June 5th Smoke Report

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June 5th Smoke Report

Post by smokem »

Another great weather weekend in North Carolina and hoping it extends for the North Carolina State Shoot. Two shoots over the weekend with Durham County on Saturday and Watauga on Sunday.

Durham County shot Saturday and what a turnout. 40 singles – 29 handicap and 20 doubles entries showed up and good scores were broken. Doug Monjeau took high-gun in the singles with a 99, Greg Robinson won the handicap with 92 and Rance Boyd won the doubles with a 92. Junior shooter Gage Malone also broke a 92 and shot himself back to the 25. Congrats to all the competitors and to all that pitched in to help. At the time of this report I have no Watauga results.

T minus a few days and counting until the NC State Trap Shoot. Anyone interested in getting their name into the books will be vying to win in the championship events. The weather is looking great Wednesday through Sunday and you never can count out a bit or rain and wind. Jim Poublon (https://claytargetsse.com) will be preparing the NC State T-Shirts and I believe he does all types of shooting apparel and customizes them. The food truck I believe is Circle B BBQ and hopefully they can handle the crowd. Like I said in a previous smoke report pack a 10x10 and chairs to get a place to sit and rest out of the sun. They run the events quickly but sometimes the wait can be lengthy. I hope to make it up Thursday and look forward to it.

Please continue to remember Darrell Parham in your prayers. He is still in the hospital and has a long road to recovery. He is on and using Facebook to communicate with his friends and family. Several efforts have been made to raise money for his mounting medical bills. Also, remember Dave Shaeffer while he is undergoing treatment that really wears him down. I know Dave wants to be out shooting and we want you out also shooting Dave!

Ok that is about it and hopefully I will have more to report next week. Hopefully we won’t be worn out when we get back Sunday. Oh, John Sandell says it has been hot in Massachusetts and that their State Shoot is the same time as NC. Hello to Scott, Ronnie, Cowboy, Timber Tim, Bobbie, Fla Phil, Thea and no sand Anne until next week…………smokem
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