December 12th Smoke Report

Weekly Trapshooting Info
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December 12th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Good morning and I hope you had a great week last week. Weather is trending towards cooler temps and the week of Christmas looks interesting for sure. Regardless I will take anyway it comes except for an ice storm.

Rockingham and Watauga hosted BIG50’s last week and I have reports from both events. Joe Nalley won the singles with a 48, Ed Gideon caps with a 44 and Allan Davis doubles with a 46. Ed Gideon won the BIGDOG pot with a 91 and Joe took HOA with a 133. Next shoot is the 20th and hopefully the weather will hold up.

It was Lil’D day at Watauga with Daniel breaking a 50 in singles, 48 in doubles and 144x150 for HOA. Will Price managed to win the caps with a 47…..They had 12 in attendance with chilly temps and thankfully the rain held off.

Two BIG50 events this week with CCLEOA and Buccaneer shooting Friday and Saturday. Hats off to CCLEOA for starting their BIG50 program and to Buccaneer for the arrival of their new PAT trap. They have two PAT traps now and that should make target presentation much better on the new machine.

The Brazilian National ATA Championship Tournament in Ponta Grossa Brazil was recently held. Lynn Gipson traveled to the event and managed to win the Non-Res singles champion in the championship singles event. Hunter Galloway pointed out to me that in Brazil they shoot no handicap events because the clubs do not have extended concrete pads. Some clubs built buildings close to the trapline and adding more concrete would be a challenge. However, plans are underway to add yardage for the caps event to be held eventually. That is right they only shoot singles and doubles in Brazil in the ATA. Also, the 16yard line is covered by a shelter like the Olympic bunker trap events.

That will do it for this week, and I hope I am not forgetting anything. Please remember Phil Berkowitz and the Cornett family in your prayers. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Tim, Bobby, Phil, Thea and Anne and until next week…..smokem
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