a sumptuous dinner on the grounds Saturday night. Gregg High won the singles, Winky Mabe won the caps and George Ponton won the 100 pair doubles event Saturday. PA transplant Terry Kemp won the singles, John Miller won the caps and doubles and Braxton Ragan is now going by “Pinky”.

Coharie will hold their monthly registered shoot this Saturday and I hope they have a good turnout and great weather. Mac always has a great shoot and a great lunch for all of the shooters. I haven’t been down to CSL in quite awhile and you just never know what may happen this weekend?

The South Carolina State Association will hold their Hall Of Fame shoot this Saturday at the Greeneville Gun Club. That is about 200 miles for me and it sure would be worth the drive to see Jim Faber and Hank Cross inducted this year. I hope they have a great turnout and hats off to the new Hall Of Famers.

The Missouri Fall Handicap is in the books and from what I hear it was in the high 30’s at times. It looks like there were a slew of 97’s on Sunday in the caps and they sure have a lot of handicap events on the schedule. I know that Fred Rutherford was headed out there and I hope he did well.

It is great to see George Ponton out and shooting and winning. He had a hard go of it there for awhile and glad to see him out on the line. Continue to pray for Jackie Roush and her speedy recovery and it sure was great to see her at the Hall Of Fame. I am sure there are others out there in the NC trapshooting family that are possibly sick and we hope you get to feeling better soon.

That is about it for now and we hope the weather holds up for the weekend. I would like to say hello to Lou down in sunny Florida and we hope you are doing well…..Until next week………………..Smokem
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Smoke Report For October 15th, 2012

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Good morning and another great weekend in the Tarheel State. We have one shoot report to discuss and four shooting events coming up this weekend. Looks like a little rainy for the start of the week and the weekend looks marvelous.
The Coharie Shooting League held their monthly registered shoot Saturday the 13th of October. Looks like they had a great turnout and Mac won the singles, lost the flip for caps with winner Greg High, won the doubles and the HOA – good shooting Mac. He also had some Sub Junior shooters that shot rather well at CSL Saturday.

There are three registered shoots this weekend with two on Saturday and one on Sunday. Ft. Bragg and Gastonia host typical 300 targets programs Saturday October 20th with Charlie Brown hosting a typical 300 program Sunday the 21st. Don’t forget that Rockingham will host their monthly non-registered Lewis Class shoot starting at 2PM on Sunday the 21st.

This is a great time of year when the leaves are changing and folks are poking wood in the old trusty fireplace on those soon to be cool mornings. There are still 10 registered shooting days after this upcoming weekend in North Carolina not to mention VA and SC. I impose the 50 degree rule during the winter – I guess you figured out what that meant?

In case you haven’t heard the ATA sent out another wave of 2-yard handicap reductions. I read about it on trapshooters.com and then went to http://www.shootata.com to take a look at who got what. Here is my story – I didn’t take the 1st wave of two yard reductions and wound up getting a normal reduction after 1200 handicap targets. This two yard gift put me on the 18 yard line. Yep – I called JC Nunn and told him that I was on the 18 and he was laughing so hard he had to catch his breath. Maybe they could have a new yardage group called “Super Short” yardage – 18/19?

Hog Heaven hosts “Mountain Days” this week starting the 17th and ending the 21st. I have never made it to Hog Heaven and they say it is a great place to shoot. Weather looks nice with temps in the mid 60’s and early mornings in the 40’s brrrrrrrrrrrr. Maybe we will have some NC folks traveling to HH and we will get a report if possible.

I took a ride out to the Rock Sunday for a little practice and the weather was great. When I arrived JT “King Of The Light Load” Brewer, Scott Shoulars, Wayne Banks and new to trapshooting Casey Parks were there. I shot one round of singles with JT, one by myself and one with Casey and he is quite a shot. He is a lawyer and works in downtown Greensboro and we hope he gets out shooting a lot more in the near future. His mom is a professor at Appalachian State and now that he knows there is a trap club in Boone he is set!

Hunter and Jeff Galloway took a trip this weekend to shoot at the South Carolina HOF at the Greenville Club. I don’t have a ton of details on the winners but the turnout was good and Hank Cross and Jim Faber were inducted into the SCHOF. Jeff took some pictures and we hope to have them posted with some scores real soon. Also, they spent the night with VA shooter Bob Goodman at his mountain estate in Cashiers NC. They got up Sunday morning and went back to shoot the doubles marathon on Sunday. Jeff had 5 scores in the 90’s with a 96 in the second 100 and that is about all I know. I believe Rodney Raines is a member of that group and maybe he will have the shoot report.

Hey you folks that reload all the time. How about emailing all of your favorite recipes and I will post them on the website for all to enjoy. Quite a few folks have their special target smoking concoctions from 1&1/8 down to ¾ ounce loads. If you want to be anonymous that is ok also no problem. My email is freddydacrusher@hotmail.com and I will post them in “The Lodge”.

This winter try to keep me in mind if I don’t get to the shoot. Most everybody has a smart phone or a camera. I don’t need 50-100 pictures to present a story, just one or two (clear not fuzzy) pictures really help a thread out. I cannot be everywhere all the time even though that would be fun but creepy if you think about it.

Looks like the 32” A400 Beretta target shotguns have arrived at Gamaliel. As soon as I can find someone to build a release trigger I am going to experiment with shooting a GasGun again. I have some fond memories of finding my KX-5 on the porch of the Watuaga Gun Clubhouse with a “For-Sale” sign on it many years ago. It’s been pretty much downhill ever since.

Have a great week and stay dry if possible. It will be another long week for me with three computer systems to install for three lovely ladies this morning. A big shout out to Fla Lou and I hope to find out what costume he will be wearing for Halloween. Until next Monday…………………………………..mekomS
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October 22nd Smoke Report 2012

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Good morning and we hope you had a great weekend. The weekend turned out to be beautiful and we have shoot reports from Ft. Bragg, Charlie Brown and the Rock Lewis Class shoot. Temps are great for shooting at this time of the year and the changing background can always be a challenge.
Ft. Bragg had a good turnout Saturday with Morris Carroll winning the singles, Glenn Alford outflips Karole Miller for caps and Jon Miller wins the dubs and the HOA. Jon Miller broke his first 50 in dubs Saturday and that is great shooting for sure. Ft. Bragg will host their last shoot of the year on November 10th so mark your calendar.

Charlie Brown had a good turnout Sunday with Morris Carroll winning the singles, George Brown winning the caps, Jon Miller winning the dubs and Tommy Brown winning the HOA. Gorgeous George got a “1 yard” punch and hit the “MID50” pot to the tune of about 300 bucks. I will be getting some more gory details from Karole Miller sometime today. That is the last scheduled shoot at CB’s for the year and we hope to get to shoot there in 2013!

Last but not least the Rockingham Gun Club held their monthly Lewis Class non-registered shoot Sunday at 2PM. Ronnie Manuel won the event with a 94 with Freddy Redmon winning the 2nd Lewis and Ray Shisler winning the Low Lewis. Lewis Wyatt had to sit out due to some surgery earlier in the week. Thanks to Lane Murray for running the event and he cranked it up right on the dot. I failed to mention that Lane won the LCS last month and got himself into the Lewis Class Shootout in December.

Two shoots this Saturday in the Tarheel State with Watauga hosting their Annual “Chicken Wing Fling” amongst the mountain air and changing leaves and you get to see the Spy Brothers and BamBam. Also – Rockingham will host their monthly registered shoot and celebrate “National Trapshooting Day”. Both clubs will host a typical 300 target event and we hope the weather is great in both locations.

As mentioned last week the ATA doled out 2 yard reductions and I have a question. I am hearing that even though the shootata site shows your reduction you cannot shoot from that yardage until you get your paper card? I will try to get a clarification on that item and post it later in the week. I was under the impression that a shooter took his 2-yard reduction and shot at the SC HOF without getting a paper card in the mail – that could be interesting. The rest of the story is that the proper people were contacted and the reduction was allowed.

Also one more issue to ponder and that is regarding playing the Lewis. Can a club refuse to allow a shooter to play the Lewis if the shooter has very few registered targets to review? We are trying to get all the facts from the individual to be sure we are getting the straight scoop. I don’t believe I have ever heard of a club refusing a person to play the Lewis – this might be a 1st.

I am looking for a ¾ ounce charge bar for the 9000G. Shot 1oz Red Dot today at the Fun Shoot and with very little recoil and broke a 24 in that last field of caps. Then stepped out and ran a 25 in singles with 7/8’s using Extra Lite powder. I must admit that shot gets to the bird quick. JT Brewer loaned me a bag of ¾ oz pink wads and now all I have to do is find a charge bar. If you have one laying around and want to get shed of it just let me know.

Cole Gunsmithing emailed me to confirm that they can and will convert a factory A400 pull trigger to release for $175 bucks. Looks like I will putting it all together to get that 32” Beretta A400 delivered to Powers Firearms here in Greensboro. I am getting a little excited and even JC wants to take it around the block when it gets here. Only time and targets will tell if it was the right thing to do!

Ok – Have a great start to the week and daylight savings time will be here before you know it. Remember to “FALL BACK” an hour in the Fall. A big hello to Lou in the Sunshine State. Until next Monday morning……………………………Smokem
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